
Chapter 10
Desert Battles

Gameknight ran through the plains biome. The rest of the villagers was behind him. The sun was setting, and he wanted to reach the village before night fall. In Minecraft, nighttime was monster time. They ran over a small rise. “There!” Mapper yelled. “Just over that hill!” Gameknight shifted around his armor uncomfortably. He had needed to grab some iron armor because his diamond was now bits of jewels scattered around the forest.
He jumped up the slope, timing the jumps perfectly so he wouldn’t stop sprinting. Then he saw it. The walled town was full of warm torchlight. The watcher shouted from the top of the watchtower. The gates swung open as the exhausted NPCs approached. Gameknight walked inside. Instantly, he felt better. They had tried to use the minecart system, but every time Gameknight went under ground the arrows would point straight up and he wouldn’t be able to see.
Besides, it would be a big shock if Void didn’t know about the system. Besides, it couldn’t get them all the way there anyway. It couldn’t go across the Great Chasm. It did go around, but it was way to slow. They had to get there, fast. The arrows seemed very intent on getting him to go south, towards Everest Mesa he learned after he talked to Crafter about it. Crafter said it was the largest and tallest Mesa in Minecraft. Void probably wanted them to climb it so she had time.
The village Crafter came forward. “Who are you and what are you doing here?” He asked. Gameknight stepped into the light. The crafters eyes traveled from his face to his user name, then the area above his head devoid of a server thread. His mouth dropped open. “I am Gameknight999,” he said. “We are on our way to Dragons Teeth to stop Void. Could we stay here tonight?”
“Of course!” The Crafter stammered “We’ll set up beds. We’ve heard of Void. We’ll do anything to stop her. Is there anything else you need?”
“Some food will be nice,” Crafter said. “We’ve been sprinting all day. We need to try and hit the mobs before their ready.”
The crafter signaled at a group of farmers. “Go harvest the crops for our guests,” he ordered. They nodded and ran towards the farms, hoes at the ready.
The NPCs from the plains village ran inside their houses to get ready. They filled up all the areas indoors, but it was a clear night so beds were spread out in the village. Gameknight collapsed into one by the wall, exhausted. “God night,” Wonder said back in the physical world. But Gameknight was already asleep.

The next morning, Gameknight woke to the sound of armor being put on. “I thought you should sleep in,” a voice said. Gameknight sat up and rubbed his eyes. Crafter was sitting on the edge of the bed. “Not me!” Piped up Hunter, who was sitting cross-legged on the grass, twirling an arrow like a top. “Let’s go!”
Gameknight climbed into his armor. The rest of the villagers were already there when he approached the gates. He noticed their were significantly more than yesterday. “Where did all these people come from?” He asked. “There from this village,” Hunter said, grinning. “They all wanted to come and join the fight.”
Gameknight looked proudly at the brave NPCs. They were all willing to die to protect the ones they loved from Void. “Let’s get going!” He yelled. They cheered. He ran to the top of the formation, where his friends were waiting for him. He smiled and started running.

Herder closed his eyes as tightly shut as possible. The wind blew his long hair back. “Oh, stop being such a baby!” Void called from the back of the phantom in front of him. She tugged on his rope. He peeked at her. “It’s a lot easier when you can teleport!” He yelled back at her. He was almost a hundred blocks in the air, flying above the Overworld. “Why couldn’t she let me teleport, like Crafter and Monet?” He thought. “But no, I’m her special prize she won’t give up. It makes me sick!”
He looked down again. Now that he was mad, it didn’t seem nearly as scary. It was actually a stunning view. The different mobs below were like colorful threads on a green blanket. (I’m a baker, so I can’t say a green velvet cake. That is NOT a thing, people! Also this makes more sense.)
He looked and saw Void was for once not trying to hide the fact she was staring at him. She was twirling her long hair around her finger. If she hadn’t been so evil and holding a rope with the other end tied to his body, he would of thought it was cute. He got comfortable on his phantom. It was much roomier than he thought. It’s back wasn’t covered in spikes, but instead nice and smooth. It was going to be a long day.

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