
Gameknight spawned in the middle of a wasteland. All around him were stony mountains, canyons, and cobblestone towers. This was not the original spawn. He felt a sense of fear build up in his stomach. He looked around for anything, but there was nothing there. This baron landscape seemed as if it went on forever. But then something caught his eye. He looked at it. It was two players named FrogMc, and Camper_Guy both in enchanted diamond armor. They both wielded enchanted diamond axes and a shield with a strange emblem on it. The emblem was black and grey and looked like a gear behind a cross. It reminded him of the Swedish flag, only different in the fact that it was black and grey. He realized that they could explain to him what went on.

He closed his eyes and imagined he was typing, striking the ‘H’ key and then the ‘E’ key and so on. When he finished, he could see a text to his left stating: “Hey guys, what happened here?” The players looked around and found him. They started walking towards him, climbing the stone hills to get to him. When they reached him, the left one, FrogMc struck him in the stomach with his axe sending him flying across the landscape. He hit the ground with a thud. Slowly getting up, he felt a very sharp pain in his stomach. He looked at the players running at him. He thought about how amusing it was to see a frog with diamond gear running at him. Remembering what their intentions were, he started running. The valley ahead was really troubling to navigate through as it had many towers there. Finally, Gameknight found a clearing. He looked ahead and began to walk a little slower. Looking at the ground he saw that he was on the ledge of a cliff. He immediately stopped as to not fall of into the abyss below. He looked behind him and he was shocked to find the players right behind him. There was nowhere to run. The players reassured that in the chat. He looked down into the canyon and saw a tint of blue. He was pretty sure that it was water, but not completely sure. The players slowly came closer with their axes drawn. He made the decision. He ran into the canyon and jumped.

to be continued

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