

 It was night and the stars were signing a stream was rippling and the trees were rustling in the wind.

A shadow of an animal appeared and rushed through the water torgh the shape of a grey cat. “What’s going on jayfeather” asked the cat “you called for me”.

“Yes i did, leafpool” answered jayfeather “i have been having troubling visions and it seems the fate of the clans are in trouble”.

“What do you mean” asked leafpool twirling her paw in the river “the clans have been at peace for moons and there’s no signs of trouble”.

“Yes there was” snapped jayfeather wondering how his own mother couldn’t figure it out “what about that blood clan incident where two of the cats that were traveling were killed and only the kitten survived. She hates her adoptive parents”.

“Well i mean there was that but that doesn’t seem like that big of a deal” replied leafpool after thinking about it for a while “the she-cat is adapting well to the clan”.

“I guess you’re right” replied jayfeather calming down “I mean she is making prod… ahhhhhhhh”

Leafpool ran up to jayfeather and caught him before he hit the ground, jayfeather was shaking and Leafpool had never seen jayfeather this scared.

“What is it my dear” asked leafpool “is everything ok”?

“No it’s not ok” replied jayfeather “look”.

Leafpool looked at the river and saw 6 tree branches flow through a waterfall that wasn’t there before, the tree branches were on fire but right before they reached the waterfall they broke in half and made it to land and there were 13 branches on the shore the branches then were no longer on fire and then 1 branch turned to snow, and then another to fire, and then the others turned into acorn, leaves, sand, kelp, and rock.

Jayfeather then muttered “the 6 branches of the tree will twist and turn and will fall one by one  and as this happens the branches will be saved by ocean, mountain, leaves, acorn, sand, fire, and snow”.

Chapter 1

“Acornpaw do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend thunderclan even at the cost of your life”?

“I do” announced acornpaw with a smile, acornpaw has just begun his warrior ceremony

“then by the power of starclan, I give you your name, acornpaw, from this moment on you will be known as acorntail, starclan honor your kindness and enthusiasm and we welcome you as a full warrior of thunderclan” said fallowstar.

Fallowstar then rested his head on acorntail shoulder




Acorntail rose his head with a proud look in his eyes

“Hollowleaf” he meowed to his sister “we are finely warriors”

“yes we are” she meowed proudly “I thought this day would never come.”

His adoptive sister, Moutainclaw, walked up with a snarl “I should have been the only one with the warrior ceremony today” she hissed “you mouse brains don’t deserve it”.

Hollowleaf and acorntail was slightly taken aback by this comment even though they were used to it. Ever since his adoptive sister met them, she had been rude to them every day, even to her adoptive mother and father. 

“that’s not very nice to say” hissed acorntail “why do you hate us so much we never did anything to you”.

“I have my reason” she snarled with an ambition in her eye

 “Enough chit chat” said oaktail fallowstars nephew “it’s time for your virtue and you need to be silent the entire time”.

“Awwwww” said all 3 of the new warriors “we just got promoted”.

“I know buts it’s in the warrior code that all newly promoted warriors have to do a silent virtue of the camp”

“Fine” groaned hollowleaf “we’ll do it”

The 3 newly promoted warriors walked toward the front of the camp and took their positions and did not talk for the rest of the night.

“Ok everyone” said oaktail “your virtue is over, you now can talk again”.

“Thank you” he said “I want to take a nap.”

“Well you can nap all you want” meowed oaktail smiling “you get the entire day off since you had to do your warrior vigil”.

“Yay” said hollowleaf and acorntail in unison.

Mountainstar just shrunk off to the shadows.

Acorntail was wondering where she was going but was too tired to find out, acorntail went off to his new den and with a yawn fell asleep

 Acorntail opened his eyes to a starry place. Acorntail looked around and saw a river flowing softly torte a waterfall and saw a beautiful forest

“Where am I” he meowed looking around?

“you’re in starclan” meowed a stary brown she cat “your ok you can calm down, you are safe here.”

“am I dead” he meowed well looking at his paws?

“no you’re not” the starry cat answered “you are getting a message from starclan and it’s very important”.

“Who are you?” he meowed to the mysterious brown she cat.

“I am leafpool” she meowed “former medicine cat of thunderclan and daughter of Firestar”.

Acorntail bowed his head to her “I am so honored to meet you” he meowed “I have heard of you, you were one of the greatest medicine cats in thunderclan history”.

“Thank you” leafpool said as she blushed “it was my job anyway and i had to do it, but back to what we were talking about i have an omen to tell you”.

“What is it” acorntail asked.

Leafpool cleared her through as she spoke  “the 6 branches of the tree will twist and turn and will fall one by one  and as this happens the branches will be saved by ocean, mountain, leaves, acorns, sand, fire, and snow”.

Acorntail thought about this for a moment and then replied, “What does it mean i don’t understand it”.

“You’ll have to figure that one out yourself” leafpool replied, “but it’s time to wake up, your clan needs you”

Acorntail eyes flashed as he disappeared from starclan

Acorntail woke up to a foul smell filling the camp, acorntail started to look around to see what’s going on when he heard barking, he rushed outside and saw dogs flooding the camp.

He saw cats fighting everywhere and he scrambled to his paws to find his mother. As acortail rushed thorth the nursery to look for his mother a gigantic dog 3 times the size of him jumped in front of him, as acorntail braced for the end, he heard a caterwaul and saw runningfur fling himself at the dog, runningfur said through the commotion, “escape now, go find your mother.” Acorntail was about to reject but then decided to leave runningfur to his work since it looked like runningfur had it under control.

Acorntail then rushed into the nursery to find his mother on the ground laying in a pool of blood. Acorntail started to cry but then he felt his mother’s paw on his shoulder. Acorntail turned around to see turtleheart in a silvery form sitting there, she replied with, “don’t be sad it’s time for me to head to starclan, stay strong my son, protect your sisters, you have a tough life ahead of you.”

And with that turtleheart body floated up through the sky where he saw a little star appear for a second and then disappeared. 

Acorntail then collapsed on the ground crying wishing he could just die.

“Today we gather here to moan for the passing of redheart and turtleheart. They died just as they lived, fighting to protect their clans.” followstar meows softly “may starclan light your path, may you find swift running, swift hunting, and shelter when you sleep.” everything seemed to go fast for acorntail, he didn’t know weather or not to feel grief or anger. Everything just felt so wrong he wanted to think this was a dream, for him to wake up to find his mother and grandmother still alive, with him still as a kit with them protecting him. Acorntail started to feel queasy, and he slowly fainted, the last thing he saw was all the cats rushing over to him.

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