
Gamenight999 found Crafter, Hunter, and Stitcher battling endermites. Hunter was battling what looked like a Mutant endermite. “I’ve got to help them” Gameknight said. “Charge” he said  as he destroyed a endermite. When he got to Hunter she had almost got crushed by the Mutant endermite. “Where were you?” Hunter asked as she hit a endermite “I was by my hidey hole when I saw smoke in the village.” said Gameknight as he hit the endermite.

By the time morning  came all of the endermites were killed except the Mutant endermite which was trapped in one of the tunnels. “What is Your Name endermite?” Gameknight asked.” Enderbite ”  replied the endermite “and I will Destroy you.” he said as he jumped right on Gameknight. Then something weird happened. Gameknight found himself in his bed in the hidey hole. “Thank goodness that was only a dream” Gameknight said as morning stuck on the world.

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