
Chapter one

Wake up


“Wake up!” James screeched.  Emily pulled her dark red blanket and got up with her mind spinning into darkness.  She could hear cries of terror and loud footsteps running across the streets of France.

“What’s going on?” she asked with a worried look on her face.

“There…” Before James could answer the radio crackled with life.

“You need to get into shelter quick, underground or out of town.  There are atomic bombs pouring from the sky In 86th street.”  James turned the radio off and grabbed a bag.

“Put all the clothes you like in here and I’ll grab some food.” James said.

“Where’s mom and dad?” She asked.

“They’re gone.” He responded.  Emily could feel tears welling up in her eyes.

“We need to go, we live 10 blocks away and we need to leave.”

“Where are we going?”Emily asked. Once again James couldn’t answer. The sound of screams and explosions crept in through still relentless sound of footsteps outdoors and the now  abandoned apartment.

“Ok when you get out you go straight down into the subway station, I’ll go get food from the market.”

“ But…”

“Just hurry.”


Chapter 2

Will I see them again


She grabbed her stuff and ran towards the subway with people pushing ahead.  Her mind was racing now as she thought of all the bad things that could happen.  The bombs could fall down right then on top of her, or her brother, on the now war zone with planes zooming overhead and shells falling from the sky.

“Wait…” she said to herself making sure no one could hear her.

“ Who’s dropping the bombs?”  But before she could answer her own question she heard a person on the microphone.

“ Everyone calm down we are safe here but anyone else that’s not here Is most likely dead.” There was a cry in the audience and once again tears were slowly falling from Emily’s eyes.  She didn’t hear anything except the sound of her own heart dying from the pain of her whole family dead.  The thought of it made her gag in her mouth.  Screeeeeeeecccchh!!!!!!


Chapter 3



It was the sound of  the microphone.

“Hello in back we have been informed that the Germans  have put soldiers in the city and are looking for us now, but before anyone panics we have men in the streets killing all of the soldiers.”  Suddenly before Emily could think she started sprinting towards the exit.  She ran right outside. But after she got out she noticed she had made a bad decision.  The doors locked behind her and soldiers ran ahead of her searching for the innocent people to slaughter.  Her mind now once again racing down the road 100 mph and she then remembered….

Her old house, it was ½ a mile away.  She ran through the city her shoes crying from hitting the ground so much.

“ Stop!”


Chapter 4

Where are they


It was the sound of a German  soldier.  He grabbed Emily and put her in a small leather sack.  Before she knew it she was in a dark room tied to a chair.

“ Where are they!?”  The soldier said.

“ Where are who?”she whispered in terror trying not to show it.

“ Where are all the people hiding?!” He said his face slowly turning different colors.  .

The bombs had stopped dripping from the planes like milk in a glass. There were no shells and no noise anywhere except her mind thinking of exactly what to say.

“ I won’t tell you!” She responded with a serious tone in her voice.

“ We will kill him if you don’t tell us. The dim lights of the dark room shone very hazily in the dark, foggy room.  She saw a faint person who looked tired and hungry.  It was James! He hadn’t died.  But her hopes of happiness quickly disintegrated in her mind as they put a gun up to his head.


Chapter 5


She couldn’t see but she could hear James breathing hard.  She could hear the sound of his heart thumping.

“5, 4, 3, 2, 1.”

“Wait!” But before she could say anything there was a deafening bang.  She could hear a bone break in James’s arm on  the ground of the cracked, stone floor.

“ Lassen wir sie hierum zu sterben.” They said something in German and then left immediately.  The thoughts in her mind were like planes in war fighting against each other.  Her answer to her question of what to do seemed dumb to her.  But she did anyway.  She pulled out her pocket knife from the bag and slowly sliced through the braided rope.

Snip, Snip, Snip.  She stood up and turned around.  James was laying on the cold, hard, dirty ground.

“Go, leave me behind. Tell the others.” James whispered quietly, death almost catching him in the long race inside of him.

“ But I can’t.” She said, quivering throughout her body.  But he couldn’t answer.  The sound of silence filled the room.  She fell to her knees,  trying to talk to the lifeless body in front of her.

“Nooooooo!!!”  She got up and slowly walked to the door, But then realized she needed to move quickly and quietly.  She ran out the door and moved away toward the subway.  Knock Knock knock.


Chapter six



There was no answer.  What should I do!? She thought frantically.  Then suddenly she noticed a small note with a padlock.  It said password.

What’s the password?  She thought once again.  “ We’re not too complicated.” She said to herself.  1234.  The door opened quickly and she ran in. It smelled like rotten socks in there.  Has nobody showered in here, she thought.  She ran to the mayor and told him everything.  Stressing most about the part where they’re coming to find them. Immediately he called his military squad.


Chapter seven

The End for the Germans


Emily could hear gunshots and screams outside of the shelter.  She wanted to take a look outside but her mind told her no.  She could feel the pain of the ones who died out there.  She was thinking what would happen after this war.  Wasn’t sure if she would even be alive.  But for now she felt happy.  The mayor had just announced their victory and they would have to pay millions for the rebuilding of the town.


Chapter Eight



It was a small woman with a cloak and blond hair.

“I see you have no one with you,” she said quietly.  Emily could feel quivers down her back thinking that she was about to get kidnapped.

“ Um yes…” She responded.
“Well I own an orphan home and have a spare place for someone like you.“ Emily could feel her heart pumping excitedly as her hopes flew through her mind.

“Yes I would love to.”


Chapter nine



It was a breezy morning in her comfy bed in the orphan house.  Her mind was clear of thoughts and she was just relaxed.  She pulled off her blankets but then decided to get back in.  She was thinking about what had happened in the hectic war.  She heard one of her friends slowly wake up and get up.  Before she went with her she was going to sit and think about her dead family.  A tear dripped down her eye as she got up.  She was happy now.

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