
“Gameknight, maybe Xa-Tul was right. You are a fool.”

Gameknight blinked and took the slightest step back, casting a glance down at who sat down before him, back against the wall inside the makeshift prison Builder had manage to build with the iron bars Crafter had given him. She had spoken for the first time since her capture, and her first words involved one of Herobrine’s creations, which wasn’t a good first impression. “What-”

Inside a girl sat, a void look on her face. Other than a sad frown sketched across her lips, her eyes told nothing as she stared outside the cell, past the User-that-is-not-a-user, and at the wall.

“You are a fool,” she said slowly.

Gameknight narrowed his eyes. “I-”

The mysterious creature interrupted him once more, which was already beginning to tick Gameknight999 off. “You and the other villagers, they outcast what they don’t understand. Witches, they’re villagers too. Just different. Mobs, they have lives too. They care about their family, they care about each other even if it doesn’t seem like so most of the time,” the girl clenched her fists by her side.

A door opened behind Gameknight, but he didn’t turn to see who it was. A second later, Crafter popped by beside him, but he stayed silent, sensing that something was different from the last time he came to check up on the prisoner.

“You stole our diamonds, which we need to make weapons for the upcoming war,” Gameknight explained calmly.

“We’re only taking precautions,” Crafter added, sending a small glare at his friend since he had made it sound as if the girl before them were some-

“Monster,” she said quietly. “You’re all monsters, you know that right?” A flash of 1’s and 0’s rippled through the floor, stopping at the iron bars, but it was enough to make the two friends take a step back, and for Gameknight to draw his sword.


“Am I?” The girl within the cell stood as she reached into her pocket and pulled out a perfectly shaped diamond. “That’s what they all want to know, isn’t it?” She blinked, and slowly some form of life seemed to be sparking into her, as if she were a scratched up CD, finally beginning to play.

Gameknight scowled. “Answer me. Who are you?”

The girl blinked, looking at Gameknight dead in the eyes. “You think you’re so tough? You think you can overcome anyone,” she mused, and a laugh escaped her. “Wait,” she frowned, narrowing her eyes slightly. “You’re afraid,” she smirked. “The numbers, they’re jumping around wildly.”

“Numbers?” Crafter repeated, mystified. Gameknight999 shared the same confusion.

The girl gave a nod, closing her hand around the diamond. “The Maker-”

“You work for him,” Gameknight finally seemed to have fit the last puzzle piece together. She worked for Herobrine, and that only caused the troubled legend to clench his sword tighter.

The mysterious being sneered. “Work for that thing? No, no. You have it all wrong, Gameknight. I don’t work for him, I don’t like him.”

“Then tell us,” Crafter began. “Who are you?” And the two waited as a pause filled the room.

Finally, the tense air diminished as the prisoner smiled. “You haven’t heard? I’m PhantomStarr, the Diamond Glitch. The phantom which stalks these servers.”

And then chaos broke loose as someone sounded an alarm, and Hunter burst through. “I hope you’re done with the chit chat, because those zombies you warned us about? Yeah… Looks like they couldn’t wait for the party to start.”

Gameknight drew his sword, pointing it towards the now known glitch. “We’ll deal with you later.”

Starr gave a slight salute. “Sure, sure. Go try and save Minecraft,” Gameknight was already leaving, and he could barely catch her last words over the constant clattering of armor outside.

But he did.
And what she said sent chills down Gameknight’s spine as he called for the sisters to stand by his side for what seemed like the beginning of a new war.

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