
Rise of Kings Chapter two

By Judah 

I charged Krag and barely escaped being crushed by his massive fist. All of my past battles surged through my head. The next time I easily sidestepped Krag’s fist and brought Needle down on his head. Krag flashed red and teleported out of the way of my next blow. We were going to lose this battle. Just then I got an idea. 

“Kobel and Kit. Go to the village and tell them not to go into the forest. Then meet us at the wizard’s city. The rest of you dig until you think you’re safe. Then we can agree how further we can go.” 

I pulled out my shovel and dug a hole three blocks. Then I placed a block on top of me. I kept digging until I was about twelve blocks into the flesh of Minecraft. Then I called out, “Hello.” 

Everyone luckily answered me. 

“Alright I said dig fifteen blocks further down.”  

At the fourteenth block I hit an abandoned mineshaft and fell eighty feet. I hit the ground and lucky for me it was covered in water. Blaster landed next to me followed by Cutter and Winger and Er-lan and Planter. Once everyone was there I said “who’s got Obsidian.” Soon standing in front of us was a tall obsidian portal frame. I lit it with Flint and steel and a purple portal appeared before us. I stepped through it followed by my friends. We emerged on a flat nether rack plain. In front of us was a giant fortress. “Come on,” I said. 

We walked towards the fortress. Just then a magma cube hopped up to us. I raised my sword and brought it down as hard as I could. The magma cube disappeared into eight larger magma cubes. I had to attack  a magma cube five times before it disappeared into eight large magma cubes.  Needle turned a magma cube into eight mediums then one into smalls then finally I killed one. I killed seven more smalls then turned a medium into smalls, killed them and repeated all that again six times. After finishing my battle I looked around. The rest of my friends were not able to destroy the cubes and were just ducking and dodging everywhere I looked. Just then the most horrible sight I will ever see I saw right then and there. More magma cubes. Dozens and dozens of them. A giant Magma cube a lot bigger than any mob we’d ever seen. Actually he was about the size of Krag. I charged him and hit him again and again. After about eighty tries he dissolved into twelve bigger magma cubes I barely lifted an eyebrow and destroyed him and he dissolved into twenty four bigger cubes. 

Suddenly I had an idea. I struck on again and again and again and again. After a thousand tries he transformed into forty eight giant magma cubes. Unfortunately for the magma cubes the Nether was only so big. Most of the magma cubes were suffocated and disappeared with a pop. 

“Run to the portal.” I screamed and took off. I reached the portal and flung myself through it. My friends were already through the portal and were on the floor of the abandoned Mineshaft. “Good,” I said. “Now let’s get out of here before anyone comes out of the portal.” 

But before any of us could move Thousands of Wither skeletons charged out of the portal and began running towards us. Not waiting for their king, I began running away followed by the others. The wither skeletons were closing in. Just then I had an idea. It would almost definitely kill me but I didn’t care. I stepped to the other side of the tunnel and began running towards the wither skeletons. I practically knocked the first five wither skeletons out of the way. They flashed red so hard that they disappeared. Finally I reached my enemy. The giant Wither skeleton was in the middle of running towards the front. I reached him and swung my sword at him. The wither skeleton caught it with his sword and the sound of diamond hitting stone echoed through the mineshaft. It only took eight hits for me to destroy his sword. Then I could have killed him but I would never kill anyone without a sword. So I slipped my sword into my inventory and tackled him to the ground. We wrestled for a minute until I had him pinned to the ground. “Give up.” I said. The wither skeleton was silent for a second then he nodded. 

“STOP,” he commanded. The wither skeletons stopped chasing my friends. I slowly got up and handed him my second best diamond sword.

“It’s not enchanted with the wither effect but when we get to the wizard’s city we will be sure to find an enchanted crafting table.” 

“Thank you,” said the wither skeleton. “My name’s Jake.”

“Lets go catch up to the others,” I said. We walked together in silence for a while. Finally we reached the end of the mineshaft. My friends had made camp.

“You’d better hide here until I explain this to everybody.” I said to Jake. Jake nodded and I stepped into the camp. The second I stepped foot in camp, Planter ran up to me and hugged me so tight I thought I might die.

“You came back,” she said.

“I would never leave you forever,” I said. I looked around. “Where are the others?” 

“They are cleaning up,” she said. “Some creepers blew up.”

“Speaking of monsters,” I said, “the king of the wither skeletons is nice, just a coward. Can he stay?” 

Planter nodded and hugged me tighter. “What were you doing back there,” she said. 

“Buying you time,” I said.

 Planter nodded and ran off. A minute later my friends ran out of the mist and and up to me. It was peaceful and calm and, for the first time, I understood true peace.

 “Jake, you can come out now,” I said. 

Jake walked out of the bushes.  Blaster whipped out his sword followed by Cutter and Winger

.”Relax, he’s a friend.” I said. 

Blaster and Winger lowered their weapons but Cutter was hesitant. 

“How do you know he’s on our side?” He asked.

“I just have a feeling,” I said. 

Cutter slowly lowered his sword. 

“Fine,” he said. “But don’t blame me if something goes wrong.

“Thank you,” I said. “Now let’s make him a bed. 

Jake walked over to me. 

“Care to spar?” he said. 

“Sure,” I said. 

Jake drew his sword and I drew mine. Jake charged me and before I could react he hit me so hard that I flashed red losing half of my HP. Then I flashed red again. I couldn’t feel my health bar. Then I realized my sword was a wooden sword that was painted enchanted diamond. Jake had stolen my sword and put me under the wither effect. I doubled over in pain and collapsed to the ground. Cutter leaped on his horse and charged Jake, yelling “an I told you so” at me. Jake was as fast as the wind and soon he and Cutter were far away. Planter ran up to me. Tears were streaming down her face. She hugged me tighter than ever before. 

“Planter,” I said. 

“Don’t die,” she said. “Don’t you dare die.

“Planter,” I said. “I love you.” The everything went black


When I woke up Blaster was yelling in my face.

“That’s the second time you made us think you were dead. You need to stop it. If you do it one more time you will be dead.” 

“Hi Blaster,” I said. Blaster smiled and called 

“Planter, he’s alive.” Planter practically teleported into my arms. She hugged me tighter than ever. So tight that I thought I might suffocate. 

“Hi Planter,” I managed to gasp. 

“Watcher,” she said. “Your arms. They’re  glowing.” 

Immediately I sat up and looked at myself. Sure enough my arms were glowing a dark purple. I panicked. I looked around frantically for something that would prove me wrong but there was none. I was a wizard once more. 

“No,” I said. “No no no. This is not possible. That sword should have killed me but instead it turned me into a wizard.”
“It’s strange,” Planter said.

“We need to get to wizards city,” I said. 

Planter nodded. “We should go immediately.”

“I agree,” I said. 

We got on our horses and galloped off. Soon we reached the abandoned village. I ran to the desert well. Planter dug it up again. I jumped in and she followed then Blaster, Fencer, Cutter and Er-lan. We landed in the hall of planes. Fifty iron golems charged to us. 

“Curses,” I said. “I forgot about the golems.” 

Three golems blocked our portal and then three more for  each portal. Fifty more golems charged to us. I drew my wooden sword. It was better than nothing. I charged a golem and even with my sword being practically useless I managed to defeat him. Meanwhile it seemed that Jake had tricked my friend as well. They had wooden swords and were all striking a golem about a million times killing it and using up the last of their swords durability. The golems advanced. Suddenly I felt a surge of energy shoot through my body. This was too much. Just too much. We were going to die but not without a fight. Charge. I yelled. And the battle began   


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