
Part 4

The villagers were finishing up the defenses and adding a few traps when Watcher said “blazes and ghasts coming!”. “That isn’t usual” Digger said. Then Watcher shouted “there are wither skeletons mixed in with the ghasts and blazes and there are also a group of creepers, zombies with iron and leather helmets, charged creepers and husks following behind!”. “EVERYONE GET INSIDE!” Digger shouted. “How are we supposed to fight them of if we can’t hold swords?” Fisher asked. “At least Steve and Alex can hold swords” Baker replied. Steve and Alex stopped to think how to get the villagers to hold swords then Steve had a idea “we can just contact Notch, the creator of Minecraft to modify the code of villagers” then suddenly in the distance, all the monsters caught on fire and all the villagers flashed white. After a moment all the villagers stopped flashing white and all the monsters were leaving. When the villagers stopped flashing white Steve and Alex noticed all the villagers had free hands with swords in them. “What just happened?” Woodcutter asked. “I bet Notch was modifying your code” Steve said. They all went to their houses in case there would be any more attacks suddenly a blaze came out from a Nether portal. When it got close enough they all noticed the blaze rods circling the blaze had a reddish color to them. “I am The blaze king” The blaze said, suddenly a enderman teleported next to the blaze. The enderman said “I am The king of enderman” then it sent some enderman somewhere in the village. They all noticed The king of enderman’s skin was colored a dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, dark red that was almost black then they saw that The king of enderman was standing on one of the traps they built. Digger yelled “REDSTONE 32, NOW!”. Watcher pulled a lever and The king of enderman fell into a pool of water then, as soon as The king of enderman fell into the pool of water they all threw snowballs at The baze king. The blaze king and The enderman king both yelled, “NOOOO!”. Then The blaze king and The enderman king disappeared suddenly the enderman The king of enderman sent teleported  out of the village, carrying Herobrine! They quickly destroyed the enderman but one enderman managed to teleport Herobrine away and in the teleportation process they destroyed the enderman but Herobrine got teleported away. “Now we need to find where Herobrine got teleported to” Fisher complained then Fisher said “I am getting bored so I will just stay in the village”. Then they got their supplies and set off to find where Herobrine got teleported to.

Part 5

Steve looked around for any monsters while Alex led the way. “According to the map I am holding we are in a roofed forest biome and there will be a woodland mansion if we keep walking forward” Alex said. “Yep, we are in a roofed forest biome” Watcher said. “I bet we can get some totems of undying in the woodland mansion” Steve said. Finally they reached the woodland mansion. “Grab any items you find even if its a wooden sword or a blank piece of paper” Digger said. They split into three groups then each of the groups headed into a different level of the mansion. Steve walked to the second level of the woodland mansion with Alex and some other villagers. He could hear the other groups shouting out their finds. He heard someone say “I found twenty four diamonds in this chest!” then someone shouted “I found a treasure map and four golden apples!” then someone said “I found ten saddles and a diamond sword and a bow that has the infinity enchantment on it!” then someone said “I found eighty eight ender pearls and ten eyes of ender along with twenty six gold ingots!” then someone said “I found a chest full of rotten flesh and bones?” then someone said “I found a…” then the voice ended. “We need to go check to see if anything bad happened” Steve said. They followed where the voice came from and they saw a secret passage behind a bookshelf in the room the voice came from. “That villager must have fell in that secret passage” Steve said then Steve noticed a chest in the corner of the room so he opened it then he said “I found a chest full of shuckler boxes that are full of totems of undying in them!” then he took everything in the chest and put in his inventory. After he organized the items in his inventory he went into the secret passage with Alex at his side.

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