
The Life Changing Accident 





Hi my name is Jake and I have a horrible accident that occurs to be miserable. It changes my life.You can say it hurts more to you than me but that’s not true.I think you will find out.                                    


Falling Down

”I fell,” l yell and yell and yell but nobody comes. Blank. I wake up and suddenly I’m in the hospital.Then this lady yells and says to go get doctor Blake Griffin.I turn to her like she is crazy. She looks at me.I try to cover my eyes but then I’m tangled in cords. I hear something beeping. It’s a machine next to me. I look at. It has all these squiggly lines on it and they go up and down. I can’t feel my leg, then I look and it’s in a brace.

”Who am I?” I exclaim. “Where are my parents?”

 “Jake, it’s mom.”

 “Get away from me, you ugly freak!”


“Wow, you really are my mom!” This is all crazy, I mean if you fell out of your window. I’m confused. I really don’t even know myself. I know it’s insane but I just am. I’m losing my mind! I just need to take a break.

”Well, hello Jake. l believe we have not met. My name is Doctor Blake Griffin. I am your doctor.”

I don’t even know who this man is, whether he explains it to me or not. I feel like I’m totally crazy. I want to pass out and stay like that until I’m ready to wake up again. I just feel like I’m not ready for all this just yet.

“I’m tired,” I moan. Is it just you or me or am I just flat out crazy? I can’t get my head straight. I know it sounds crazy but if you were going through the same situation I bet you would think the same thing as I am right now. I just think that I need to suck it up and go with what I have. What if I ask my so called “Mom” if I could get out of the hospital? Then I could be free. Ok I convinced myself to ask my Mom and here’s how it went.

”Mom, I want to get out of the hospital now!”

“Oh honey I wish you could but the doctor said that you can’t get out just yet. He said you could get out to tomorrow and I’m sorry I can’t change that.”

 I think that she is not my Mom. Now she won’t let me get out of the hospital and that’s that. Then the doctor comes in and here’s what he said.

“Well, Jake, you still remember a lot but you have a sprained ankle and you will get a cast, but this is going to get off before football starts. You can play if you want but it will take two weeks to heal. You also get out of the hospital tomorrow and you remember a lot so you will not have to take any meds.”


“I told you that would happen.”

“Your father, sister and your brother will be there when you get home and all of your friends and your girlfriend will be there too.”

“Wow, I thought it was just you and Dad supporting me! Alright I’m going to bed.”


When I got home yesterday it all seemed strange in a weird way, even though it is my house and I live in it. ”Hey Mom can I go outside and sit on the front porch?”

“No, I need to give you a tour of the house.” Now I have got to go and take a tour of the house.

“Let’s go Jake!” 

I need a break.

“Jake Davis get your rear up here right now!”

“I’m coming, geez Mom!” I walk upstairs to my room and honestly I know where my room is.

I find a phone on my bed and I turn it on and I see my two best friends, Elijah and Luke. We did some good pranks on a lot of people. I tell you, it was fun watching them just cry out all those tears they had, and I have got to admit it was super funny. I can’t wait to tell them that I’ve broken my ankle. We had such good times together. Even though I had community service because of this kid named Julian because we punched him and beat him up and stuff like that. That’s just how boys are and I’m sorry that’s the way it is. I can’t wait to go to school in three days.

“Jake do you want to go to the cake shop with me and get something for your Dad?”

“Sure.” This is going to be rough.


Today is my first day of school with these stupid crutches and it stinks! I may find a new girlfriend or new friends that like to prank people like I do.”Ha!” Just thinking about it makes me laugh.

“Jake, let’s go, you’re going to be late for your first day of school!”

“Coming!” Well, she’s a little uptight! You think I’ve got enough on my plate!I think it’s time that Mom learns a lesson. When it’s April Fools Day it’s gonna be sick. Now I’ve got to go to school and I think it may be a boring day, or it may not, who knows.

“Jake, let’s go! We are going to be late!” Mom yelled.

“I’m coming, let me get my phone and I will be right out.”

“May I also tell you I have crutches and I’ve got to get down the stairs.” I can do this thing.As soon as I get in the car, Mom put my crutches in the back seat and got back in and then we drove off.


I arrived at school and as soon as I got out of the car it was a whole new world.There I saw Elijah standing there and waiting for me.

“Hey bro what happened to your foot? You have these crutches,” asked Elijah.

“Don’t worry about it.”

“I think your girlfriend is coming over.”

“Hey, Nora!”

“Hey, Jake!”

“I missed you so much. Your Mom called me and said you fell out of the window and I was just completely devastated. I was thinking that you would have not made it to the first day of school. Um, what do you think that we go get some fro yo after school?”

“Yeah I would like that!”

“I will see you in class ok.”

“Yeah see you there then!”

“I can’t believe that just happened!” Jake said to Elijah as Nora walked off.

“Let’s go!” Elijah exclaimed.

“Um actually I’m going to go get my phone from my locker.”


As I grabbed my phone I saw someone at the edge of my eye and he came over to me. I will admit I was so scared because I have a sprained ankle.

“Hey, home boy! Give me your lunch money,” said Gabe impatiently.

“No Gabe, I’m not gonna listen to a boy who was scared of me last year and I don’t think you can pick on me now that I have crutches!”

“Fine I won’t then, home boy!”

As I headed to class I started to think of the kind of person I want to be.Then as soon as the bell rang and I was at the door entering the classroom, I decided that I am going to be a bad boy!


When I entered class I was so cool. I even sat next to the geeks and I decided I was going to pick on them during class. So here’s what happened. When I picked on Bradley he told on me and I was so surprised and that’s also when I went to the principal’s office.  I saw Eli in there too, OMG!


Principal Elliot called me in and he talked to me for a long time. It was boring.Then he sent me out to see another student. I’m so glad that I brought my phone with me because I got on Facebook, and I got to say, there was some brutal stuff on there. I heard the door open and I put my phone away as fast as I could. Principal Elliot didn’t see me. The other student walked out the door and went back to his class.Then he called me in.He talked to me about how what I did was wrong and that I should have not done that. Yet, I was not paying attention to what he was saying. He sent me out of the room to call my Mom. He would call me in when he and my Mom were done and I could speak to her.


He called my Mom and I could hear the whole thing. Here’s what they said.

“Hi, this is Principal Elliot and your son Jake has an issue. He was picking on a student and that student reported it to his science teacher saying he was picking on him. He’s not in any trouble but he just needs to be a little kinder to our fellow students. Do you understand Mrs.Davis?”

“Yes, I totally understand. I thank you so much and I think that my son is just trying to not get bullied now because he has crutches.”

My Mom picked me up from school. She asked me, “Why are you being bad on the first day of school?”

I said nothing!


Hi, my name is Megan. I am Jake’s cousin. I think the world of him and I look up to him. One day he texted me saying he was going to be a bad boy. I said,”Wow!”

I was pretty sad when I found that out and he said not to tell his parents. I said,”Ok.” I was not thrilled! I looked up to him for so long and now he does this!

I was sad for more than a month and I was so sad that I didn’t even want to go to the Christmas Eve party at their house, but I did. I said some stuff to him and we talked about school and how it’s going but we never talked about the text he sent me. When we went home my Mom told me to go to bed and once I went I cried until I fell asleep. The next morning I had to go to his house for our Christmas presents. I went to his house and there was a load of presents on the floor. I looked around the house and everything and when I say everything I mean everything is covered with drawings of Santa and reindeer and anything you can imagine that is Christmas. But that day I grabbed Jake and said, “Why are you being a bad boy now?”

“I think that’s the best plan for me not to get bullied.”

“Oh well I don’t like that. I liked the old you better!” That’s when we didn’t talk to each other the rest of the morning. But what will happen to me and Jake’s relationship? I thought to myself as we went home. What would happen if that did happen?

I thought about it more and more as we got closer to home and I had a very tiny tear in my eye. When we got home on that cold wet day my Mom told me to get in the shower then get my pajamas on and go straight to bed. I fell asleep and I had this dream and it was terrible! 

When I woke up I screamed and I am so glad I didn’t wake my parents up because then they would be so mad at me. I had to tell them why and trust me, I did not want to at all. 

I made myself some breakfast. What I made for breakfast is oatmeal and some mixed fruit and it was delicious. As I was getting ready to be done, I noticed a picture of me and Jake when we were little. I was so little back then and very cute.  I still am today except I am older. This is like World War II where those people get put in gas chambers. Those sad people believed in a different religion and yet they were killed. That’s what I feel like with Jake. We had this special cousin relationship and then the next day it’s gone.

When I got done with my breakfast I put it in the sink and then I watched some TV. As I watched the TV I saw something on the news. There was someone falling out of a window . . .was it my cousin? This was nonsense. This was impossible. It was Jake on the news two weeks after his accident and yet he’s on the news with his family saying that he can play football this year if he makes the team. I don’t want this to be happening.

“Hey Jake’s on the news,” says my Dad surprised.

“Not helping Dad!”


When he left the living room going to the shop, I started making a plan. As I was thinking of a plan I wondered if my best friend Paisley could help me. But then I remembered that she has a crush on him so I circled her off the list. Even though I told her that he already has a girlfriend and that  he’s taken, she still wouldn’t listen. I think that is really sad how she has a crush on him. It goes a two-way streak and that’s probably how its always gonna be that way. At least I think it is. I honestly don’t know if you ask me. I don’t care what my friend says if she tells me to do it or not do it I still am going to do it. I don’t like when people tell me what to do besides my parents.

I thought of what I was going to do to fix this! I got it! I was going to trick him. This is awesome I can’t wait to get it all together. Now who should I hire for the job? I got it my friend Paisley.She is a very handy girl like me. Paisley has been my best friend since we were in preschool.We know each other like the back of our hands that’s how well I know her. There’s something about me and Paisley that’s just special. I know this may seem weird even though we’re not, I think me and her are sisters. I wish we were. I think that would be awesome.Would you want to be brother or sister with your best friend if you’re that close? I want to so bad it’s not even funny. Paisley is funny she knows how to lighten the mood whenever I’m mad or sad. That’s what it is with my friendship with her and that’s something worth yelling about in my opinion. Yet other people have their opinion and that’s all that matters.That’s true! That’s why I picked Paisley! I called Paisley to see if Paisley would help me.

“Hey, Paisley, um I was calling to ask you something.”

“What do you want to ask me?”

“I wanted to ask you if you wanted to help me do this prank on Jake. I’m asking because he called me the other day saying that he was going to be a bad boy.Then I got really stressed out and I still am because I’m still worried that the relationship that me and him has as cousins is special and I don’t want to lose that. Everything about this is messed up, like real messed up. I’m so scared at this rate, like scary movie scared, except one hundred times more. Help me please!”

Then I started crying. It felt so good to let it out. I hung up the phone and went straight to my room.I wrapped myself in my blanket. I felt like a warm marshmallow sitting in my blanket sobbing. I thought to myself that night about a Jake. What if he will stay the same? I fell asleep, then I woke up the next day.

I woke up feeling sick that morning.I felt like I was going to throw up. I felt like I was going to faint. I felt like I was going to die. I was dizzy. I was totally sick. I think that I may have fainted but I didn’t. What if I did I would not go to school in two weeks.Then I wouldn’t get to see my friends then what.Then I would just sit here doing nothing. I can’t I just can’t do that.I want to tell my parents but then they may take me to the hospital and then they may know or ask me the questions to why I feel sick then I have got to tell them. That can’t happen I can’t afford it to happen all like that.I want to tell my parents but then I have to go to the hospital.I keep telling myself in my head that it’s going to be ok but I don’t really know that.What if they find out that I’m hiding something from them then they ask me what I am hiding from them? Then I gave up I got out of bed and went to go tell my parents.

“Mom,Dad I don’t feel good!”

“Oh honey let’s take you to the hospital. We were five minutes away and I think that I might die.At least that’s what I think.I felt so sick.I might slip away.Maybe I will maybe I won’t.I don’t know what’s going to happen to me.When we got there they rushed me to the emergency room and I got a little shot and then they laid me in this bed.Mom called the people in my family to come support me.They all came and sat in the waiting room while I got an x-ray.I didn’t feel anything but on the bad side I have lung problems witch makes it hard to breath and that’s why I felt like I was going to die!They said that I should take it easy while I’m in here.That was a bummer.That is just really sad.I thought that was really sad and I bet you would too.Then Jake came in!When Jake came in I was starting to get very mad.My blood was boiling a million degrees.



”I thought that you wouldn’t come!”

“Of course I would!”

“Well you sure don’t act like it.”

“Ok I understand your frustration.”

“Just be quiet please. You know what I’m tired of fighting let’s just stop being mad at each other ok!”

“Ok I agree.”




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