
Chapter 10 –  Extra Baggage 


     Gameknight999 woke up to the waterfall gently splashing him with tiny droplets. He smiled and sat up. “Yes!” He yelled, jumping up. “I made it! I made it! I- AHHHHHH!” He jumped back. He had spawned right up on the edge of the cavern the waterfall fell into. “Well, that’s weird.” He said. “I can’t believe the river did that! I hope they got out okay.” He sighed. “Well, I’m finally back!” He grinned. 

      Nearby, two horses were tied to trees. Gameknight laughed. “Oh, so now I have a reputation for bringing people with me!” He said. He ran off to his hidy-hole. At first, everything was quiet. And then- 

      “OFFF!” Someone landed right on the edge just like Gameknight had. She seemed to have fallen from nowhere. Suddenly, another person landed on top of her. And then another! “Get! Off! Of! Me!” The first one gasped. 

    “Oh no!” The last person, a little girl, yelped. “I think we broke her!” The second person, a man, jumped up too. “Are you okay?” He asked anxiously. He helped the older girl up. “I’m fine,” she said. “Besides just getting crushed.”  

  Gameknight ran back out of his hidy-hole, fully dressed in diamond armor. He replaced the dirt and turned around to go get the horses. He saw the NPCs. His jaws dropped. “What you guys DOING here?” He yelled, running towards them. 

    Fletcher, Smithy, and Harvester glared at him. “APPARENTLY, that portal took us too!” Fletcher snapped. “And it brought us to some crazy place with a waterfall that we almost fell into! I just barely missed not drowning!”  

      “Where are we?” Smithy asked. “That’s what I’m so amazed about,” Gameknight laughed. “Guys… this is the Overworld.” They just stared at him, amazed. “Whaaa-“ Smithy said. “I can’t believe it EXISTS!” Fletcher yelled. Her cheeks were flushed. “Harvester?” Gameknight asked. “Are- are you okay?” 

    Harvester’s face was bright red and she was standing stock still. “The Overworld,” she mumbled. “I’m in the Overworld. I am in the Overworld. I am IN the OVERWORLD!” And then she fainted. 

    Gameknight ran over, but Fletcher already had it covered. She ran right over and dumped a bucket of water on Harvester’s face. The girl jumped up. “You are going to love Hunter,” Gameknight said with a laugh. “Thank you!” Harvester yelled, hugging Gameknight. 

    “This has been my dream since I was little!” She beamed up at him. He patted her awkwardly on the head. “Can’t- breathe,” he hissed. “Oh, sorry,” Harvester said, stepping back. “It’s alright,” Gameknight said between gulps of air. “Let’s get to the horses,” he said. “I’ll be at the front with Fletcher since I know the way.” 

            “The way to what?” Fletcher asked suspiciously, climbing up onto the saddle behind him. “The village!” Harvester sang out. “The WHAT?” Fletcher yelled. But it was to late. Gameknight pulled on the reins and they were off. “This is not a good idea!” Fletcher yelled. But Gameknight did not slow down and eventually Fletcher was quiet. They rode on for hours. Almost there, he thought. Almost there. 

    Fletcher was quiet. But eventually, she spoke. “I heard you and Smithy the other night.” Gameknight jumped, startled. “You- you did?” He said. “Yes,” she said. “And I’m sorry if I didn’t believe you.” Gameknight shrugged. “I see why you wouldn’t.” 

    “But… there’s something I want to tell you. Harvester isn’t my sister.” Gameknight stares at her, confused. “But… the way you act, and you look the same…” she shrugged. “It’s a coincidence,” she said. “Well, is she your cousin ?” He asked. “She’s my daughter.” Gameknight stopped the horse. “Your daughter?” He asked. “But you’re only a few years older than her! 

      Fletcher looked down. “When me and Smithy were little,” she said. “Our families would be together a lot. We ARE cousins. And once, we were having dinner at my house. Me and Smithy stayed but our parents went on a walk.”

     “There’s this place everyone calls the pit. It’s this one area of the village behind some houses that is really dark at night. It was dangerous, but nobody would light it up. And that night, a zombie spawned. It attacked our parents, and of course, they had no weapons. The zombie eventually burned, but not before it took out three more people.”

    Gameknight felt horrible. They had lost their village and their parents. “Smithy and I moved in together.” Fletcher continued. “We stayed at my house. Two months later, the village thought it was time for us to find a place to live for good. They tried to have people adopt us, but we didn’t let them. At one point I had to stay at Bakers for a week, but I stopped eating and just stared out the window. I was so miserable they let us live together for good. A month later, I was five, and Smithy was eight. One night we were eating dinner. Suddenly, I saw someone at the door. I opened it, but whoever it was ran off. I was going to go back inside, but I heard crying and saw a BABY on the steps.”

          “We raised the baby and named her Harvester. Then, when she was five, I was ten, and Smithy was thirteen we were kicked out. So…” “Does Harvester know?” Gameknight asked. Fletcher nodded. Gameknight shook his head. “This is crazy,” he said. He grabbed the reins. Suddenly, the horse bucked. He caught it, but the book fell out of his inventory. Fletcher caught it. Her face went pale. “What?” Gameknight asked. “We missed a page,” she said. He handed him the book and they read it together. 


     When the Prophecy starts, there will be a series of events leading up to it. 

    First, the User-that-is-not-a-user will enter Minecraft for the first time. 


Gameknight’s blood ran cold. The Prophecy had started before he had even known villagers were alive?

     Second, the User-that-is-not-a-user will be trapped in the Far Lands and in his entering the Overworld will open the portal. The first sign may not start the Prophecy, but this will. 

   The Void will rise and come as a girl.


   The Blood Sorcerer will come back from the dead. 

    The Panther will pounce. 


   The Snake and the Shark will attack.


   The One Who Must Not Be Named. 


  They will return.


          The Last Battle For Minecraft

Gameknight moved his hand away from a spot where the red ooze had leaked through and stuck the pages together. He quietly put the book back. 

And they kept riding.

     A few hours later, they reached the village. The villagers hung back, nervous about going back in a village for the first time in five years. “Wait here,” he said. He ran up to the walls, waving his arms. The watcher on the tower shouted, “Open the gates!” The big iron doors swung open. “Finally!” Hunter said as she ran towards him. “Took you long enough!” She said. Gameknight smiled. “But I only saw you yesterday!” He said. Hunter frowned. “But I talked to you in the Land Of Dreams weeks ago!” 

      “Oh no,” Gameknight said. “We’ve been in that portal for a month!” “We?” Hunter said. “Oh, right,” Gameknight said. “Follow me.” Together they ran towards the edge of the forest. Harvester was petting the horses, Smithy was patiently waiting by a tree, and Fletcher had her bow out. She looked terrified. Hunter got her bow out, too. “Calm down,” Gameknight said. “We’re all friends here. Hunter, this is Harvester, Smithy, and Fletcher. They’re from the Far Lands.” 

    Hunter shook her head. “You keep saying that,” she said. “I’ve never even heard of it.” “Well, it’s sorta hard to explain,” he said. “It’s basically another world.” “Gameknight!” He heard behind him. He turned just in time to see Herder slam into him. “Woah!” Gameknight said, laughing. “Careful!” 

    Herder jumped up and ran off to his horses. Gameknight saw Harvester cheerfully start chatting like they were old friends. “Good to see you, old friend.” Gameknight heard behind him. He turned to find Crafter at his side. As usual, his bright blue eyes were smiling. “I see you brought friends,” Crafter said. Gameknight smiled. “That’s Harvester, Smithy, and Fletcher.” Crafter lowered his voice. “Is Fletcher the scared one?” Sure enough, Fletcher still had her bow out with an arrow on the string. Judging from her face, she was terrified. “Is she alright?” Crafter asked. “Yeah,” Gameknight said. “She’s just had some problems with villages before.”

     “What kind of problems?” Crafter asked. “They used to live in a Pacifist village,” Gameknight explained. “They were the only ones who thought they should have weapons to protect themselves. So… they got kicked out. They’ve been living on their own for years.” Crafter’s eyes widened. “That’s horrible!” He said. “I know,” Gameknight agreed. “But I need to tell you something,” Gameknight said anxiously. “There’s this prophecy, and-“ 

    “It can wait,” Crafter said suddenly. “What?” Gameknight asked, confused. “Let’s just… celebrate your here!” Crafter said quickly. He looked nervous. “Crafter?” Gameknight said sternly. “What’s going on?” He realized all his friends were there now. “Tell me.” 

   “Well,” Crafter began nervously. “This girl has been showing up.” “And?” Gameknight asked. “And she calls herself Void,” Crafter said. “And?” Gameknight went on. “And… well, we think she’s Herobrine’s… daughter.”

      Gameknight froze. And then suddenly slumped over, unconscious. 

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