
There was nothing. Literally nothing. It was a gaping hole in the ground. Gameknight closed his eyes, and thought about what had happened there. He could almost hear the screams of the NPCs who must have died here. It was strange… it sounded like they were calling his name. “Gameknight! GAMEKNIGHT! DOWN HERE! LOOK BELOW YOU!” He opened his eyes and looked in the pit. Surprisingly, there were villagers down there! And there were only two villagers in the whole of Minecraft with red hair like that.
“Hunter! Stitcher! Hold on! I’m coming down!” Gameknight grabbed a stack if dirt from his inventory and slowly made his way down. Block by block, slowly but surely. When he reached the bottom, Hunter immediately said,
“Took long enough to figure out we were down here.” Gameknight replied playfully,
“Well, it certainly seems that you two are all right. Where are the others?” By others, he meant, Crafter, Herder, Digger, his kids, and all the other members of the village. But to be fair, he was mostly talking about Crafter. They had been friends for a long time, and it would kill Gameknight if Crafter got hurt and he wasn’t around to stop it. Hunter paused, but Stitcher continued,
“Yeah… they all kinda got captured and taken to the Nether as prisoners by your favorite mob Erebus. He kinda came back from the dead and wants revenge on you for defeating him.” Gameknight’s jaw hung open.

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