
Gameknight999 stepped out of his hidey hole and knew instantly something was wrong. In the distance, he could see a column of smoke billowing up into the sky like a long ashen finger pointing up to the heavens.

/oh no,/ Gameknight thought, /that’s where Crafter’s village is at!/

Checking his inventory, he started to sprint towards the village. As he ran, he glanced up at the sun. The square yellow face was starting to sink behind the horizon. He knew he couldn’t get to the village before dark. Gripping his sword tight, he readied himself for the battle that was sure to come as he ran across the landscape of Minecraft.

Suddenly purple particles blurred Gameknights vision. The screeching laughter of the enderman king ringed in his ears.
“Feyd,” Gameknight groaned, squinting. Then his vision cleared, and there, right infront of him, was Feyd, sitting atop his menacing Ender-Horse.sheathing his trusty diamond enchanted sword, Gameknight tried to look more confident than he felt.

“what do you want, Feyd?” asked the-user-that-is-not-a-user, concentrating on making sure his voice didn’t crack.
“oh what what do I want, ‘Gameknight999’ is revenge. The death of The Maker shall be avenged!” Just as Feyd was in mid-strike, a voice came from behind the enderman king.
“Not so fast!” It was Hunter. She must of seen them from this far away and came to help.”take this!” Just as Feyd spun round, Hunter stabbed him in the chest. Feyd screamed out in pain, anger boiling up inside him.
“Block them in!” Feyd ordered his warriors, pointing a square, jet black finger at Gameknight and Hunter. The warriors did as they were told and made a close circle around them.

“We will finally get you, Gameknight.” Feyd said the user-that-is-not-a-user’s name with particular disgust.

Just then, growling came from behind the surrounding endermen-zombies.
/just great./ Gameknight thought bitterly, gritting his teeth. And to make things even worse for Gameknight and Hunter, guess who decided to fly in-

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