
“Stay back . . . we don’t need to fight,” the virus said. “We can still stop the

violence and work together. Everything is different now after the Awakening. We can

sculpt Minecraft into any shape we want.” He took a cautious step forward and lowered

his sword. “We can choose peace instead of violence.”

Smithy paused for a moment, his sword dipping slightly. The virus could tell that

the NPC was considering this . . . maybe they could create a world of peace. The monsters nearby stopped their fighting, as well as some villagers stopped as well, also considering of what the virus had said to Smithy. Smithy’s sword has now disappeared into his inventory and turned and stared at the NPCs and signaled for them to put down their weapons, the virus turned and gave them a smile and also motioned for them to stand down and stop fighting. The virus nodded and smiled at Smithy, and he did the same but his smile wasn’t wide enough. One of the villagers on the other hand still had his sword out and staring at him with his hateful eyes.

The NPC wore a light brown smock with a white stripe running down the middle. He was a large villager, bigger than the most, but not the biggest in the village, The villager had salt and pepper black hair ringing on the sides of his square head, leaving the top completely bald. A angry scowl painted on his face as with a small tear on his cheek.

This concerned the virus so he pointed at the NPC, Smithy turned and his feint smile turned to concerned as well.

“Fencer, whats wrong?” Smithy asked, his voice almost sad. There was a slight pause until Fencer answered and turned and glared at Smithy.

“It was because of him, that did this,” Fencer pointed at the virus, the virus looked down with guilt, knowing what has happened and felt a little blossom of anger within himself, it wasn’t anger against others but on himself, he took a step back thinking if this could have gone differently if someone has not been killed.

“His companions killed my father!” Fencer growled, rage within his eyes. Smithy turned to look at the virus, the virus looked up, with a single square tear down his cheek as well., Smithy’s expression seemed to look like he was disappointed or sad or even angry, it was like he was thinking whether or not to do something. Smithy turned and walked over to Fencer and slowly pulled Fencer’s sword down.

“It was an accident, and it was a misunderstanding, I’m sure we can somehow fix this.” Smithy replied, his voice almost audible to hear. The virus looked up and walked up to Smithy and Fencer, being cautious of the swords.

“Yes, we can find out a way to figure out peace. I can fix my mistakes and…….”

“How will you bring my father back?” Fencer snapped. This caused the virus to stop and think, suddenly, he came up with an idea.

“Anyways, who are you anyway? And where did you………..” suddenly we was silenced when the virus’ hands started to glow a bright golden yellow, and plunged his hands into the

grass floor. The virus focused on his powers and focus on Fencer and his father, even though he didn’t know his father, he will try his best to bring him back from the digital grave.


Chapter 2


Closing his eyes, the virus focused on Fencer and try to imagine his memories, and a slight foggy memory of his father appeared. The virus opened his eyes and smiled and looked up at Smithy and Fencer, confusion and fear on their faces. Looking back down, the virus pulled on the lines of code and undid the death of Fencer’s father, it seems his father was a librarian. He put in the original code of Librarian in and opened his eyes as his eyes glowed a faint white and went back to its normal black color. The grass glowed gold and lead to a nearby tree and sculpting it into the size of a villager. the virus stood and took his hands out of the ground and looked at the glowing NPC and back at Fencer and smiled. Fencer seemed confused and slowly walked cautiously toward the glowing figure and stood at least five blocks away from the golden figure. As the golden light faded, Fencer yelled out with happiness and hugged Librarian tightly when he recognized him.

The virus smiled proudly and looked at the others, the monsters looked in shock and others smiled and moaned and others hissed and jumped with their pig-like legs. The NPCs celebrated and hugged each other as if they now have a savior in their community, Smithy on the other hand stared at the virus and smiled, his warm smile made him more courageous. Fencer walked back to the village and smiled as he walked along side with Librarian, a look of confusion on his square face.

“What happened? Why are there monsters here? And who is this?” Librarian pointed at the virus, causing the virus to think of a name.

“don’t worry father, they helped us bring you back from the dead, especially him,” Fencer gestured to the virus, still a faint distrust in his eyes. “He used some kind of power to bring you back, thanks to him. But yes, who are you anyway?” Fencer said softly to the virus. The virus snapped back into reality.

“w-what?” the virus said, stammering just a little.

“I said who are you?” Fencer replied with the smallest of smiles.

“oh… um… I am not quite… too sure who I am…” still stammering, the virus took a step back to think.

“Wait you don’t have a name?” Smithy said, walking up to the virus.


“Did you just appear here?” Smithy asked again, a voice of concern in his voice.

“Well, I just appeared here and then I just felt like I was… alive.” the virus said. “Is that bad?”

“That’s called spawning into a server, like you were born on this server with a purpose. It seems you do have appeared here for a reason, maybe… saving Minecraft from violence?” Smithy said with a smile. The virus thought of what he said and started to come up with a name, and the only name he came up with was… Herobrine.

“Herobrine?” The virus said confidently with a unsure ease in his voice.

“Perhaps,” Smithy replied, his blocky fingers on his chin thinking.


“Brine!” a child-like voice said from the crowd. The villagers made way for a little girl walking up to Brine, grabbing his hand and jumped up and down with excitement. Brine smiled and kneeled down to the girl. She had golden blonde hair reaching down to the middle of her back, her bright blue eyes filled with excitement. She wore a pink smock with a yellow stripe going down the middle, a huge smile across her face. Brine smiled back and looked at what she was holding, it was a carrot in her hand, offering it to him. Brine took the carrot and brushed the girl’s hair.

“Planter, you are a genius! Smart little girl, that’s a wonderful name.” Fencer exclaimed, Librarian smiled.

“Maker, issss there peace?” Said a spider.

“Yes, there is, and it will always be peace and no violence.” Brine said turning to the monsters. “There is no need for violence, we will be a community and stay together and work with one another, I would love to help out the village and improve this Minecraft world.” Brine said, his voice rising in volume for all to hear.

“Together, we are a community!”


Here is chapter two! all credits for you Mark.

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