
Diary of a Minecraft Skeleton

    By Judah 

Saturday night:

Tonight  I woke up in a very lousy mood. Tonight was Saturday night which meant today it was my turn to polish the great master bow of destruction which was owned by my great-great-great-grandfather Skelly the skeleton, the only spider jockey in my family. His bow

was the great pride of my family and it was kept safe long after his death and keeping it safe included polishing it every day. So I got up and went to the room that held the bow. I polished it until it was shiny and clean. Then I went downstairs. Today we were having pancakes. My mom was pouring bone meal into the boul which meant that we were having bone cakes, an amazing type of pancake. That tasted much better. After finishing my cakes I ran outside to my bike. My parents wouldn’t let me have a bone cycle so I had to do it on my old bicycle. I peddled down the street through the park and over to the Skeleton town library To return  The history of planet Minecraft. It was a good book especially about the part about the users and how skeletons used to shoot them down like turnips. Then came the great Separation. According to our god Herobrine, something called Fortnight got invented. It was like Minecraft but better. So the users left leaving us to our ways and boy did we take over. We flew across the lands shooting anything in our path. The zombies were our friends and so were the other mobs. The code went berserk with no Notch to control it. We stopped burning in the daylight Skeletons had babies. And in the midst of them all Minecraft connected Soon anything earth could do so could we? Then Herobrine retired to his palace in the lava ocean in the Nether. I peddled down the street to home where my little brother Skelt was complaining about how he didn’t have enough Bonecakes. Then I went up to my room where I got into my favorite comic, Creepo the king of creepers, which was about this giant charged creeper created by Herobrine during the battle of Minecraft which was a battle between the villagers and the monsters for control over Minecraft. I was on issue fourteen when Creepo the king of creepers destroyed a giant wall and it was getting better. When it was done, I went out to the skeleton stables to check on my pet skeleton horse Skelly two to see how he was doing. He whinnied when he saw me. I petted him and he licked my face. After that, I had chicken dinner. Then I got in bed, turned out all of the Redstone torches, and fell asleep. In my dream, I was riding a spider through the skeleton town waving the great master bow in my hands. Eight Ender dragons were flying out ready to throw Minecraft into nothing. I shot at one of them, it bounced off the hide and another dragon both dragons died from poisoned arrows. Another dragon flew towards me. I jumped out of the way and it smashed into the wall sending chunks of rock everywhere killing the rest of the dragons. The skeletons cheered as they paraded through the streets chanting “Skellskell Skellskell. Skellskell Skellskell Skeellskel. Time to get up”


Sunday night 

Slowly I got up yawning the rest of my wonderful dream away.
“What is it, mom.”

“Well,” she said. “ Skelt is going to the dentist today. I’m afraid he is beginning to lose a cavity in one of his teeth. I nodded and said 

“So,” I said. 

“So could you spend some time at Skelins for me?” I groaned. Skelin was my ex-best friend but mom doesn’t know that so she is constantly asking me to go over to his house. I got up and walked over to Skelin’s house. When I got inside Skelin’s mom greeted me and I ran over to my hidden dispenser in the bush I pressed the lever and dozens of wolves shot out. They charged out of the brush and attacked the house with relish soon it was all gone and Skelin and his family were nothing but bones. I did not want to stick around for when they got back together so I hurried home, turned on the TV and relaxed. Later When my parents came home I rode Skelly two around the stables for a while. Then I decided it was time to ask my parents to let me explore the Overworld by myself and believe it or not they said yes. So I packed up my stuff and set out into the world of Minecraft. After about a day I reached a forest. I walked through the woods for a while when I heard a hissing sound. I  turned around ready to shoot that creeper into a music disk. I raised my bow and was about to fire when the hissing stopped. Right in front of me was a creeper about my age. He was holding a map and was looking confused.
“Excuse me.” he said “But I am looking for the creeper hive. Today I will get my exploding certificate.”

“No clue.” I said. “But I’ll help you look. The creeper smiled and together we walked along through the forest. “What’s your name?” I asked “Mine’s Skellskel.l”

“Creepo. I’m descended from the great Creepy. I even named  my horse after him Creepy two. Um Skellskell why are you staring at me?” 

“It’s just that” I said “I’m descended from the great Skelly and I named my horse after him Skelly two.” Creepo nodded confused. “Watever.” I said “Come on.” We walked along the dirt forest floor for a long time. Eventually we made camp on a grassy river bank with fish swimming around and fell asleep listening to the birds chirping good morning even though the world was taken over by monsters. 



Monday night.

I slowly got up and looked around. Creepo was still sleeping and I Slowly got up and looked around. It was quiet and peaceful With the sound of lapping water nearby. I looked at the trees when a wolf came out of the gloom. I had hoped for a chicken but a wolf was still good. I aimed my bow and fired at  the wolf and it disappeared in a cloud of XP leaving behind… Nothing. Disappointed, I looked around to spot three sheep crowding around. I quickly ended their lives with three quick but excellent shots. Now there was the problem of getting a furnace. For that we needed cobble stone and skeletons couldnt dig and Creepo hadn’t earned his exploding certificate. Quickly thinking fast I shot Creepo with an arrow. He exploded giving me some cobblestone I did this about eighty times until we had enough cobblestone for a furnace. I put Creepo back together and began cooking the sheep in the furnace. The delicious smell of roasting sheep made the space beneath my ribs long to be filled. Creepo also looked a bit unsettled. Although I don’t exactly know what creepers do with food, I hoped that his look had to do with the roasting sheep and not with my starved bones. Just as we were about to dig in when a boom shook the ground. I jumped to my feet and whirled around. There in the midst of the forest was a villager. “Hi”  I said. I decided to have some manners to him even though I was about to shoot him. “Sorry about this but I have to shoot you.” I said 

“Huw” Said the villager.

“I said sorry about this but I have to shoot you.” I said


“Can you even hear.”


“ That’s it, I am just going to shoot you.”





“Huw.” Zing

“Oooh ah bum.”

Glad that that annoying villager was out of the way, I quickly walked on. Just then Creepo said 

“Skelly there’s a village up ahead.” Then everything went black. When I woke up I asked Creepo what happened? “Apparently you can’t stand villagers.” He said

“Never mind,” I said. “Come on you need to get to the creeper hive and I want to find a spider and convince it to become my pet.” So we walked on for a while until it began to get light. I Was in the middle  of making a house for us too to spend the day in when I heard a clicking sound. This was it. I waited and waited and finally a small spider scurried up to me. With excitement I held out my favorite collection item. Slowly the spider 


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