
The Portal

By Houston


Chapter one

The bank

It was a sunny, 98-degree day in Scottsdale, Arizona. Jack was at Pinnacle Bank preparing to deposit his hard-earned money into the bank. He had sweat running down into his bright blue eyes. His dark brown hair was messed up and it made him look like a porcupine. But one thing that he didn’t know while he was depositing his money in the drive-up window, he was not aware that the bank was also being robbed! The bank was being robbed by Jarred, a really bad man. Jarred shoved Jack out of his Chevy truck and drove away.


Chapter two


Will, the chief of police shouted , “Vic, Get Jack,  he just robbed the bank.”

“NO, he didn’t do it!” yelled Vic, the deputy of police.

”Yes he did, arrest him!”

“It wasn’t me,”Jack yelled.

“Take him to jail,” Will demanded.

When Jack was going to jail in the police car,  he got his handcuffs off, and then he punched  Will. Will lost control and crashed. Jack was running away and then he got tased. When Jack woke up, he was in jail.

A couple weeks later everybody was picking on him in jail. He made a friend, named Zeke. Zeke had a hat that had a skateboard on it and light green eyes. They became best friends.


Chapter Three

The Plan

One day Jack and Zeke were just walking in the beaming prison yard. One of Zeke’s old friends came up to Jack and pushed him to the ground. Then he told Zeke, “That would not have happened if you would have still been in the gang.”

Zeke said to Jack, “Sorry, that was one of my old gang members.”

“He’s just jealous,“ Jack said quietly.

“Sometimes I just want to escape!”

“No way, I’ve been thinking the same thing.”

“Then let’s just do it,” they whispered. So they made a plan to escape.


Chapter Four

The escape   

They waited for night to come peering down on them. Then Zeke got the sturdy pliers that one of his gang members gave him. Then they went into the vents. Zeke knew the way out because one of his gang members got out through the vets.

They got outside and cut the fence.

In the morning, Will asked, “Where are Jack and Zeke!”

Will looked into Jack and Zeke’s cell and the vent was open. Will thought to himself, oh man, this couldn’t have happened. Then Will looked outside. He saw the hole in the fence, so he ran inside and pulled the escape alarm.


Chapter five

The Chase

Will was following the footprints in the soggy muddy mess. Will and his troops followed the footsteps.

Jack and Zeke ran away from the prison. They stopped to take a rest in an abandoned mine, because they were running for about two hours. All of a sudden, they heard clanking, and smashing. They got nauseous and fell asleep. They woke up on the wet soggy grass.

Zeke said, “Is this a dream?”

Then he saw Jack in the distance and he ran as fast as he could run. He hugged Jack as tight as he could.

After that, Jack  whispered to Zeke,  “What is that animal?”  Suddenly,  these black and white creatures with red needles on them appeared and said, “Get off the Zeanels land!”

The Zeanels came jumping down on them and Jack yelled, “RUN!” They got trapped.

After that  the Zeanels shot Jack with their poison darts. He got back up and saw the Zeanel’s leader that had six black and red poison darts and black eyes. He shot Jack again right in the nose then fell to the ground and didn’t get back up.

Zeke saw Will and Vic, so Will punched Zeke in the face. Zeke blacked out. The Zeanels threw a cage made of bamboo on Will and Vic, and they were trapped.

Chapter  six

Zeanel’s jail

Jack woke up and saw Will. He started to run. While he was running Jack wasn’t watching where he was going. Then SMASH! Jack ran right into the wall. Jack blacked out again. When he woke up, he saw Vic and Zeke holding Will back.

A Zeanel said, “Which one of you are we going to kill first?”

Jack looked up and saw a Zeanel.

Jack mumbled,  “That’s a joke, right?”

“Nope, that’s at least what my boss said.”

Then the Zeanels took Jack, Will, Vic, and Zeke in a bamboo cage to a volcano structure that had black spewing lava and a red shell.

Jack said, “Please no! I’ll give you anything.”

“How about your friend’s gold ring?” the Zeanel king said.

Then Zeke yelled,“This gold ring?”

“Yes,” said the Zeanel king.

“This ring was passed on for several centuries.”

“Just do it. Would you rather get killed and have your gold ring burn, or not get killed and give your ring and we can steal it back?” Jack said.

“Ok!” Zeke yelled.

Then Zeke whispered to Jack, “I won’t have to give this ring. I made a plastic ring that looks exactly like my gold one when I was five.”  Zeke gave the plastic ring to the Zeanel king then the Zeanel king let them go and right before  Zeke left, Zeke said, “Bye Zeanel king.”

The Zeanel king said, “Don’t call me Zeanel king, call me Jeff.”

When Jack closed the door Jeff, the Zeanel king came running out and said,

“Wait I have to come with you. It is a horrible world out there.”

“Ok,” Jack said. “Just let me go and tell my people that I am leaving and Carl will be their new leader.”


Chapter  Seven

The Ride

They started walking and then Vic started prancing along and he got trapped by Jeff’s trap. Jeff  looked at the tree and said,  “Sunu,” and Vic fell, smash!

“How did you do that?” Jack said.

“It’s the latest technology.” Then a red spear came flying down right in front of Jeff and Jeff licked it and said, “Carimaras! Duck for cover! The Carimaras are deadly creatures ,and you can’t see them. I have had one glimpse of one, they are red with black wings ,and razor sharp teeth.”

Chapter  eight

Battle of the Century’s

“Move move over to this Rock. We have to jump,” Jeff yelled.

“Jump into what?” said Jack.

“ That waterfall,” Will said. POW!

“They’re bringing cannons,JUMP.”

“No we fight till we die,” Will yelled.

“Where’s Jack,” Zeke said.

“I’m right here,” Jack said with a raging voice.

“I’ll save you,” Zeke yelled!

“AWWW.” Jack YELLED! Then everyone saw Jack fall into the deep dark waterfall.

“NOOOO,” Zeke said sadly.


Chapter  nine

Finding Jack

AWWW!, “Why is there two separate tunnels? The left one says go this way and you will be free, and the next one says go this way, and you will be stuck. I’m going to go into the left one.” splash! Jack fell into this pool of fish. They were white, with RAZOR sharp teeth and I landed right in the middle of them. They yelled, “A huma! Run!” and they swam down until Jack could not see any of them. But as soon as Jack touched the water he swam onto land as fast as he could. Jack heard a sound.  It sounded like knocking, so he turned around and then he saw Jeff, Vic, Zeke, and Will. “I’m stuck!” Yelled Jack.


“I know Jack,” Jeff said. Jack punched the wall and then fell down on his knees and one lonely tear ran down his face.

Chapter Ten

Finding A Way Out

Jack was gathering things that Jeff said to gather. “Grab that stick and tie that together to that other stick.”

“This is not working so well,” Jack said.

“Yes it is,” Jeff said with a confident voice.

“Never mind,”  Jeff said.

“NO I am not giving up,” Jack said.

“Give me something sharp to cut some wood,” Jack said.

” Ya, that’s the spirit! Here’s a sharp piece of metal,” Jeff yelled excitedly.

“Where did you get that?”

“Oh, I’ve had it since we left my kingdom. It’s some type of sacred metal that never breaks,” Jeff said.

“Ok throw it over,” Jack said.

“Wait, make sure you back up Jack. You don’t want to get hit by that sharp piece of metal,” Vic said.

“Ok throw it over, Jeff,” Jack said.

“Get cutting then,” Jeff said.

“Ok,” Jack said. One hour went past.

“Ok, I got the wood cut and made a ladder. Now it is time to climb it.”


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