
Animal Army

Booooom! The palace blew up into a million pieces. They sprang out of there and took off running. Then the group thought what would happen if they would have never snuck out.
5 days earlier……..
the beginning

“Err err” the sound of robots in the murky forest was annoying to Lt. Chamo and Lt. Leon.(They are both chameleons.) Chamo and Leon were on patrol alone and their general did not know it but 6 robot scouts were trying to ambush. The two Lt.s cocked their squirt guns aiming behind a log with their little plastic scopes.

“I’m going in,” Leon whispered.

“No you will lose your camouflage from all that water from enemy fire,” Chamo complained. Leon did not even listen he just ran to the robots. He looked back as he ran. Then he ran even faster and never looked forward. And as he went faster obviously he did not know where he was going so he and ran right into the robots! He was out of camouflage and he was rubbing his head. The robots were startled. So startled that they grabbed Leon and ran to their ship. Chamo was firing his squirt gun repeatedly but it did not do anything. Leon was captured. When their ship flew away Chamo cried and went to bed….. or did he?


The mission

When everybody was sound asleep, Chamo was getting his squirt gun refilled. He was going on a mission to save his friend. He sneaked to room 402 where Parakeet Pete, his flying favorite friend, sleeps. He went in.

“Pete….Pete.” Chamo whispered.

“Whaaat!” Pete mumbled.

“Wake up and fill your squirt gun! We’re going on a mission.”

With that said, Chamo rushed to room 234 and woke up the special ops serval ( It is a type of cat look it up.) and told him the same news. And in a few short minutes he and his friends snuck out of their base in the middle of the forest.

” So what mission are we going on exactly?” Special ops serval asked. ( His nickname is Slicky.)

” The mission is to save Leon from Robob’s superior army.”

” Why do we have to pick on the guy with the reddest eyes in the planet!” Parakeet Pete complained.

“Because he stole our friend!” Chamo yelled with a depressed voice.

“Let’s go guys so we can get there faster!” Slicky demanded. So they ran in the dark dark forest and set up camp for the night.


First day fugitives


As they woke up the sun was blinding their eyes. As they ate the little crackers that Parakeet Pete brought, they heard a little CRACK.

”What was that!” Parakeet Pete squawked with a mouthful.

“Hide.” Chamo whispered. They ran to their secret hiding places. Slicky in the log, Chamo in the tree and Pete flying over head in the top of the tree. Then a rustle then a crack and then……… a raccoon popped out of the bush. Squeak squeak. he ran away looking startled? “That was strange.” Pete whispered. “What was tha…” ” WHO GOES THERE!” The voice made a earthquake in the ground. The man with the voice walked forward closely but wait a minute there is MORE. Five no six soldiers with greenish brown gear. Chamo whispered ” That’s the general stay hidden!”  The soldiers looked right then left and down and oh no they saw Pete! All 6 of them shooting up and Pete did his only defense. He pooped his little bird droppings in their faces. Distracting them as the three ran away.




As they ran as fast as they can they found this little paradise. Population 0 now 3.

“Let’s set up camp for the night.”  They set the tent up and went to bed. All the soldiers dancing in their heads. Shooting their muddy squirt guns at the robots and then coming up to the top in the end then Chamo thought of something and he thought of something great.


The bold idea


In the morning Chamo was so excited to share his dream. He kept poking his friends to wake them up. “What!” They both yelled in annoyance.

“I got the best idea ever!”

“Share on.” Parakeet Pete exclaimed.

“So what if we could make booby traps out of the grasses and the bark on the trees? So once we get to the palace of Robob we can capture them smartly and since we are in the middle of the forest no one would hear us testing.”

“That’s great!” They both exclaimed so they got to work.

“Oh wait.” called Pete. Can we do it in a montage?”

“Yes yes we can.”
Construction montage


Clatter clatter the three friends went to work. Ripping off bark and pulling on grasses getting all the materials needed for the booby traps.

” Ooooo I will use this this vine as a lasso!” Slicky exclaimed.

” Aaa ha I will use this as a leg clamp!” Pete yelled.

” I will use these as mud grenades!” Chamo shouted.

        Thank you for joining this brief construction montage!


As soon as they were done they picked one of everything to test. They set up wooden dummies as targets. Slicky tossed his lasso SNAP it broke.

“ Time to make it stronger!” He yelled excitingly. Pete threw his leg clamp like a frisbee and it snapped the target’s chest.

“ Direct hit!” Pete shouted. And then………… BOOM! Chamo slinged his mud grenade at the target and it exploded everywhere. So after the test they made more and more of the traps. And even some new ones like BOOMarang and the mossy missile. And then eventually they went to sleep.



Once they woke up they kept on moving and as they walked through the forest they ran into little signs nailed to trees.  One read in bold letters WANTED Chamo, Parakeet Pete, and special ops serval. Slicky tore it down in rage. Then another popped out and it read congrats: celebrate the victory of the capturing of Leon from the animal army. Where: robots palace. When: Tomorrow morning to Tomorrow night. See ya there! “We have to sneak into this.” Chamo wondered. “But how?”


The plan


“Oh I know how!” Exclaimed Slicky.

“So we will hide in a bush by their walkway and once three fancy men walk past we will pounce on them and wear their special suits so we can get in without being captured by robob and his army. “

“So we are breaking in by disguise?” Pete questioned.

“Yes yes we are.”


The break in


After 1 day of boring traveling they made it to the palace. In a bush like Slicky planned. And as three fancy men went by BAM they pounced on them like a lion on a antelope. And as they put on their new suits they hid their traps in the conveniently giant pockets. Way larger than themselves. So once they walked to the entrance there was a little line. There was a detector guarded by two robots saying if the suits were real or fake. Then after 5 long minutes it was their turn. They thankfully all passed and once they got in there was two sets of stairs. One going up with a sign saying PARTY and one going down that was dark and infested with cobwebs. They obviously went down the one with cobwebs. So once they climbed down to the end of the stairs there was a sign in scary letters yelling TURN BACK so they kept on going forward. Then there was one more sign that read……

Wave 1


They stepped a few steps back then they began to run forward then beep beep beep beep beep beep beep. A siren was going off through the whole palace the party guests ran out to evacuate leaving only Chamo, Pete,  Slicky and one robot army.   The gang heard clanging metal footsteps  growing closer and closer to them. They each cocked their squirt guns. They hid in the closest corner by the door so once they walked in they would be shoot and shorted out. Then bang one after one of the robots kept going in. There was too much. Chamo threw his water bottle that he was drinking with the the cap off. The water spilled on the robots making them short out. Time for…..


Wave 2
The group ran to the next room labeled THE JUNGLE and for good reasons. The whole room was covered in vines and plants. The roof was a hundred feet  up in the air. Then BOOM a green blob came charging toward them and as  soon as it was three feet away Slicky grabbed his lasso and his friends and shouted up and hung from a vine. The blob was jumping up but it could not reach them so they worked on climbing their way to the exit with the blob following under head and then snap one of Pete’s leg clamps fell out of his pocket right on the blob causing the blob to turn into a green lake.

“Gross!” Pete exclaimed. So they tugged away on the vine. Just in time for…

The last wave


As they excitedly left the jungle they were amazed to see a sign that read ROBOB’S OFFICE. They got their mossy missiles at the ready, Slicky opened the door slowly to see that there was one hundred robots inside! They shot their missiles and 75 of them fell to the ground. as there was 25 more left Pete kept throwing his leg clamps which chomped them down one by one but the robots kept shooting their squirt guns and those leg clamps were slow in attacking them. The dark robots kept trotting forward to them. Then Chamo shouted.

“One out of ten!” And threw a mud ball. They were all shorting out on the dark brown floor then as the group walked in they saw a robot with red eyes and sitting on a throne. Yep you guessed it Robob just sitting there staring at them with his red beady eyes.

“You know…” Robob was interrupted by the grasp of the lasso. He was all tied up. “Where’s Leon!” Chamo asked. “Right here.” A voice exclaimed from behind them.         ” Leon where were you budd.” Chamo was interrupted by Leon’s fire. Ya that’s right Leon just shot Chamo.

” Trader!” Slicky yelled while shooting Leon in the eye. They tied Robob in the palace. Then Pete threw the nine mud balls and the palace blew up in a million pieces.




When Chamo  was buried his family, Slicky and Pete watched crying at their lost soldiers. Taps was playing softly in the background.

“Any last words.” The priest whispered.

“He was a good soldier and a even better of a friend.” Pete answered.

“Thank you.” The priest softly whispered.

“The funeral is over thank you for coming.” Fireworks were going in the sky in honor of the lost friend and once Pete and Slicky walked back to their car they thought what would happen if they had never snuck out?


The future


Pete’s future: Pete started a bird spy group and was general of the best spies in the group he trained them to be the most legendary spies in the world. And when he retired he won first place in the national ping pong tournament. He had four kids and eight grand kids. He also broke the record for the most built traps in 1 game of paintball. He made 102 and used every single one of them. Pete then decided to sign up to be the general of his own army called CHAMO. They have saved the world multiple times.

Slicky’s future: He became the first cat to win the longest hardest obstacle course and finish in one piece and in his retirement he coached a little league baseball team that his four grandsons play in.  They won 6 championships and played in the little lions national baseball tournament. They went to the finals and won it. They were named the most valuable baseball team in the world. Slicky is now named the best serval in the world from all his sports trophies including football, track and field and hockey.

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