

May B. was just a normal girl on the farm. Of course since she was a girl
she couldn’t help out, but that was about to change, all because of her.
Although I have to say it doesn’t happen very easily especially since she
couldn’t help on the farm, only boys like her brother could help. She has to
go to school instead, but she was having trouble so her parents sent her to
a teacher who could help her. The catch was she would have to move to
New York. She had to move to a whole different state.

Chapter 1

As my mom leaves all I can think to say is… that’s it nothing. All I
could think to do was run, so that’s just what I did. I ran. I ran as fast as I
could, not even thinking about food, or water, or survival. When I woke up I
found myself in a ditch with an old man sitting next to me. He started
moving closer, so I ran and I only paused for a moment when I tripped on a
root of a tree. Then he asked me, “ Why are you scared of me?”
“Well, you only come out at night. It’s kind of scary.”
“I don’t like to see a lot of people, and I don’t think people like to see
a lot of me.”
“Maybe you’re wrong.”
“No, no I’m not wrong.”
“ What happened that you think that no one wants to see you?”
“In 1991 there was a break in. Have you ever heard about Johnny
Bond death? He was my son during a break in, he and my wife were
brutally murdered.”The girl shivers as if she is cold, but they both knew it
wasn’t that.

Chapter 2

Early that morning May heard foot steps outside of the tent, so she took
the bat she so happened to have in her bag, and walked outside to see the
old man sitting by the fire.
“Sorry if I woke you.”
“How did you build the fire in the rain?”
“I found a old sheet and hung it in the trees.”The girl nodded her head
thinking that if they could find a sheet what else could they find.
“I’m gonna go for a walk.”As she strugled in the mud on the bottom
of the creek she doesn’t notice that someone or something as in the tree,
but she was getting tired so May decided to take a break/zzz.When May
wakes up to find that a pile of wood and bricks right by her side in a little
red wagon she yanks the wagon with all her might then jumps on to fall with
the wagon down the hill.
“COMING IN HOT!!”Mary yelled as she hit the fire with a loud BANG,
“why are you looking at the fire?”She figured he would be very mad if she
told him so she thought it all ended out fine so why should I tell him.The
next day Mary found out why she should have told him.

Chapter 3

“Hello who’s there?”Mary asked once again holding her bat in her
“I’m who you called the old man’s wife and this is his son Johnny.”
“That’s not possible his wife and son are dead.”
“We needed him to think that the cops thought that he was a
murderer but I didn’t know how to tell him I faked me and my son’s death
and we just now found out that he wasn’t.”
“Chris can you come here?” Mary murmurs so the old man walked
out she could tell that he was surprised to see them standing there.
“I thought you were dead.”
“I know I needed you to think that the police thought that you were a

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