
                                    Crafter’s adventure 


“The User-that-is-not-a-user is back,” is the cry I heard as I was in the middle of crafting. Gameknight999 the User-that-is-not-a-user was my best friend and we had amazing adventures together. Gameknight999 had also shared some stuff from the physical world with us. For instance he had once brought a dozen bags of books. We had all fallen to and read the books about five times and asked dozens of questions and had even done some stuff to make Minecraft seem more physical world like. Gameknight had also once brought a roast Chicken to Minecraft on a platter along with potatoes that were mashed and some gray stuff called gravy on one cold winter day. He had also called a celebration in the middle of the village and called the whole thing Christmas and said something about how next Christmas we should build chimneys. We had insisted that he visit Morgana for a potion of healing. A year later he came back with more types of strange food and said something about a new year and we pointed out that the year had ended two weeks ago. Now there was no time for holidays. Enity303 was back and we were at war. Digger was mining diamonds and soon every NPC in the village was in diamond armor and carried a diamond sword. Gameknight’s  iron sword was also upgraded. Gameknight dropped to the ground in my crafting chamber. We hugged and then got into a conversation about the weak spot on the east side of the wall. After that we discussed the weak spot on the west side of the wall. Then the north side. Finally the south side. After we found ways on how to fix them a handful of builders hurried off to fix them. I told Gameknight about how I was using my crafting powers to call villagers all across the server. Then Me, Gameknight, Hunter, and Herder. Got into Minecarts and set off through the crafting chamber to track Enity303. We traveled for a long time until we arrived at a village on a mushroom biome. We greeted the villagers and they got into the minecarts with us and we traveled on. We came to five more villages and collected the villagers. Soon we had at least five hundred villagers with us and we returned to Crafter’s village. After that Gameknight took us into the physical world. We appeared in a giant room full of Mojang workers. Mark entered the room a minute later. 

“Finally,” he said. I was beginning to think you were going to hunt down Enity303.” 



Me, Hunter, Crafter, Digger, and Herder stood at Mojang’s balcony and stared at the surroundings of Sweden. The sun was setting and I insisted to my friends that the setting sun was more beautiful than in Minecraft. Digger stared at it in amazement. 

“It reminds me of-” he began. Then he looked at me with a look of fury on his face. “You,” he hissed. Tears came to his face and he drew his pickaxes. 

“Digger please-” I began. But it was too late. Digger charged. Just then every bird in the sky for thousands of miles dived at Digger pinning him to the ground. Digger’s pickaxes went flying across the balcony striking two of the birds. Herder tackled him to the ground and they fell to biting clawing scratching. “ENOUGH,” I bellowed. Digger and Herder sat up staring at me. “Digger, I am sorry for killing your wife but it’s too late. She’s dead and you need to move on. Topper and Filler are still there. Herder, Sure Digger killed two animals but you need to forgive him. Animals are only part of the world; you have to stop being mad at every animal’s death.” Herder and Digger still looked like they wanted to knock the other one off the balcony but they sat down on a chair, glared at each other, and just ignored each other for the rest of the night.


 Me, Tommy, Hunter, Herder, Digger, NOTCH, Jenny, and Mark sat in the council chamber as we discussed what to do next. After hours of talking we finally decided to lure Enity303 into Minecraft and right up to my village. There we would ambush him and kill him once and for all. It was a great plan and we all thought it was good. Then NOTCH and Mark wandered off until it was just us sitting in the council chamber. After a while Herder got up to leave but then Digger got up to leave so Herder sat down again. We sat there for a bit more until Herder got up to leave again. Eventually I got back up to my bed. When I got there I collapsed on it and began to fall asleep. Just as I was drifting off I heard a noise. Slowly I got up from my bed and began inching down the hallway. I heard the noise again around the corner and I was about to step out When Tommy appeared in front of me. “Keep still,” he whispered. The noise grew louder and louder. Soon it was right around the corner. Then out walked Enity303. He was dressed in a long black cloak and was carrying a silver sword. He stole through the night without making a sound. We followed him up corridors and down more until he came to a door. Suddenly Tommy lept out and slashed his sword at Enity303’s shoulder. Enity303 turned around just in time to meet the blade. The two spun around in circles ducking dodging slashing until both were exhausted. Enity303 quickly teleported away. NOTCH lept out of an open doorway. “Enity303 has been here,” I said. NOTCH looked at Tommy’s bloody leg. He looked at the black cloak. He looked at the splatters of teleportation particles and a fearful expression grew on his face. He immediately began dashing down the halls banging on every door he passed. Soon the entire building was awake. As Tommy told NOTCH what had happened I ran back to my bed for some sleep. As I lay in my bed I realized why Tommy had attacked Enity303. That door he was opening was Hunter’s.


Mojang was wide awake. Everyone was running around in a panic wondering what to do. Even NOTCH looked afraid. In the middle of it all I was sitting on a bench trying to figure out what was going on. So far I had guessed this much. Enity303 was getting a bit nervous so he teleported into Mojang to kill Hunter so I would go after him and try to kill him alone. But I had been going on a walk when he got there and I stopped him from going too far in his plan and drove him out of Mojang. Me, NOTCH, Hunter, Herder, and Crafter had met to discuss what to do. “The first thing we need to do,” said NOTCH, “is to protect ourselves and the only way to do that is with bedrock.”

“You mean imprison ourselves, more likely,” said Crafter.

“No,” said NOTCH patiently, “hear me out. We don’t have to immure ourselves in bedrock, just use it to surround the main entrance. That way, we’ll have a fighting chance if Enity303 comes back with his forces.” 

“No,” said Hunter. “Let’s just stick to the plan and everything will be OK.”

“By the plan you mean the thing that will put my village in danger,” said Crafter.

“I’m going,” said Herder. He walked out of the room but right before he left he said. “I’ll be back soon.”
I have an idea,” I said. I began explaining what would happen if we just lured Entity303 into the End without his armor or sword. That was what was liked best so that day everyone prepared for Enity303’s next visit. That night over dinner we discussed our plans to everyone else. Soon everything was ready.


Me, Tommy, and Herder drank potions of invisibility and waited outside Hunter’s door. Finally Enity303 slipped out of the shadows and crept toward the door. Then Tommy lept out  followed by me and Herder. We tackled Enity303 onto the ground and in his mind Tommy began to type E-N-T-E-R. With a bright flash we disappeared. The second we entered Minecraft, Gameknight traveled back to the physical world leaving us to bring Enity303 down.


After travelling back to the physical world I went to my room and fell asleep. When I awoke I went downstairs and walked into my planning room. I began mapping out Mojang’s defences until I had figured everything out. After that I walked into the courtyard where I grabbed my titanium sword and began swinging it in midair. After that Everyone else was awake so we had another council. In that one we decided to make a solid wall so high that no one could fly up over it. We also decided to dig holes here and there across the grounds. We decided to fill each hole with lava. After that we decided to build TNT cannons and hide them in the wall.


We landed in the extreme hills biome. The second we got there. Enity303 shook himself free of us and began running away as fast as possible. We followed him as fast as possible. Soon we were out of the extreme hills biome and in the ice spikes biome. We chased Enity303 through the snow until we trapped him at the ocean. Enity303 turned around. With his back to the sea he drew his diamond sword. I drew my iron sword followed by Herder. Entity303 raised his hands and all around him a giant roar shook the ground. Thousands of Ravagers charged towards us from one side of us. Herder raised his hands and wolves charged from the other. The two armies met in combat and the battle began. Eight wolves charged each Ravager but that only covered half the Ravagers. The other half joined the battle and soon the wolves were battling not one ravager but two. Soon the wolves were either dead or knocked into the sea to drown. Herder charged up the slope swinging his sword like a maniac and before the ravagers knew what was happening he had cleaved through half of them. But then the Ravagers attacked him and Herder fell under a pile of snarling monsters. I quickly followed Herder up the slope but before I could come to his ade Enity303 appeared in front of me. I quickly began slashing my sword into him but Enity303 returned the blows with even more painful ones. I ran at him determined to stab that villain in the chest. But Entity303 intercepted the blow. We fought like this for awhile until finally Entity303 made a hand gesture and all the Ravagers leapt off Herder and ran over to Enity303. Enity303 hopped onto a ravager and the ravagers leapt over my shoulder and plunged into the gloom. I immediately ran over to Herder. He was bleeding in five different places. I quickly gave him a potion of healing and he stood up. Together we ran to the direction where our enemy had gone.. After about five minutes of tracking. We found Enity303 resting in a clearing surrounded by the Ravagers. We crept up to him and I raised my sword ready to kill him. Just before the sword hit the griefer all the Ravagers leapt up to their feet. One of them charged Herder and bit him hard. All the other Ravagers joined in biting, clawing hissing, scratching. Whenever I tried to get near Herder a Ravager blocked my path. Eventually Enity303 sat up. When he saw what was happening he raised his sword and threw it at me. I ducked and the sword hit the ground. I raced to pick it up but as I bent over a sharp pain erupted in my back. I looked up to see Enity303 above me. He smiled as I tried to rip free from his sword. Fianaly Enity303 let go of his sword and I yanked it out of my back. I charged Enity303 but he ignored the blow and calmly stepped to the side. I crashed past him and barreled into the ground. As I sat up I saw Enity303 hit the sky with his fist. A bright light emitted from him. It grew bigger and bigger until it surrounded the Ravagers. The light began to thin until it shrank into a tear of light that hit the ground and dissolved leaving Herder dazed on the ground. As he sat up a bright light surrounded us and as we watched we disappeared from Minecraft.

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