
It has been several years since Herobrine has died and was defeated by the-user-that-is-not-a-user, Gameknight999. And the entire land of minecraft is already at peace. Monsters, Users, And NPCs alike. But Gameknight feels uncertain. It was eerily quiet and was worried that a  new threat will rise. So he sent scouts as usual like every other day. To be fair, each group from every other species took turns patrolling for 3 days and nights. And surely enough, his scout troops saw an odd player that looked like a default skin but with bright white eyes that seem to be glowing…”He is back?!” He cried in panic.”We are not sure but im sure we saw him just a day ago.” The first user scout reported. “Where did you last saw him?” Gameknight asked. “Just at the forest line but to the left.” The second Zombie scout explained. Gameknight hoped Th​is day would not come. So he had to see Herobrine himself. A few days later he set of to the forest and to the location the scouts last saw Herobrine. Gameknight packed everything he need to finish the threat once and for all. A bow and arrow with his personal favorite enchantments for long range combat. A sword with sharpness III and fire aspect V, food and Armour. He finally arrived at the forest line after 2 long days. It surely has the same appearance from a few days earlier when his scouts arrived, but the big difference is its eerily foggy for several chunks, he almost cannot find the sun. Suddenly he heard a humming sound, two of them. And they ended with an enderman teleportation sound effect. Impossible. How is it an enderman could be out here in the wild when its foggy? then later, the sound began to become faster. Then he heard it behind him. He knew that it might be an enderman. So he looked behind himself. To both his fearfulness and curiosity, he saw 4 pinpoints deep in the forest. The first 2 are bright white. And the other two is purple, supposedly the eyes of an enderman. But it is quite low for a tall mob which seemed impossible. In a few moments the fog cleared out. And revealed the two figures with the glowing eyes. the both have name tags, but no server thread. He knows the first figure with the ocean-blue color. The other looked like an enderman with earphones and dressed white with the exception of his shoes. But he didn’t care about the other person. Herobrine Gameknight thought. Herobrine killed millions of innocent NPCs and fought with no mercy. So fueled with anger, Gameknight dashed to him and aimed his enchanted blade at his neck. threateningly close. “Why are you here?!” He asked in a demanding tone. “He is with me”. The enderman spoke with a commanding tone. “Look. I know you might want me dead. But i’m not the real villain here.” Herobrine explained. “How are you so sure i should believe you?” Gameknight asked. “Why not look behind you Gameknight?” The enderman said with his wide eyes looking behind Gameknight. As he turned around he saw someone who looked a bit like the enderman, but with a hood covering his head. The person has a crazed looked on him. With evil, red eyes and terribly dirty, yellow teeth. The most evil thing about him is that he had no name tag nor a server thread. And he looked like he is glitching. His evil cackle pierced the silence as he walked slowly towards the group. “You THink hERobrINe iS ThE ReaSon ThOSe DEatHs Are ACctUALly MaDe? yOu  FoOlish MorTaL.” He said with evil intent. “I KnoW Why YOu aRe HeRE. To SetTLe The JoB WIth HiM.” He threateningly said again. “Entity, We don’t have to do this. He made this into you.” The enderman said. ” Wait, you know him?” Gameknight asked him.”And who is ‘he’?”Herobrine asked as well. But the enderman ignored him. With his eyes are locked in Entity. He the drew his sword and dashed for him. His speed is incredibly fast that in made crater-like tracks on the ground. That goes the same for Entity as he glitchily drew his sword and made huge tracks of his own. They clashed their swords together, locked in combat. Both combatants fighting and making sparks with each sword block and strike. They are evenly matched. They tried to out outsmart each other by trying to teleport behind them but its no use. soon after a long airborn battle and landed back down to the ground hard making a crater, ending in a bladelock. “Herobrine! Quick i’ll hold him off! Get to safety before its too late!” the enderman said as he tried harder to block Entity’s sword with his wobbly hand. “Got it Donnie! Be careful!” Herobrine said. “Wait, who’s Do–” Gamenkight was cut off when Herobrine teleported to a safer area where its far from the battle. Donnie, fearing that Entity will kill him in an instant, teleports to a safer part of the battlefield. “You Are SuCh A CowARD BrOTHeR! AnD ThIS All yoUr FauLt! iF yoU HelPEd Me On mY CaUSe, ThIs BAttLe WoUlDn’t BE HapPeninNg! YoU woUuLD’Ve MAdE a FinE ViRUs!” Entity accusingly told Donnie as he is completely fueled with both hatred and anger. “I chose my side!” Donnie announced. “TheN WhO Are YoU TheN BroTHer?” Entity asked him. “I AM A CODE DEFENDER!” He said as he took a small block with a button. Donne pressed it and flung it to his opponent as it blinked red rapidly. And Just in the right moment, the small block exploded like an active TNT then teleported to Herobrine’s and Gameknight’s location, away from the battle. Entity filled with rage, yelled a high pitched scream that echoed the entire landscape.
i will take over the entire intire coded universe and i will kill you and the entire coded rebellion division! If that is the last thing i do!!!

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