
Watcher and HEWA. By Judah 

Chapter one: arrival 


Watcher slowly got out of his bed. Today was his first peaceful day since he had sent Krale to the void and banished the phantoms, Withers, and distorted monsters to the new server plane. It had been a week but There were constant mob attacks on their new village and their iron and obsidian golems were not used to regular mobs and had never seen a spider jockey before. (A couple of them had attacked and the golems had wanted to tame it with bone meal. The result was eight dead golems.) But eventually they got used to it and Watcher could finally take the first deep breath of the year. Just then a phantom flew in. Apparently Krale’s Spell to make creatures of the night not burn was reinforced. But how could that be? Watcher had killed the magic. He raised his sword but the phantom Simply dropped some paper on the ground and disappeared. The paper said



Have you ever wondered what happens when Wizards die? They go to a hidden world where they train the new batch of wizards. Even my Answer was not enough to take away Krale’s magic. With his last breath he reversed the spell and brought back the magic. We are sorry for trying to cause the second great war to come out in our favor and promise not to do that again. We hope you can forgive us and come to us so we can train you.




Ps The enchanted weapons have reformed and since they were last used by you the enchanted weapons have bonded with you. All dangers have been removed.


PPS Mirthrondos Hopes you come. She asked me to say hi.”

Watcher began packing his chests immediately. He packed One hundred Dispensers, apples, cakes, cookies, TNT blocks, blocks of sand, pieces of gunpowder pieces of flint, Pieces of steel, and books. Then he ran to find Planter. When he found her, he told her everything and she agreed to come. Then they went over to get the weapons. Just like Tharus said the Fossilized brow of destruction and the Eye of searching were bonded with him. Planter was at first a bit nervous about the shield but eventually she picked it up and exclaimed

“I feel fine.”

Two weeks later a wizard came to their village. Watcher greeted the wizard and said 

“It’s been so long since we have seen a wizard.” The wizard created a portal out of bedrock and placed some TNT inside it. Before anyone could blink an arrow shot out of nowhere and hit the TNT. 

“Sorry.” said Blaster “couldn’t help myself.”

“Actually that’s exactly what we need.” He said. Sure enough where there once was nothing the explosion created a red portal. Watcher stepped through the beam and immediately found Himself in a garden. Planter appeared next to him.

“It’s amazing,” she said. With a smile, Watcher nodded. No place he had seen had  been so beautiful. They walked on towards a castle in the distance. Its towers seemed to glisten like diamonds. Once they reached it The gate opened into a gigantic room. At the far side there were portals. One had a sign that said WIZARDS OF WAR. The other one also had a sign that said WIZARDS OF PEACE. Watcher stepped through the first portal and immediately he found himself in another garden with another castle. Watcher entered the castle and found a giant staircase. At the top there was a door. Watcher opened it and he saw hundreds of pigs each with saddles on them Watcher sat in a saddle and immediately he noticed that there were hundreds of wizards just like him on the pigs. A wizard appeared in the front and immediately Watcher recognized him. 

“Baltheron.” he said. Baltharon smiled.

“Hello Watcher” he said “do you have my flail.” Watcher pulled out the Flail of regrets and showed it to him. Baltharon nodded and said to everyone “I am Baltheron son of Tharus and today we are going to choose your dragons. Any questions will be answered after you choose your dragon.” Baltharon led them to a room that was filled with dragon eggs. One was blue, One was red and One was green. There were more but Watcher was focused on a jet black one. He pointed to it. 

“I’ll have that one,” he said.

Later Watcher put the egg in an ender chest that he had made and put it in the fire of life that was burning in the fireplace. Immediately the egg exploded sending egg shells everywhere and in its place was a tiny black dragon. Watcher decided to name the dragon Shadow. Shadow hiccuped and let loose a tiny ball of fire. Watcher smiled. Shadow curled up in his lap and they fell asleep listening to the Minecraft gnomes from the new update digging with their pickaxes Chip Chip Crack Chip Chip Crack.


Chapter two: The Nether

Watcher soon formed a quick schedule. First he would feed Shadow two wither roses.

Then he would have some breakfast. After that he would have his classes. (Dragons, Nether and End studies, How to speak Dragon, Wither making, and How to make any type of portal you want with just a wave of your hand.) Then he would have lunch. And then he would take Shadow outside and play with him. When he was done he would have dinner. After that he would explore the grounds with Planter. The last thing he would do was fall asleep with Shadow at his feet. He liked his schedule a lot and he liked it even better when he did something new. This was one of those days. 

Sofira who taught Nether and End studies was taking them to the Nether for them to see some of the things from the Nether update. They were going to ride a Zombie pigman ship and look out of it at the update. When it was time for Nether and End studies Sofira waved her hand and a Nether portal appeared. They all stepped through it and appeared on the fiery landscape They walked on towards a giant lava lake. A giant ship appeared out of the gloom. The class boarded it and the ship set sail. The second they were far away from land another ship appeared. On it Watcher could see wizards of peace. After about an hour Watcher could see two more ships. He heard an alarm bell go off.

“Wither skeletons coming this way” A Zombie pigman yelled. Immediately the ship erupted in panic. Watcher pulled out the fossilized brow of destruction out of his inventory and aimed it at the ship. He focused on a Wither skeleton running up the deck and let go. Immediately the Wither skeleton disappeared.The ship grew closer and closer until Its bow was touching theirs. Eighty Wither skeletons charged onto their ship and began to try and force everyone to get on their ship. Watcher cut through the Wither skeletons like dust but more kept coming. Soon the ship was a mass of Wither skeletons. Fighting Wizards and Zombie pigmen. Watcher retreated to below decks and put on the Eye of searching and Focused on the battle. He saw thousands of Wizards and Wither skeletons fighting. Dozens of Wither skeletons were dying but more kept coming. Watcher looked around nervously at everything and nearly fell over The ship that had the wizards of peace was nearly sunk. Watcher quickly formed a plan on how to get onto the ship without being attacked. He had only learned a bit of Dragon but he knew what to say in this case. Slowly he edged his consciousness slowly forward through the Nether to the portal.  He edged through it towards the academy where he found Shadow in his room. Watcher edged into Shadow’s mind where he thought Come quick help. Shadow roared so loudly that Watcher diverted his mind back to right now. He shot up the deck and waited patiently. Soon Shadow flew across the sky roaring with all his might. Watcher hopped on the dragon’s back and they flew towards an enemy ship. Shadow crashed into the ship knocking dozens of Wither skeletons into the lava. The remaining Wither skeletons were stuck on a sinking ship. Shadow did the same thing with the other ship and flew over to the wizards of peace ship. Watcher hopped off Shadow and said “what’s going on?” a wizard of peace said.

 “We were attacked by Wither skeletons and they sunk our ship. Watcher nodded and asked “Can you call your dragons?” A wizard nodded and everyone closed their eyes and a minute later four hundred and ninety nine dragons flew out of the sky and landed on the ship. Soon everyone was flying across the Nether on their dragons. Once everyone was in the Overworld and the portal was destroyed Sofira snapped her fingers and a bright beam of light appeared over each students head with a number at the top. 1 2 3 4. Then the last numbers.997 998 999 1000. Watcher knew something was wrong the moment Sofira looked around in confusion. “What’s wrong?” he asked. 

“Get a life Loser.” someone muttered “Sofira doesn’t like questions.” Watcher ignored the wizard and said again “what’s going on?” Sofira just stared at the sky and then said 

“Do you still have the eye of searching?” Watcher nodded. “Well I need it for someone who is missing. Watcher tossed it to her and gave her a potion of healing. Sofira put on the eye of searching and drank the potion of healing. After a minute she took it off and Watcher said. 

“Well who is missing and what happened to him or her?” Sofira said after a minute 

“she’s imprisoned in the darkest of dungeons made out of a special kind of bedrock enchanted to let witches of war and peace in.”

 “And who is she?” asked Watcher. After a minute of silence Sofira said something that made Watcher faint.



The next couple days were a blur. The school was practically armored to the teeth in about two minutes. Then plans were discussed on how to attack the witches. Then after everything else Watcher still could not understand the distress signal that everyone had made up. Finally Watcher said to himself

“Enough is enough. I’m tired of waiting. We need to do something.” and he announced that at breakfast. Everyone agreed that if “Watcher wanted to go on a quest than he could but knowone had to go with him.`

“But I will.” Someone said. Watcher recognized his friend Josh and his dragon Midnight. Thankful that someone else was coming. Little did they know of the monstros horrors that awaited them.

Chapter three: From an enemies point view 

Shoclaw. The terrible wither skeleton king sat on his throne and laughed. No one, not even the  cowardly boy wizard, could stop him now. He knew he would come. He just knew it. Forty wither skeletons appeared out of the gloom in front of him. “Where iss the boy wizzard?He asked. 

“He is flying through the sky. One of the wither skeletons said. Soon he and his companion will reach the portal.” Shoclaw nodded.

“Good” he hissed “Ssoon we will have our long awaited revenge againsst the boy wizard.” The wither skeleton flicked a hand dismissing him. The wither skeletons walked away. Shoclaw laughed and fell asleep. When he awoke he heard a bell go off signaling the return of his two navy ships. He raised his sword  and the water gate opened. Instead of two tall and proud ships sailing in a giant board with a bedrock square in the middle floated in. Fifty Wither skeletons struggled out. Their hands were dirty and the rest of their bodies were covered in blood. “What happened?” Shoclaw asked.

“We were destroyed” a wither skeleton said. “At first we had the upper hand but the boy wizard summoned a dragon that destroyed our ships. Dozens of wither skeletons were killed. Luckily our ship was only mostly destroyed and part of it survived.”

“Sso why are sso happy?” Shoclaw asked. The wither skeleton gestured to a skeleton who walked right through the bedrock and came back carrying a cage. Inside was a girl. Shoclaw laughed. “Yess i think we will ssee the boy wizzard ssoon.” With a laugh he said “Take her to the dunggeon.” The wither skeleton nodded. Shoclaw suddenly heard the sound of wings flapping. “Go quickly,” he said And screamed. The scream was terrible. It showed hate and no mercy. As the scream faded Shoclaw prepared for the last battle of his life. And Watcher’s

Chapter four: reavealince

Watcher shot through the clouds. The wither skeleton fortress glowed dimly in the moonlight. As he and Josh landed ten hundred thousand wither skeletons surrounded them. Watcher quickly cut through twenty of them… And forty appeared. “So the boy wizard is ready to die.” a wither skeleton said “For Watcher is gone.Watcher smiled “And that’s where you’re wrong.” He said “For Watcher was never here. And Watcher’s skin peeled off. In its place was a finely dressed boy with a crown on his head and a scepter in his hand. Some wither skeletons gasped.
“Shocker.” One of them said. Shocker nodded and raised his scepter. Half of the Wither skeletons died. Twice as many returned just to die again. Shocker was about to raise his sword when slowly a passage opened in the ground and Planter shot out and the hole filled with lava. Shocker acted so quickly it was like lightning. He flung a bucket on the ground and the lava turned into obsidian. Planter flashed red but she was fine besides that. Just then Shoclaw came out of the fortress. Immediately as if he had been waiting for it Shocker charged Shoclaw knocking him to the ground. Immediately a roar shook the ground. A giant dragon as black as Shadow flew out of the fortress. Shoclaw laughed.

“Boy wizard meet my little pet Blacknight. Lets see how you fare against-”

“ROAR.” Shadow flew out of the sky straight toward Blacknight. The two fell on each other biting and scratching furiously. As if on cue Shocker raised his scepter into the air. Thunder began to rumble, lightning flashed, the wind howled. Soon it began to hail. A giant twist of black moved through the air sucking everything in its path. The wind roared through the land Raining faster than lightning. And the lightning was really fast.

Meanwhile back at the academy Tharus was having an argument with Baltharon. 

“I’m telling you, Tharus, Watcher doesn’t need help. He knows what he’s doing.”

“But It’s just that it’s only one boy. Sure he’s a wizard but he doesn’t even know his full power.”             

Just then Josh flew in on Midnight. 

“Guys,” He said “To make a long story short Watcher’s got a new name and he’s living up to it.”

Meanwhile Shocker had cornered Shoclaw in his fortress gardens He swung his sword but Shoclaw intercepted it. Their swords clashed together. Shocker ducked as Shoclaw landed a blow to his head. He flashed red Just then he saw a lever out of the corner of his eye. Quickly he formed a plan in his mind and got ready for the right moment. When Shoclaw paused, Shocker made a break for the lever. Shoclaw ran at him, his sword outstretched but it was too late. With his last bit of strength Shocker brought his fist down on the lever. His last thought before the palace exploded was that he was happy.

Epilog After the war. 

Gameknight999 placed the last piece of redstone dust on the command block. After the death of Shocker the villages of the far lands did not feel safe. So Gameknight had made a command block that killed every monster in the far lands. Luckily Er-Lan and Kobel had gone to live with Gameknight though he had made sure that Hunter did not know where they lived until she trusted them completely. Now that the command block was done the villagers would be safe. Gameknight sat down on a cliff to rest before activating the command block. The moon was high and bright and for the first time in ages Gameknight could take a deep breath and watch the sun set.

                                     THE [END] BEGINNING

Oh and if you want to know what happened to the withers they got so angry that they killed each other.  

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