
Saving the Elves for Christmas

By Blake

One day there was a kid named Chip and his brother
Chamber were outside on the day before Christmas .
Then his friends Amber, Louis, and Kate came over and
asked if they wanted to play a snowball fight . Then Chip
said, “Sure,” and they played. Then Chip saw something in
the sky.
He said, “Look guys, what is that?” It came closer
and closer until it hit the ground. Bang! A guy came out
and the guy was Santa and all nine reindeer.
Santa said, “So some evil Santa splashed my elves
with some evil potion and I have no idea what to do.”
Chip said, “Maybe we should find a guy to make us a
Santa asked, “Who can make us a potion?” Then
Santa asked, “What kind of potion? Arrow and splash
potions of elf joy?”
Louis said, “Let’s go to Brewer the brewer.”
“What are we waiting for? Let’s go! Hop into the
sleigh !!!
Then Santa said,“Go,” to all Nine reindeer and they
were off! Amber gave directions and five minutes later they
were at Brewer’s.
Chip said, ”Let’s go and ask Mr. Bewer if he could
make an elf potion.”
So they asked.
“I can, but you have to get me these four ingredients:
nether wart, elf DNA, nether star, and an end egg, ok?” Mr
Brewer said.
Santa said, “Ok.”
Then Mr. Brewer said, “I have a nether portal and an
end portal in back. I also have armor and stuff in that
chest for the end and the wither.”
Then Santa asked for a “bottle” and they split up.
Then mr Brewer said, “I have six sacks of arrows for the
elf attack.”
Chip said, “Amber and I go to the nether, Kate and
Chamber nether star, and Santa and Louis, elf DNA. Then
later we all go to the end to kill the ender dragon.”
So Chip and Amber entered the nether and then they
walked around. Chip said, “Look, there’s one up there.”
Then Chip asked, “Do you still have that pickaxe on
Amber said, “Yes I do.”
let’s make a path” then they made a path and when
they got up there there were four then
Amber said ,”let’s go” back . So Santa and Louis are at the
North Pole and Santa was sneaking up on a elf and then
he notested it was Joly and Joly jumped on him and
said “Santa I did not get splashed” .
Then Santa said ,“Ok” and then said we need elf
deanay. Why asked Joly
“to save the elfs “. Then Joly said
,“Ok” let’s go. So then they sneaked up on a elf and
priced him then taped its mouth shut then they put the
blood in the bottle.
Then Santa said ,“let’s go”. Kate and Chamber was
fighting the wither bang he blew up and then they fought
him 76 hits later he dies then they get the nether star then
meet with the other and they get the armor on and go and
start to fight the ender dragon then 100 hits later he finally
dies then they go back and Brewer makes them potions
and stuff and then they fight the elves . So they get to the
North Pole and fight the elves they walk in and Santa said
attack and arrows and splash potions were flying
everywhere and then all the elfs are better than Santa
deletes the evil Santa Vander from the server.


the end or is it?

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