
By Breanna
“Jake!” Marie yelled. “It’s time to go to school.” Jake came running so
fast into the living room it was like he was going 100 mph.
“Wow, slow down it’s not like the world’s going to end,” Marie said.
“It might,” Jake said .
“Let’s get to school,” Marie said.
On their way to school they heard screaming. Then they saw some
kids running and running they just couldn’t stop.
“Hey kids what’s going on?”
“Someone is trying to zap a kid with lightning! Run!”
Jake and Marie didn’t believe it. She thought they were just planning
to scare them. It did not work on them. Jake peeked around the bush and
they saw a boy laying on the ground.
“See he’s not really hurt.”
“Wait he might really need our help.”
“Fine you can go see if he needs our help!” Marie screamed.
“Marie,” Jake yelled. “I think he needs a doctor!”
Marie was panicking when she heard the word doctor. She did not
like the doctor at all. She was shaking and shaking. Marie was sixteen and
Jake was ten and he was not scared at all.
“ We have to help him!” Jake yelled.
Marie and Jake picked up the boy and ran to the doctor. Along the
way Marie said, “I hope you know this is not worth getting into college.”
“Well, we could be saving his life,” Jake yelled.
Jake thought to himself why does she always have to be so mean, and if
she could actually be nice for once in her life. Jake and Marie got to the
doctor. Marie said, “This boy got struck by this lightning dude.”
“Impossible,” the doctor said. “There is no such thing of
lightning dudes.”
“Hey are you a doctor or not?” Marie said.
“Hey kid what’s your name?” Marie asked.
“My name isuh
Henry,” the kid said.
“Nice name,” Marie said.
“Hey do you want to get out of this place and go catch the
lightning dude?”
Jake, Marie, and Henry got out of the building without the front office
ladies seeing them as they got out. After the kids got out they ran to the
scene where Henry got struck by lightning. Then when they got there they
saw an old rusty train. Henry said, “This was never here before when I got
struck by lightning.”
“It wasn’t, it was on the other side of town,” Jake said in a soft voice.
“Let’s go inside to see if that lightning dude is in there,” Henry said.
“No!” Marie yelled in terror. “I won’t let you go inside and risk your
Jake and Henry went inside as well as Marie. After they were all in
they suddenly heard a voice.
“So we meet again Henry,” a voice called out.
“How do you know my name?” Henry asked.
¨ Think of the doctor’s office at the front office. I´m one of the ladies
that work there. When I zapped you I realized that I had to get to work at
the doctor. After you little kids got out I overheard you talking about how
you are going to come and get me. So then I tricked the doctor saying I
wasn’t feeling good so I could get the train before you got here.¨
Then as soon as she was done talking a zap zap
went towards the
kids leaving Henry in the middle of the scene watching everything being
struck by the vicious lightning. Then the lightning hit Marie.
¨ Marie,¨ Jake yelled. “Are you ok?”
Marie started to open her eyes and mumbled, ¨Run!¨
Henry and Jake started to get to the door. Then there was another
zap. They went to the hay barrels that sent them flying. Then as soon as all
of the hay barrels landed, Henry heard a police car right outside the door.
The boys stepped out and told the policemen everything that had
A couple weeks later Marie was feeling as good as new, and they
have became friends with Henry and the lightning dude was in jail.

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