
It was dark. It was not a good place. He attacked him. He had a
gaping cut. It was a bad feeling. He wondered if he would ever leave. He
wondered if he would live. He wondered if he would ever look away from
those big, white, eyes…
Chapter One:Charlie
The grass was smooth. He felt a slight breeze.
He spun around and eyed the small home behind him. He slowly
crept towards it. The door was swaying in the wind. He heard a panting
noise. He froze. Two large paws smacked him in the head hard enough
that he lost a life when he hit the ground. But wait. It didn’t attack. It did the
complete opposite. It started licking him. It was a dog. A little white name
tag was hovering over it’s head.
Chapter Two: The Minecart System
“HEY!” someone yelled.
It yelled so loud he almost fell over.
He turned around and saw a villager. It was a she. She had another smaller
villager hiding behind her knees. The smaller villager looked scared.
“What’re you doing with MY DOG?”
“Sorry, I didn’t know it was yours.”
“Oh. I thought you were one of”
She shuddered and pointed to the forest.
“I don’t know who they are.”
“Well, nevermind.So… what is your name then?”
“I don’t know.”
“You don’t know your own name?”\
“Well, I”
“Hang on.” She peered above his head. “You’re name is Yolkysleet13510”
“Yolky what?”
“Yolkysleet 13510”
“Ok so, anyway, who are you?”
“So, can I call you… Sadie?”
“Yup. that’s what the NPC’s call me. Anyway, if you get to call me Sadie,
can i just call you Yolkysleet?”
“Fine.” He muttered. Her dog, Charlie, came and sniffed his leg. Wait, there
was two.
“Ahhh Oook there is two now.” He stuttered.
“It’s fine. That’s just Savannah” She stated “I think she likes y”
She was cut off by a hiss.
“That definitely was not Savannah.” Yolkysleet stated. He turned around
and looked out the window. A green face with black eyes was staring at
“I don’t”
Sadie was cut off by Yolkysleet. “Don’t make a noise.”
But Savannah was way ahead of him. “Nooo… don’t… bad kitty…” A mix of
different words was racing through his mind. But the creeper ran away.
“How’d she do that?” Yolkysleet asked.
“Well,” she sat on a block that was placed in the corner. “Ya see, creepers
are scared of… cats”
“WHAT” his mind went blank.
“Anyway…” she stared at him. “Whoamygoshwehavetogoc’monwe
go” she grabbed his arm and kicked open the door. Most of the houses
were in flames.
“What are you doing!?”Yolkysleet yelled.
“Saving you ” she snapped.
She kicked open the door to the mine.
“Why do you keep kicking open doors”
“Because my hands are full.” He followed her down the ladder.
She had her two pets in one hand and her sword in the other.
“Where are we going, anyway”
“To the minecart system. It will take us to a nearby village so we can
regroup and strike back.”
“I think that’ll be a problem”
“Look” He pointed to the leader.
“As you all can see,” Emmanuel stated. “This map shows that for a 10 mile
radius, we are the only village that has survived the bombardment from the
creeper army.”
Sadie had a mix of anger, and a glint of sadness too. “All them.
Lost their lives.” A tear streamed down her cheek, but she quickly wiped it
“Now what” Yolkysleet had about given up.
“There is still a way” She pointed to a tunnel. “Follow me.”
They walked to the tunnel and got in two minecarts.
“Where will Savannah and Charlie go?” Yolkysleet questioned.
“Umm,” she started fluttering her fingers on the blade of her sword. “Can
Charlie ride with you?”
“I’m fine with that” He said “Anyway, I like wolves better than cats.”
The minecarts slowly started. Yolkysleet was startled by the next thing he
saw. The tunnel opened into a big ravine. The ground was dotted with
villagers like flowers in a garden. There were minecart monorails
everywhere. The ground had buildings from three blocks tall and a flat roof,
to giant watchtowers and bases.
“This” Sadie paused for a dramatic effect. “Is the Underground Minecart
System. Oh! Here’s our stop.”
She pointed to a large building with what appeared to be a huge army on
top. The minecart made a huge drop that made Yolkysleet’s stomach go
into his throat.
“Oh, I forgot to warn you about that” She said sarcastically. “Anyway, they
are going to attack the creeper army, And we should help. Sooooo…”
She pushed open the doors to a big armory. Yolkysleet’s jaw dropped.
“Well,” Sadie stated “What are you waiting for? Let’s prepare for battle!”
Chapter Three: The Creeper Army Attacks
“Ughhh” Sadie watched Yolkysleet slowly gear himself up.
“Just give me a sec!” He said. “I wasn’t born a warrior”
“I wasn’t either! I just have played minecraft longer than you ”
“Calm down, guys!” Emmanuel said in an annoyed tone. They’d met him
once they had went inside the armory.
“Finally!” Yolkysleet exclaimed once he got the diamond boot on. A moment
later, it popped off again
“AHHHHHHHGGGHHGHHGGGGHH” He threw the boot at the wall.
“Oops” The boot had wedged itself into it.
“Wait.” Sadie eyed it. “It has a message in it.” She pulled the boot out and
shook out the message. “It says… TUCHULCHA”
Emmanuel looked at it. “That is the king of creepers.”
“So…” Sadie was becoming impatient.
“Let’s go!” Emmanuel exclaimed.
“I know I’ve only known Sadie for like, 4 hours, but being more impatient
than her is like breaking a world record.” Yolkysleet made a little gesture
over his head that looked like an explosion.
“Hey” Sadie elbowed him in the gut.
“Ohh” He bent over, holding his chest. “You really had to do that with armor
¨Stop being a wimp¨ She looked out the window. ¨C´mon we have to go.¨
Yolkysleet had no weapon.
“Uhh… Oh!” He reached out and grabbed an axe.
“That’ll work.”
“Ok” said Sadie “If you think so. Those are hard to control”
“For you.” He spun one around between his fingers.
“How do you do that?” She said.
“I used to be a griefer. I know how to handle these things.” Yolkysleet
gestured to the still spinning axe.
“Then stop playing with it and use it to fight!” She yelled.
“Ok, calm down.”
“Can you guys just Shut up?” Emmanuel grabbed an armor stand and
placed it in between them. “We’re supposed to be fighting the Creepers not
each other ! Now let us actually go fight!”
But it was too late. The creepers had taken over.
Chapter 4: The Village in Ruins
They climbed the ladder and walked outside. Their house was one of the
few that were left. The roof had been torn off and the remains were in
flames. Not a soul still was living. Yolkysleet realized something. “Wait.”
Both Emmanuel and Sadie turned to him. “I know this sounds crazy, but if
we wouldn’t have been arguing, and come out to fight; I think we would’ve”
He choked on his words for a second.
“Died.” Everyone was staring at the ground in confusion, but also knew
every word that came out of Yolkysleet’s mouth was true. Charlie and
Savannah both noticed the sadness in their eyes. It used to be a busy
village, green grass, tall trees, villagers everywhere; All of them living a
happy life. Now there wasn’t any vegetation, no villagers, the air was crisp
and fiery. The smell of gunpowder and smoke filled the air, at least, what
was left of it.
“Guys” Emmanuel broke the silence. “We can’t just stand here. We have to
do something. Let’s go down to the minecart system; I heard there was
three or four villages migrated there before the war. We can go grab some
weapons, a horde of angry citizens, and a plan. Trust me, creepers aren’t
smart. And if we have any chance of this, we have to go fast. I’ll explain it
to you once we get there. Now hurry, we must go fast!”
The Next Morning, 7:00
“Sadie, wake up, Wake Up, WAKE UP!”
Before Yolkysleet saw it coming, Sadie’s fist pounded into his blocky nose.
“What do you guys want” she said with her eyes shut, still half asleep.
“I want for you to not sock me in the face next time I wake you up. Does
that sound like a fair compromise to you?” Yolkysleet responded, while
holding his slightly bloody nose.
“But it’s fun” She muttered, then went back to sleep.
“Don’t worry, I’ve known her a lot longer than you.” Emmanuel walked over
to her. “Watch this” He took a deep breath.
“Ahh Die” She shot her head up and hit it on the ceiling. “Ohh..” She got up
out of bed to two laughing players.
“Ok, very funny. Emmanuel just please ”
Before she could finish, she fell on the floor and went back to sleep.
“Comon’ mom ! It’s not a school day. Just five more minutes” She rolled
over on her face again.
“Umm.. is she okay?” Yolkysleet nudged his foot into her side.
“Stop it, Savannah” She started petting his foot.
“I bet so. Just give her a second”
She didn’t wake up.
“Uggh” Emmanuel cupped his hands together. “SSSSssss”
“Creeper!” She sprung up and kicked him in the stomach.
“Ohhh. How about you actually open your eyes before you kick someone in
the stomach.”
“Ya whatever I don’t care about that stupid thing. Can you tell
us your plan now please?”
“Yes, fine.”
Both Yolkysleet and Sadie stared him down, waiting for an answer.
“You know what I told you earlier, right?”
“I wasn’t paying attention.” Sadie said.
Yolkysleet looked over at him. “I was looking at doge memes”
Emmanuel stared at him while Sadie made a gesture that he should not of
said anything.
“What’s a… Doge?” He looked around, and pointed at a tree. “Is that a
“It’s this creepy dog, but that’s not important. Tell us your plan, I wanna go
slice some creepers.”
“Fine, but listen carefully.”
Chapter Five: The Journey
Sadie looked at the perfectly happy Emmanuel, slicing
away leaves with his iron sword. The sunlight reflected off his it, making it
look like it was glowing.
“Fine we’ll stop”
Emmanuel said. “But we’re not going to the lake again. That’s why I
brought two buckets of milk and four water buckets, Oh, and some
“How’d you get those” Yolkysleet glanced at the cookies.
“I grabbed some cocoa beans off a jungle tree.”
“You know just what I like” Sadie stared at the cookies hungrily, rubbing her
hands together.
“Good” Emmanuel looked at Yolkysleet slouching on a tree and Sadie
kicking at the dirt. “It’s getting dark anyway. Let’s build a small tree house to
stay in for the night. I can explain the plan over a warm fire and some
“Sounds good to me, but”
“Fine, have one.” He tossed a cookie to Sadie.
“Gyeth” She said with a mouthful of cookie. “I’yyo do stawt biwding”
She swallowed her cookie and rushed off to find some wood.
“I’ll stay here and start a fire” Emmanuel held up a flint and steel.
“I’ll go hunt” Yolkysleet got up from the tree stump he was sitting on and
pulled his axe out of the tree beside him. He spun it around a few times and
put it on the back of his iron chestplate.
“Whoa” Yolkysleet stared off into the dark area in front of him. He pulled out
a torch and placed it on the branch he was sitting on, waiting for anything to
come out of the darkness he could pounce on and bring home for dinner.
The torch he placed flooded the area beside him with a circle of warm light.
That gave him just enough light to see into the mossy hole in the tree. He
caught a glimpse of a book hiding under a canopy of leaves. He reached
over and looked inside it. He flipped through the pages until a map flew out
and slowly floated down to the tree branch he was sitting on. It showed the
forest he was in, and then slowly lead into a snow biome. In the snow
biome, there was a huge gray fortress mounted into the ground.
He looked at it for a second, and realized it was the creeper king’s fortress.
Right as he folded it up and slowly pushed it into a loop in his belt, he saw
a cow walking by, grazing on the grass. He hated to kill innocent,
defenseless animals like this, just like the creeper army had done. But he
had to. He jumped down onto the ground and with a few swings of his axe,
the cow turned into meat and leather with a puff of white smoke.
Yolkysleet woke up and got out of his bed. Sadie was still asleep and
Emmanuel was in the small makeshift kitchen, making breakfast.
“Oh, Hey dude!” He said with a smile on his face. ‘Look what I made.”
He pointed at the small table that had three buckets of milk, some bread,
and some pumpkin pie and cake.
“Ohh, looks good” Yolkysleet sat down on a cobblestone slab just as Sadie
came into the room. She sat down beside him. Charlie jumped up on
Yolkysleet’s lap and Savannah rubbed her head against Saidie’s leg.
Emmanuel sat down across from them. “Look what I found last night, it was
in a tree.” He pulled out the map and pointed to the gray circle. “That is the
creeper king’s fortress”
“Wow that is big.” Sadie looked at it. “Emmanuel, can you tell us your
“Yes.” he pointed beside the area where they were at. “I have
NPC’s in battle armor camping out below us. Once we reach
the base, a small army of villagers will distract the army by pretending to
fight. The creeper army will think they won, then the NPC’s will bolt for the
gates while the other sevenhundred
will barricade the walls with obsidian.
Once all the villagers have gotten out, they’ll barricade the door and blow
up the TNT they had rigged under the fortress a long time ago and watch
the base crumble from the inside out. Once that’s done, the whole army will
confront the creeper king and bring balance to the world.”
Chapter 6: Confronting the Creeper King
“Sadie?” Yolysleet asked when they were gearing up. “Who was that
villager I saw hiding behind your knees?”
Her lip quivered “Was my little sister. As we were running for the
minecart system, a skeleton shot her and she died in front of my eyes”
“Whoa” Yolkysleet looked away. “I didn’t see that coming”
Emmanuel looked at the both now depressed players. “Are you guys
“Ya” Both of them replied.
“Ok then. Let’s move. I’m going to burn the base so no… unwanted guests
suspect us” He lit the base with his flint and steel and watched it slowly
“Alright come on” Yolkysleet tucked the map into his belt loop and started
“Shhh… don’t move” Emmanuel looked at Yolkysleet and Sadie. He took
out his bow and quietly notched an arrow. Zip . It hit the creeper guard
straight in the temple. It started its ignition process but stopped and fell on
the floor. “Good” He whispered. He made a hand gesture for the
soldiers to follow him. Once they had reached the gate, Sadie
ran off to help the other sevenhundred
barricade the walls.
One of the soldiers that was with Yolkysleet and Emmanuel placed a block
of TNT by the gate and quickly lit it. The main gate blew into a pile of
blocks. Everyone marched over the rubble and did what they were
supposed to do; run around like idiots and distract the creeper army.
It worked better than they thought it would. All the creepers immediately
started chasing them around, trying to ignite themselves. “Hahaha”
Surprisingly, Yolkysleet was having more fun than he ever has in the game
of minecraft. He shot an arrow at a creeper that was cornering a soldier. He
gave him a sly grin and began to swing his axes around, obliterating
anything that came in his path. He picked up all of the gunpowder off of the
ground and slung out a crafting table. He crafted a block of TNT and looked
at Emmanuel.
“What is that for?” He asked, spinning his swords around in a flurry of
purple glow from all of the enchantments he had upgraded it with.
“For this” Yolkysleet lit it and threw it as far as he could. It blew up all the
creepers in a thirty block radius. He brushed off his hands and held up a
green piece of wool. That meant it was time to run, the ignition process had
started. But it was not the creepers who were igniting, oh no, not at all. It
was the players and NPCs.
They all slid out of the gate as fast as they could. The archers who were
still up on the gate used their Elytra Wings to safely glide to the ground.
All of them hid behind the tall bluff between them and the fortress. Eight
hundred soldiers. All ready to Confront the Creeper King. The explosion
ripped all the grass off the hill they were hiding behind and made a huge
cloud of dirt and stone. The cloud stayed there for a second and then fell
on to the ground, raining dirt everywhere. Before anyone could say
anything, they were all covered in a pile of rubble. Suddenly, the pile of
rubble lifted and flew into a storm of debris. Then it broke and flew miles
and miles before hitting the ground. The Creeper King slowly levitated
down to the ground and gave a grim smile.
“It is time” Emmanuel looked him in the eyes without a hint of fear. Then
Sadie and Yolkysleet joined him. Then the rest of the army appeared
behind him, archers with their bows aimed, swordsmen ready to fight.
“AHHHHHHHHHHH” Sadie sliced one of his green legs clean off. He
flashed red, taking damage from the blow. He was rained with arrows by
the four hundred archers. The swordsmen sliced and sliced. He was down
to low health, but then he sent a shockwave out and flung the whole army
into the air. Yolkysleet managed to stab his axe into the ground, holding him
in place. Then he got back up and delivered the final blow with it.
Items rained down on the ground, there were nether stars, diamonds, gold
and Yolkysleet
walked over and picked up something. It was a chest. Not a
normal one, a rainbow one. He opened it up with Sadie and Emmanuel
looking over his shoulder. The rest of the army were picking up the stars
and ore. Sadie grabbed it and flipped it over. A rainbow axe came out, a
rainbow sword, and a rainbow.
They each picked them up and suddenly,
all of them felt a sense of power. Then Yolkysleet put his third axe on his
back and reached down to grab the last thing on the ground. Once he
placed it down. It was a portal. A pink sign appeared in front of him.
On the sign it said “Infected.”

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