
Enderborn book 1

By: Tomas W

Table of contents:

  1. A human girl
  2. An enderman
  3. The overworld
  4. Enderborn
  5. The quest
  6. The Ultimate Battle



Chapter 1: A human girl

It is going to be a crazy story. A human girl that was a villager named Renee. She liked to explore. She explored into a stronghold not knowing how she did it because you can only find it with the eye of ender. She also had never been to a strong hold but she was told stories about the strongholds. She was told that a stronghold was like an ender chest. It was meant like the stuff in an ender chest will teleport to the other ender chest wherever you place it but the stronghold is different in a way to the ender chest a stronghold has an abandoned mineshaft a portal to the end and the library books in the stronghold will teleport to the libraries outside of the stronghold. But anyway she decided to explore the stronghold and found an end portal that already had the eyes of ender on it and she was wondering what was on the other side of the end portal so she jumped in the portal and found herself in a world on top of a floating island made of a sponge like block but it was a whitish tan color.


Chapter 2: An enderman

When she got into the end somebody or something came up to her and said hello little girl what are you doing here in the end. Renee said, I don’t know all I know is I was exploring and I saw a portal to the end that already had twelve eyes of enders on it and I have never been to the end so I jumped in and found myself here and then Renee asked the thing who are you and what are you. The thing said isn’t it obvious what I am because this is the end and my name is erebus. Then Renee said oh okay so you are an enderman and your name is erebus. Erebus said, yes that is right and let me tell you something you are stuck here unless you can manage to defeat the ender dragon but let me tell you this after you defeat the dragon you get the ender egg that you can take but there is something you need to know about the ender egg one wrong move and it is gone forever and then he asked do you have any supplies on you. Then Renee said, yes I have an ender chest full of supplies. Then Erebus said, okay well then let me tell you something before you start fighting the ender dragon and here it is many people have tried to destroy him and have failed because the ender dragon killed them and then was turned into endermen but there is something that has never been mentioned to the other people because there is something all of us endermen can do we can tell if someone is worthy or not but we think you are worthy but to know for sure you have to kill the ender dragon. So after erebus said that renee went to slay the ender dragon and after hours of fighting she succeeded. Then suddenly the ender dragon had a white light surrounding it so Renee asked Erebus what does that mean. Then Erebus said that you have defeated the ender dragon and now look on the bedrock where the portal is the ender egg is above there are two ways you can lose the ender egg if it goes into the blackness called a void or if it goes into the portal and also as well as there being two ways to lose the egg there is three ways to get the egg one is covering up the portal and build a two block tall tower and take a piston and put a lever on the piston or you could use a button it doesn’t matter, and the second way is not cover up the portal hit the ender egg then it teleport location very rarely will it teleport into the void or the portal then after hitting it once dig down maybe two blocks then destroy one of the blocks in front of you only one block but make sure it is where the egg is and place a torch under it then destroy the block above the torch the egg should fall down and hit the torch giving it to you, the third and final is doing the same with torch but covering the portal and you choose which one you want do oh and one more before you choose you may not know this but there are islands surrounding this void and you can get to them by building up until you are level with a small void with bedrock on top and bottom then you take an eye of ender and throw to the middle of the bedrock it then will teleport you to the other island that is where you will get elytra and possibly the dragon head now hop to it. So then Renee thought about what she was going to do probably an hour but you can’t tell what time it is in the end because it is always dark it is the same thing with the nether your clock won’t work in the end or the nether and if you try to sleep in the end or the nether the bed will explode but there is a perk that you can do. All you have to do is place the bed down, wait for whatever you are fighting to come to you and then go to the bed as if you are going to go to sleep then they will get an explosive surprise. Then she finally got the ender egg after she got the ender egg another enderman came up to Renee and told her that his name was spellbinder and that she used to be a witch that tried to slay the ender dragon because all of the other witches had accomplished something great and he had just became a witch and the other witches told him that he couldn’t do the things that they have already done so he said what haven’t you done then the other witches told him we haven’t went to the end to slay the ender dragon and get the egg because the ender egg was needed to make a potion of something they didn’t want to tell him about she said she managed to defeat the ender dragon and tried to get the egg and successfully got the egg but he also had to go to the outer cities to get the dragon head so she could use it as a trophy and get some shulker shells so she could make some shulker boxes so she could so he could keep her stuff in a chest so she wouldn’t lose her stuff but she had failed and when she had tried to throw an ender pearl to teleport to another part of the city the ender pearl missed the city and I fell into the void but before she died she had started turning into an enderman and teleported here and lived here since and the other witches told her that if she managed to get the shulker shells, the dragon head, and the elytra there is a curse for the females and the witch told her what the curse was that she would get pregnant with the child of an enderman a sign would appear right in front of you telling you who is the father of your child and now that you have defeated the ender dragon I want you to find my witch friends and give the dragon egg to them before I say more I wanted to tell you that while I was here I learned what the ender egg was for it is to get rid of the baby you carry when you give the ender egg to the witches they will give you a choice to keep the baby or get rid of it. Then Renee said but I want to keep the ender egg. Then the ender witch said I was afraid you would say that luckily whenever I changed into this enderman I kept all of my stuff I give it to you now because I don’t need it you could use it to your advantage and you won’t even become a witch I will also help you build to the portal of the end cities. After she had said that the ender witch had helped her after she helped her build to the portal of the end cities and Renee went through it and got the stuff successfully she went back to the end city portal.


Chapter 3: The Overworld


Renee had gotten to back to the overworld and she had to look for a witches hut and after three days of searching she finally found one near the farthest mountainside to the east she then told the witches about spellbinder and gave them one of the eggs and said that she had another egg because she wanted to keep it and spellbinder had given her the egg because spellbinder didn’t have any use for it, so she had given it to her. After all she had said all of that the witches had started working on the potion and then asked her if she wanted to keep the baby and she had said that she wanted to keep the baby. Then she left and didn’t hear from the witches for a while.


Chapter 4: Enderborn


Six months had passed by Renee had gone on with her day like she always does. She went exploring like she does everyday and then she passed by the witches not long after she did she was about to have the child but luckily she was near the witches and Renee had raced over to the witches and told her what was happening the witches done what they could to help her and after she had the child a sign had appeared and the father was Erebus. Then she had to name her child and she decided to name him Enderborn because that was the first thing that came to her mind. When she had the child she couldn’t explore or move from the witches hut for a few days because the Enderborn had to get used to the environment because he was in the dark for so long he had to get used to the light. Then three days later she could not go too far from the witches hut because having an enderborn child can come with consequences. One consequence is being weak in the legs and another is passing out and the last one is feeling nauseated. So she couldn’t go very far for a few more days to a month. A few days later Renee had started to get bored because she hadn’t been exploring for six days and she asked the witches if she could go and explore the witches said, no because it isn’t time for you to leave the hut because we can help you if anything we can help you because we are the only ones that know what to do when it comes to having an enderborn child. You have to wait for a few more days then you can go out a little further. We will be with you because we like to explore too because that is how we get the supplies and also we never let in an outsider to be a witch but you were born a witch you just never knew it. We can teach you how to become a full fledged witch to pass the time because you have to wait for a month before you can leave without us. But you can still explore but it has to be with us now without being said here is something to put your child in and now we can go and explore and we hope you have the strength to fight because one of the ingredients we need is gunpowder from the creeper and we can help but we had more witches but we lost a lot of them to creepers, enderman, skeletons, and spiders. So if you need to you have to defend your child. Do you have any supplies to fight with? Renee said, She did she just need to get into her enderchest and it was in the next room so she had asked the witches if they would watch her child while she went and got her stuff. Then after a few minutes she came out with diamond armor on and had a diamond pickaxe strapped to her left side and a diamond sword strapped to her right side and on her back she had arrows and a bow. And then she was ready so she got her child and they were off and the witches asked why do you have a diamond pickaxe. Then Renee said because when I see some diamond I am going to mine it because we are going into a cave because it is daytime and monsters only spawn in darkness so we have to go into a cave also whenever I can I am going to go to the nether to get some ancient debris. So I can get stronger armor and weapons. Does it sound good to y’all. The witches had said that she couldn’t do that until your child was old enough to take care of himself. I mean you can’t go to the nether but you can still mine just make sure you keep an eye or two on your child and you have to be quick on your feet. Then Renee said that you forget who slayed the ender dragon, got the ender egg, went to the end cities and came back in one piece. One of the witches said yeah I know that but this is different you didn’t have a child then you are more in danger than you were then. There is a prophecy that goes with your child. He isn’t old enough to know about it but I can tell you about it if you want me to. Renee said she did want to know about the prophecy while they were walking. So they had left to go and explore and get some more supplies. The witch told her the prophecy which was that once the child had turned sixteen he would have to go on a quest to the nether, then to the end to defeat the ender dragon, but would have to slay some endermen to get the ender pearls. So you can’t go to the nether or end till Enderborn is old enough to take care of himself and as soon as he turns seven I would teach him how to fight, so he can do the quest. Continuing on with the prophecy he will have to go to the enchanted forest and find the white enderman when he finds him he will be given the quest and some supplies because someone who is enderborn has to slay the ender dragon because yes you did defeat him but there is other strongholds all around the world one older than most but we have seen a vision of the near future that all of the ender dragons will converge from the end and take over the over world and no one can do it faster than your child and also you can choose to go with him and help on the quest if you want to because I know how good of a fighter you are and you gain more skill the more you fight. Now here we are at the cave entrance, said one of the witches. It had been an hour before they had gotten their supplies and had taught Renee how to be a witch to pass time but by the time the month was up she still didn’t know everything about being a witch so she asked the witches if she could come back and they teach her more and that she would not sleep until she knew everything she could know. The witches had said that she could until her child had turned seven and then she could train him in the morning and learn how to be a witch at night. So that is what happened.


Chapter 5: The quest

Enderborn had turned sixteen and Renee had learned everything there was to know about being a witch then they both went on the quest together looking for the enchanted forest and Renee had to use a spell to locate it because it didn’t say anything about an enchanted forest on the map whenever the spell was finished she saw that a field of trees that wasn’t on the map before was there so they followed it until they had gotten to it then they searched the forest for the white enderman after three hours they had found the white enderman and the white enderman had told them they could choose to tame the ender dragons or slay them. They had said that they didn’t need to tame it because they already had an ender dragon named dead ender. He likes to fly around a lot but he will help us when we need it. He is only two years old so he is still young. But he will not go into the nether he will only go to the end or come here to the overworld. Then Renee and Enderborn had walked for an hour and finally found a broken nether portal but luckily they had gotten some obsidian on their way and then they placed the obsidian and lit the portal and went through the portal and found themselves in the nether. The parallel universe to the overworld. They had fought some blazes and got some blaze rods and found and got some ancient debris to make netherite armor that is stronger than diamond. It took fifteen hours to get a stack of ancient debris. Then they had walked for a while until they found their portal. They went through it and destroyed a block on the other side to turn off the portal they went to their home and smelted the ancient debris into netherite scraps they had crafted some diamond armor and weapons the day before and hadn’t used. so it would be fully repaired. After fifteen hours of the ancient debris smelting it was getting dark but that didn’t stop them from crafting the netherite armor. Then they asked each other what should we do, should we sleep or should we continue the quest. Renee said we should sleep so we aren’t tired when we get to the end because if we are we won’t have the strength to defeat some endermen in the end when they try to attack us. So they had lied down and went to sleep. They had woken up at the crack of dawn and went to slay some endermen they had slayed sixty-four endermen and gotten one thousand-twenty-four stacks of sixteen ender pearls and went back home and crafted some eye of enders with half of the ender pearls because that is all they could make with the blaze powder that they had gotten and that is all they need because they had gotten a map from the white enderman that had twelve strongholds on them and that only meant they needed one hundred-forty-four eye of enders. Then they had to get their supplies and put them into a shulker box so they could place them down and get their supplies out so they wouldn’t lose their stuff whenever it was destroyed. Then they had gone to one of the strongholds and went to the end and as soon as she entered the end all of the endermen recognized her and one of them came up and said this must be your son and Renee said sorry who are you. Then the enderman that had asked that this must be your son said, you already know me though you may not recognize me because all of us endermen look the same except for the rare white enderman who used to live here but when we found out he was white we kicked him out. My name is Erebus. Then Renee said you are the father to my son and his name is Enderborn. I know that I am although I don’t know how I had gotten a son because I am an elder enderman along with a few others and the elders aren’t supposed to have children and no I didn’t make you have the child it just happens and then shows you who it wants the father to be. And Renee where did Enderborn go. Renee said that he teleported he does that a lot because that is how he likes to move around. He doesn’t like to walk but you should see what else he can do. He has powers that I am sure that you don’t have he can create a black or white orb and do other things witches can do because of me I am a witch I was born a witch but didn’t know it and the witches told me and taught me how to be a witch and control my powers. Then Erebus said that spellbinder had known too. The witches can see if someone is a witch. We also generate throughout all of the strongholds because it is the elders duty to keep an eye on all of the endermen in all of the ends one of the elders is actually spellbinder. The elders consist of a warrior that is me, a witch or wizard that is spellbinder, and a protector and that is the ender dragon but the ender dragon in all of the end realms have gone corrupt with evil that is why the prophecy was made because only someone who was enderborn can defeat the dragon and defeat them all and either use the white orb to turn them back to good or use the black orb to finish them off completely, but he will have to change one back to good and use everything in his power to keep him that way because we need a protector. Then Renee said why can’t Enderborn be the protector. Then Erebus said that is a good question and the answer I can give you is quite simple actually it is because the child that is enderborn can become an elder but he can become the protector of the overworld right now the ender dragon has been slayed in all of the end realms, but there will be a rebirth soon and the ender dragons will be still corrupt with evil because the only realm that had to be done was the one you had done and do you still have that egg spellbinder gave you. Then Renee said, yes. Then Erebus said, well I need it to start the rebirth in the end realms and you don’t have to do anything you can just go back to your house but be warned after the rebirth the ender dragons will fly into the overworld that is why I said that Enderborn can be the protector of the overworld because after they are reborn they will rip through the fabric of the portal making it bigger so they could come through and you have to fight a lot of mobs because they will be running away from the ender dragon because the mobs fear the ender dragon except the endermen.  Because endermen spawn in the overworld that is how you get here but we spawn in large numbers here. Now you have to get ready for the ultimate battle. Train yourself and our child but I don’t know what is going to happen now that I have a child because like I said the elders aren’t allowed to have a child. Also you and your son are probably going to have to fight herobrine and if you are lucky you could probably get Entity303 on your side to fight herobrine because him and Herobrine don’t get along, Erebus said. Then Renee said, there is some history no one knows about I am Entity303’s daughter I learned that after I became a witch I was just sent to another family because Herobrine had tried to kill me so he will help me if I need him to I know he has been watching me because I felt it but whenever I look he disappears. But that doesn’t really explain why I am a witch. I think my mother was a witch. Then Erebus said, If your father is Entity303, prove it. Then Renee said, I don’t know if I can but I will try. So she closed her eyes and thought of the power of a glitch coming forth and then she opened her eyes and they were red. Then Erebus said, you really are the daughter of Entity303. Then Renee said that is not full power when I am at full power my eyes are blinding because you don’t want to make me mad. Because my eyes change from red to black and red but I can’t explain how that works. I will get ready for the ultimate battle and do you think you can speed up the time process with my ender dragon so he can help fight the other ender dragons and he has twelve heads I think it is trying to tell me something that when all of the ender dragons come into the overworld that it will combine and have five heads as well. Then Erebus said that he will try to speed up the time process and that it makes sense because the ender dragons can combine and create the most powerful ender dragon but I don’t know what it means for your dragon sense it is just one dragon and you better get back to the overworld and prepare and once herobrine starts fighting on the ender dragons side all of the mobs will fight beside him except for us because once the ender dragon enters the overworld we will be there to help you. Now go and prepare and you can find Entity303 on the farlands of the nether that is where he hides he is in control of the nether mobs so they will probably help you if they know who you are. Then Renee said thank you for the information I will look for him. I will see you later.


Chapter 6: The Ultimate Battle

Renee had gone to get her ender dragon and took him to the end to speed up its time and then went to the nether and looked for Entity303 and after what seemed like hours even though you can’t tell what time it is in the nether she finally found him and asked him for help. Then Entity303 said that he would help because you are my daughter and I will always help my daughter. After Entity said he would help Renee told him about herobrine and the battle of the ender dragons also known as the ultimate battle. She also told how when she got really mad her eyes would change from red to red and black one eye being red and one eye being black she had asked him about that. Then Entity303 said that is because it was your fate to have a red and black eye when you get mad because it couldn’t be red because mine are red and they glow brighter when I am mad and they couldn’t be white because Herobrine’s are white but the fates had decided to give you one red eye for light so you could see where something is when it glows at full power when you are angry and one black eye for the power of darkness and death. And Entity303 said who is that beside you. Then Renee said that is my son it is a long story but has something to do with the ultimate battle coming that is what I will tell you but if we survive the ultimate battle I tell you the whole story and also I have a pet ender dragon that will help us his name is Dead Ender and my son is Enderborn because he was enderborn. Now we have to go and prepare for the ultimate battle. Then Renee said Enderborn while me and my father are preparing I want you to go get Dead Ender and find us in a flat open land that is where we will be and I want you to practice your powers on the way and take this map it won’t help you here in the nether but I put a spell on it and as soon as it hits the sunlight of the overworld it will activate a tracker and lead you to him I want you to give to Erebus and tell him the same thing I told you I want you to move quickly because it can only be used twice so I want you to get to the stronghold before sunrise the next day and here is another map that you can use to find us the first map can be used two ways finding the stronghold and finding us but that is meant for Erebus and the elders and our dragon will become an elder if he survives this battle now go be back before sunset the next day the second map can be used as long as you want but time is faster in the end there it may seem like minutes but it is longer in the overworld it is the same thing with the nether now go and go quickly. And without a word Enderborn was off and Entity303 and Renee had looked for a flat clearing and started to prepare for the ultimate battle Entity303 taught Renee how to use the powers of a glitch so she could move faster even though she was already fast she needed to be faster if she wanted to survive the ultimate battle. They had practiced for three days and then Enderborn had came back and Entity303 taught him the powers of a glitch because it was his grandson because of his daughter but Enderborn had said grandpa I can teleport and move faster than anybody because yes I am a glitch I learned how to do that when I was only eight and mom didn’t teach me I just done it in a dream and I was outside in a crater and then remembered something about what mom told me that you could create a crater when you hit the ground hard enough. Then Entity303 said yep that is right so I guess we are ready for the ultimate battle. Then Renee said I think we should gather up some more people to be on the safe side. I know three witches that might help and the elders will be here soon so we have to move quickly because the ultimate battle is coming up. So then Entity303 and Enderborn followed Renee to the witches’ hut and Renee said the ultimate battle is about to begin. I wanted to ask if you all wanted to help with the ultimate battle. Then all the witches said we would love to help just name the time and place where you want to meet. Then Renee said I can’t tell you the place where I want us to meet and there is no time whenever you see the signal come to that spot I will call with in an hour or more and here is a map with the place where I want to meet I couldn’t tell you but I could show you this is an enchanted map that will lead you to it and the signal will be a creeper firework. I am going to go get a few other people. Then after Renee had said that she went searching for a warrior, a mage, and a guardian because she already had a protector and that was her son. Then she gave them a map and told them everything. Then she went to the clearing where they had trained for the ultimate battle and then two hours later she shot up a creeper firework and that was the signal. Within an hour everyone was there and the ender dragons had just started to come out of the end. Then Renee said the battle is starting, we aren’t going to get there fast enough so when the elders of the end get here one will be assigned to two of you at a time because there are only three that are willing to help us, and my son will teleport me and Entity303 and he will stay and fight the first people that will be teleported are the mage and guardian. Then it will be the warrior and one of the witches and then it will be the rest of you the mage, guardian, warrior and protector will stay and fight. Is everyone ready because here they come. After they had said that Erebus and spellbinder had teleported to the clearing they said that they had already seen where the battle is taking place and they said what is your call Enderborn. Then Renee said Enderborn hasn’t been calling the shots I have even though he is supposed to but since I am a witch I made the maps and told everyone where to come and on what to do but Enderborn can tell you what to do because he knows what to do because I told him. Then Enderborn told Erebus to grab the one with the shield and staff and spellbinder you take the one with the sword and the first witch and I will take Entity303 and mom. Then Erebus you come back and get the rest of them and Dead Ender just fly over you can see where the battle is taking place and fight the ender dragon the rest of us will fight the other mobs Entity303 you will fight Herobrine. So they had all gotten teleported to the battle and had started fighting the mobs and Herobrine it took a long time. The ender dragon just didn’t want to die then Dead Ender used all five heads at once on it and defeated the ender dragon. Enderborn and the other people that were helping were holding back the mobs but they would keep coming until Herobrine was defeated so Renee told Enderborn that she was going to help her father fight Herobrine. Then she closed her eyes and willed them to turn red. When she had fought Herobrine for a while she almost got killed but she was only knocked out and Herobrine said that you think you can defeat me. I am unstoppable. Then after Herobrine said that everything went dark and up came Renee into flight then she said you haven’t seen my fool power then she said gaze into my eyes. Then she opened them and Herobrine saw that one was red and one was black. Herobrine said no stay away from me. Renee said what’s the matter are you scared? Then Herobrine said no I am not I just know what the black eye means it means death and you are death. Then Renee said then if you aren’t scared then fight me. Herobrine, Entity303, and Renee had started fighting and the battle went on for hours. Then Renee said you will never fight again and you will never control any mobs again. After she said that everything went dark again and herobrine eyes faded back to normal white and blue. Then everything was back to normal the ender dragon of the very first stronghold was sent back but would only fight people who would attack him and allow people who asked to allow them through the portal especially Enderborn and Renee because she was Enderborn’s mom they also had to let Entity303 because he was Enderborn’s grandfather.



Everything went back to the way it was supposed to be or did it you will have to find out in the next book coming soon because for those of you who are minecraft players Herobrine doesn’t stay gone for a very long time he could come back and the next book may or may not be about Enderborn’s fight with Herobrine. Hope you enjoyed the book because there will probably be more after the second book.



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