
One dark, dark night Catcher was watching the waves
hit the rocks while his blonde short hair was blowing in the
air. Rocky was telling him jokes with his black hair in his
eyes. Then Rocky paused and he whispered in Catcher’s
ear, “I hear something.”
Then, BOO! Rocky fell off his feet with his hair
covering his eyes so he couldn’t see and Catcher fall
down. However, they both peeked up with one eye and
saw XTEN with his disgusting breath, dirty fingernails, dry
blood, and the scar across his eye. XTEN put his long
fingers out and said in a low voice, “Come children.”
Rocky got up and tried to run, but he slipped. Catcher just
sat there in shock.
“ARE YOU COMING?” Then he disappeared.
While Catcher was walking home he heard leaves
crunching, crunch, crunch, crunch. He twirled around to
see with his short legs and he saw XTEN. Then XTEN
looked straight in Catcher’s eyes and he said with his
deep voice, “I am back!”
Catcher brought all his power to say something and
said in a powerful voice, “I don’t like you so leave!” XTEN
was very surprised he said that.
So XTEN said in a scary voice, “Then deal with me.”
So Catcher came running up to him, but XTEN got so
scared he turned into dust. Catcher was very surprised
and he was laughing. When he was done celebrating he
went to tell the town with Rocky at his side!

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