
The Bad Elf Invasion

By: Evan

One day there was an evil elf named Dr. Vanderbolt who wanted to take over the world. He made
a toy that shot bolts that made elves evil. Dr. Vanderbolt looked at the steel toy and saw an evil man with
yellow teeth, dirty clothes, and a bunch of scars. “Soon I will take over the world!” Dr. Vanderbolt said as
lightning was flashing in the background and it was snowing like crazy.
So he wheeled the cart out that held the toy. He wheeled the toy up to an elf. Then he zapped
him. ZAPPP!!!!!! “I’m going to take over the world.”
“Okay take this and zap every other elf.”
“Okay boss,” said the elf. So the elf wheeled the toy out and zapped the walls, the ceiling, and
the elves. He zapped all of the elves, or so he thought.
Maker, the tiny little redheaded
elf, who could not even make a candy cane, saw Dr. Vanderbolt
zap the first elf and jumped into a pile of stuffed animals. He thought he peed his pants he was so
After about an hour, he peeked out. It was a trashy place. Then he heard something. It was like
a muffled help. He looked toward the voice. It was Santa !!!!! He was tied up!!! He started to get out but
Santa shook his head no. Why did santa shake his head no, he wondered?
Then he saw it. All the elves were behind the nearest wall. I must come up with a plan, he
thought. I can’t make a toy, so I must come up with a distraction.
So Maker came up with a plan. He would throw a stuffed animal, then run and untie Santa. He
would grab the toy and zap the elves.
Off he went! Boom! Crash! Then the last step, Zappp! Success!
“Thanks,” said Santa. “I’ll now teach you how to make a toy, HO HO HO!’’

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