The small village on the sand could no longer be seen. It had been destroyed. The charred remains sat, ashes being blown away by the wind. But in the middle of the blackened house walls sat a man with bright eyes. He had the normal smock of a crafter but no bulging nose. He cradled a small baby girl, her eyes white like his. She was dressed in a smaller smock, looking like the man’s twin. She opened her eyes, staring at the man. “Hello, Eggbrine.” The man smiled maliciously, looking down at the baby. “You are my rightful daughter. Say your name.” He commanded. “Eggbrine.” The baby squeaked, somehow smart enough to know how to speak. “Good. Now, Eggbrine, my name is Herobrine, and you shall call me Father, understand?” Herobrine asked, his eyes glowing brighter than ever. “Yes, Father.” Eggbrine nodded. “Wonderful. Daughter, you shall help me conquer Minecraft and escape this prison cell of a game.” Eggbrine nodded, suddenly growing into a toddler and jumping out of Herobrine’s arms. She waddled to the shore and stared into the crashing waves. “What if I don’t want to be evil,” She thought. Eggbrine reached out, reading the fabric of Minecraft. She could sense Gameknight999 on this very server, but she sensed something else.
An egg.
But not just any egg. A dragon egg. The Ender dragon’s egg. She called it towards her, the egg appearing in her hand. “This shall be my dragon. My friend, pet, and steed.” She announced proudly. Herobrine smiled behind her, disappearing. “I shall help the NPCs!” She shouted. “I will befriend them!” She screamed to the ocean.
Episode 1: The Village
Eggbrine strolled out of the forest, looking at the fortified village ahead. “This is where Gameknight is.” She mumbled to herself. She strolled up to the the gates, her eyes glowing just enough to cover her pink pupils. She knocked on the gate. Hearing nothing, she simply walked through the enforced iron, looking about the wooden houses. Eggbrine walked up to some twins about her age nervously. “Ahh.. hello?” She stammered, her eyes glowing a little brighter nervously. “Oh my GOSH, TOPPER RUN!!” One of the twins shrieked, grabbing the other and bolting into what seemed like their house. Eggbrine sighed, used to not being accepted. She teleported to the crafting chamber, the NPCs suddenly turning to her. The villagers drew their swords in unison glaring at Eggbrine. “Don’t hurt me! I come in peace!” She cried, throwing up her hands. The crafter suddenly walked in front of her, eyeing her down. “What is was your name” He asked solemnly. “Ahh.. Eggbrine.” Eggbrine mumbled. “Brine?” The crafter asked, a look of doubt coming over his face. “Y-Yes.. I a-“
“Yes, your Herobrine’s daughter, I know.” Crafter interrupted. “Why have you come here?” He asked. “I.. ahh.. wanted to meet Gameknight999..” Eggbrine stammered nervously. “Hmm..” Crafter mumbled, inspecting her. “You shall meet him, but you must swear not to touch him.” Crafter finally said. “Cross my heart and hope to die.” Eggbrine promised. “M’kay, come.” Crafter grabbed her hand and led her out of the crafting chamber.
Episode 2: Gameknight999
They went out of the village towards a medium sized mountain. A few blocks of unnoticeable cobblestone were in the side, looking normal to the average user. Crafter strolled up to the cobble, equipping his pick and destroying it in a fluid motion. He sauntered in, Eggbrine on his heels. “Gameknight, you have someone who would like to meet you.” Crafter called. Gameknight999 himself appeared out of nowhere, looking skeptical. “Who?” He asked. “Eggbrine.” Crafter replied, stepping sideways and revealing Eggbrine. “Ahh.. hello, User-that-is-not-a-user.” Eggbrine greeted, her eyes glowing enough to spark a fire. “WHAT ARE YOU?! A HEROBRINE CLONE?!” Gameknight shrieked, drawing his enchanted diamond sword. “No! Wait! I’m friendly! I swear!” Eggbrine yelled, her hands bolting upwards in surrender. Gameknight slowly sheathed his sword. “Sorry, just a little cautious when I see people with those eyes.” Gameknight apologized. “But just asking, do you have anything to do with Herobrine?” He asked. “Yup, Herobrine is my horrible father.” Eggbrine explained. “Ahhh.. that makes sense,” Gameknight nodded. “But aren’t you, like, devoted to destroying users and NPCs?” He asked questioningly. “Er- he wanted me to but I don’t want to..” Eggbrine murmured. “Oh.” Gameknight said, obviously a bit stumped. “Let’s go to the village and talk.” Gameknight said, leading the way. The three characters walked out the cave, strolling to the village. But little did they know, two glowing red eyes peered at them through the trees, growling.
Episode 3: Entity 101
Entity101 paced through his deep cave, his lava walls no longer helping to boost his mood. “Entity303 has me stumped, now there’s a Herobrine clone?!” He shrieked to the walls. “One day that Loser-that-is-totally-a-loser is going to find me,” He growled. He was the only monster in history who had actually feared Gameknight999. He shouted rude names for Gameknight at the wall, barely able to keep his rage in check as he banged on the walls. For some strange reason, Entity303 and Herobrine had worked together to trap him in this lava cage just after he had spied on Eggbrine. Herobrine and Entity303 had whispered to him in unison right before he was imprisoned. He had said, “Watch the egg and die, watch the nonexistent thread to live, the egg wouldn’t kill you even if she had the heart, the thread could kill you with no regrets of sin.” Entity101 was extremely confused. He had guessed that “nonexistent thread” had meant Gameknight, but “egg” had him completely stumped. He banged on the barrier blocks that shielded him from the lava, shrieking with frustration.
Episode 4: Twins
Eggbrine sat in her cot, staring at the red-headed girl in front of her. The girl stared back, obviously baffled. “Who’re you?” She finally asked. “Ahh.. I’m Eg- Eggbrine.” Eggbrine murmured. “Really? Your Herobrine’s daughter,” The girl mused. “I thought you’d have looked a lot more.. Brine-ish.” Eggbrine turned red. “Ah, sorry, I’m just in awe,” The crimson looking girl apologized. “Anyways, my names-a-Stitcher.” Stitcher grinned. “Get some rest so I can introduce you to the town.” Stitcher advised. Suddenly her twin, Hunter, appeared. “Stitcher, time for bed. Say g’night to Eggbrine.” Hunter rolled her eyes. “Nighty-night.” Stitcher skipped off to her room. Eggbrine sighed, closing her eyes and instantly falling asleep.
Episode 5: Meeting
Eggbrine awoke to the smell of eggs, bread, and sweet sweet milk. She looked beside her, taking the plate and gobbling the food down. Stitcher appeared while Eggbrine was brushing her dark brown hair. Stitcher smirked. “Looking to impress the boys?” She teased. “NO!” Eggbrine replied quickly, turning deep pink. “Haha, come let’s meet the villagers!” Stitcher smiled, grabbing Eggbrine’s hand and leading her outside. They knocked on Baker’s door, Baker greeting them warmly. They did this until they had went to every house in the village. “I’m going to call you Egg from now on.” Stitcher announced. “Egg? Sounds a little more normal than Eggbrine.” Eggbrine pondered. “Alright, I’ll allow it.” Egg announced, grinning broadly. “Awesome, let’s go pick flowers to paint!” Stitcher exclaims, springing away, Egg at her heels.
The End?

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