
Chapter 1

“Gah!”, I exclaimed as a creeper hissed behind me. I immediately started to attack it, and soon enough, I got some gunpowder. I was playing Minecraft on my computer. I love Minecraft and could never stop playing it. My brother liked it too, but not as much as me. Sadly, mom called me down to eat dinner, so I had to get off.
I zoomed downstairs because I was feeling hungry. Maybe I just lost track of time and I was starting to get kind of hungry. I went to wash my hands.
“How much time until you are done with your homework sweetie?” My mom questioned.
“Mom, can you please stop calling me sweetie! And, yes I am done with my homework.” I replied.
“Oh, good, I was hoping that you would get done with the homework because I wanted to help your brother too, so he can get done faster.” Mom said.
“You still have homework, don’t you Tyler?” I questioned my brother.
“Yep, I do,” Tyler said happily like it was no big deal.
“How much do you have, because I don’t want to do it all night long,” I asked.
“Not much,” Tyler replied.
“Good, I really want to play Minecraft on the extra computer tonight,” I whispered into Tyler’s ear.
My mom didn’t know that there was a computer unlocked and we can play on it any time.
We finally got done with my brother’s homework, but it was too late, so we had to go to bed. While I was heading to bed, I began to wonder if I could go to Minecraft and survive it.
I had a strange dream that night, that made me shudder and say wow at the same time. It was about I am actually in Minecraft and I was fighting the Ender Dragon and Herobrine and all other very dangerous threats. I also saw that I was battling fearlessly.
What I didn’t know was that Herobrine had tricks up his sleeve.
What an interesting dream. I thought to myself. I wonder if I would be doing that too.
I did want to fight super hard mobs, so I wish that was true.
When I woke up from that dream, I heard a strange deep voice talking to me saying “There will be changes, and you must complete challenges…”
That made me shudder. I was wondering what or who that was, but I was too tired to think, so I went to sleep again.

Chapter 2

Once I woke up and I saw everything is blocky. I had spawned in a forest. I spawned in a skin that looks almost like Steve, but there is no mustache and I had faint orange hair.
I asked no one, “Where am I? It looks like I am in Minecraft.” I had so many questions about how I got here. Why was I here, How did I get here, and what should I do? I was wondering if I was in Hardcore or just in hard mode. “Mom? Dad?” I said questionably to no one.
A pig answered me by saying “Oink!”
Something just popped up right in my face as I just put my hands in my pockets. It is an inventory. I have nothing, great. I touched the little book item and it showed me some ghost items covered in a red outline. I tried to grab them, but it shows me what resources I need. One thing that I needed was wood. I punched the wood, it didn’t hurt though, but after I finished, a tiny structure of the wood floated off the ground. The tree didn’t fall down. I went back to putting my hands in my pockets and then I saw it again. I turned the planks into cut wood, and made a crafting table.
I told myself, I should find shelter, it is almost night.
So I went wandering around the woods until I found the ending. I see a desert. It is getting late fast. It got dark, then I went under a hill. I saw monsters spawning everywhere, went to one thing, then I saw that it is a zombie. I ran away from it in terror like it is going to kill me. Some other monsters heard me, then I saw an arrow zoom past me. I ran and ran, until I was out of breath.
I am starving, I thought to myself, so I have to hunt. I pulled my crafting table out, then thought of any weapon, then I saw a sword, it told me to get more wood, so I went to chop wood. I walked a long way to a forest. When I was there, I started chopping wood, and soon enough, I got a sword. When I was starting to chop more wood, I came face to face with a new foe, a spider. I decided to attack the monster for my first kill of the day, so I pulled out my sword and tried to kill it. The monster started with jumping at me, but I hit it with my sword before it could hit me. I was successful and got one piece of string. I saw a pack of animals, so I decided to move towards them. It turns out it was a field-full of cattle.
“Finally!” I exclaimed out loud, “I can have food!”
I went to the nearest cow, then I killed it. The cow tried to run away, but I was too fast. It sounded like it was real, I thought, nah, nothing can be real in a video game. All I see is leather and two pieces of meat. I bit into the juicy, tender piece of meat, it was lovely. I smiled as the meat distinguished my hunger. I said to myself, I have got to have more, so I killed a lot of cows for meat. I got a ton, more than enough for days. I stuffed as much as I could into my mouth until my hand won’t let me.
“It is morning, finally!” I exclaimed out loud as I saw zombies and skeletons burn in the heat.

Chapter 3

Well, since I don’t have anything to do, I might as well start playing the game, just like that creepy voice told me. That voice made me shudder, I thought. I wondered if it was a prank.
“No, it wasn’t a prank. I actually went into the game.” I said to no one.
A pig answered me by saying “Oink!”
I started doing some mining in a mountain. I eventually got iron, enough to make a full set of armor and two swords. I actually crafted two swords because who knows when it will break. I ran into a couple of spiders and I attacked them. I got three string. I started to craft a crossbow. I now am fully equipped to go into the nether.
I started digging down, not straight, that was the number one minecraft rule. I dug in a pattern with two paths next to each other. I also put stairs so I could go up faster in case I find some monster. I eventually got to a pit of lava, but I checked for a cave because there are diamonds down here at this level.
“A cave, neat.” I said to myself
“I guess I will be going diamond hunting instead of the nether!” I said as I happily approached the cave.
I started looking for some diamonds, but all I found was iron. Wait, no, I found redstone! That means that there are diamonds nearby! I searched and searched, but I found lava and redstone. I didn’t pick up the redstone because I didn’t need it. I eventually started to give up, but I finally saw diamonds! I am so happy. After I got seven diamonds, I headed towards the nether portal.
“Oh no, I lost my portal!” I said to no one. “What have I done! That was the last water bucket that I had!
I decided to go up to the surface, but I was in the forest.
“I hope I find a pool of water so I can build another portal, like the youtuber Dream.” I said to myself.
I kept walking and walking, until I entered another biome, this biome was called a plain biome. And then I saw something spectacular.

Chapter 4

I found a village! These are super rare in Minecraft! Or I was just unlucky sometimes. I came running towards it and went into the village. As usual, there were villagers scattered around and talking to one another in their strange language. But when I walked into the village, immediately everyone came, surrounding me.
This is strange, I thought. I heard the villagers start to murmur! And they look different in the game than playing the game. Interesting… The villagers had more detail than ever before, hmmm. I like the differences. The villagers didn’t have big bulbous noses and they had hair!
The villagers were saying that “The prophecy is true!”
“How can you speak?” I asked.
“We were banned for speaking this language, but The creator doesn’t know that we can speak this language.” they explained.
“Why are you banned for doing just this one simple thing? I have heard that you spoke this language, but now you are banned, why is that?” I asked
“No one except us can understand what we say, so they are scared that we might spoil more of Minecraft to Users.” they continued.
“Wow, this is interesting and confusing.” I complained, scratching my head.
“We know that this is confusing, but we are here to help you.” the villagers concluded.
“Should we show him what we have?” One villager asked very quietly to the crafter.
“Probably.” The crafter agreed.
They showed me the way to the Blacksmith’s shop, but they dug the wood beside the chest, and it revealed a ladder. We went down the ladder and saw a huge space of crafting tables, armour stands, brewing stands, chests and many more stuff.
“Wow!” I said in amazement.
“This is where we keep our hidden items from users, because we don’t want to lose our stuff.” explained a villager.
“We need to know each other better because we don’t want to let a griefer in our village.” a villager said with a suspicious face glancing at me.
“Okay, I will tell you about myself. My name is Ronin, and I came from a planet called earth where I ended up playing and loving Minecraft. I have always wanted to be in here and fight mobs and complete challenges, but suddenly I was teleported, or traveled, or… ahhh… I don’t know, but I just got here, and then I found this village. I am not a griefer either. Who are you?”
“I am the village leader and I am Watcher. Over to the right of me is Hunter, here is her sister, Runner, here is Builder, there is Herder, and here is Archer and there is Crafter. We have many more villagers than this, but I don’t want to spend the whole day going over names.” Watcher said, wearing white clothes.
“Do everyone here have names like this?” I asked. “How can I tell the difference between every villager?”
“Yes, it is common to have these names. There are no other names. These so called ‘names’ are representing our job in the village. You can see the different clothes that every villager wears. Villagers look like they are sometimes ready to do their job. Weaponsmith has an eye patch on one of his eyes. It is very easy. ” replied Watcher.
“Oh, ok, thanks for helping me understand.” I thanked.
“Glad you understand. If you need anything, we have a ton of supplies”  Watcher happily replied.
“By the way, what is the whole prophecy thing?” I questioned.
“Oh yeah, the prophecy declared that there was going to be something spreading around the lands and someone has to save it. One user has to go into Minecraft and save all of the villagers from dying from the danger. From now on, you are going to be known as the savior of the villagers or just the savior.” said Watcher.
“Have you experienced the danger yet?” I asked
“No, but the prophecy told us that when the savior comes, then will all the danger come, so we should be expecting something that represents danger.” replied Watcher.
“Well, we should get some defences going all around from every village in the overworld. Also make sure that they put glass planes where no one can reach them by themselves and also put cobblestone for the walls, the endermen can’t pick them up. Make people battle the armor stands for practice to fight.” I declared.
“Ok, we will send some villagers to spread the word.” replied Watcher while they were climbing the ladder to the surface.
Watcher soon got some Builders to travel around the villages and spread the word.
What the NPC’s (Non-Playable-Characters) and Ronin didn’t notice is that there were endermen watching them. The enderman let out an evil cackle and then teleported away towards its destination.

Chapter 5

An ancient virus was pacing around in a cave. He had sent out endermen to spy on the NPC’s for a little bit. Suddenly, an endermen appeared out of nowhere.
“Have you gathered information?” asked the evil virus.
“Yes, I saw that the villagers are now traveling to other villages. I have no idea why, but I saw one villager who looks different from the others.” replied the enderman.
“How so?” the evil being interrupted.
“This NPC has a smaller nose than the rest of them and he kind of looks like a user.” nervously replied the enderman. This enderman knew that Herobrine was dangerous, so he stayed away from his reach.
“Interesting.” he mused. “Gather endermen from around the overworld. I think this is the ‘savior’ that the villagers were talking about.”
“Yes master” replied the enderman.
Once the enderman left he commanded the creepers, skeletons, spiders, and other mobs to come and gather at the tallest mountain, Olympus Mons.
“These monsters are not moving fast enough.” said Herobrine. “Maybe they need to have a leader.” Herobrine figured.
He decided to make monster kings, or mutants. He knew that a mutant zombie would form with 70 normal zombies together in a horde, so he doesn’t need to focus on them yet. No other mob does that, so he has to deal with them right now to get them on track.
Herobrine gathered some skeletons to form a leader. He imagined what a mutant skeleton would look like, then he slashed at them and gathered their remains and put them together. This was one of his abilities as a virus, spread and destroy. After he put them together, there came a mutant skeleton in front of his face. Herobrine smiled at what was formed right in front of him.
“At last, we have a new skeleton leader!” Herobrine exclaimed.
“What shall my name be master?” asked the new mutant skeleton.
“Your name is Zagan. I remember something from the internet when I used to be there. He was the king and President of Hell. He was conqueror of legions.” Herobrine said.
“What is my first task to serve, master?” asked Zagan.
“You will get skeletons from around the overworld and bring them here.” Herobrine commanded.
“It will be done” promised Zagan.
After Zagan left, Herobrine started making other mutants. Once Herobrine made the Creeper Mutant, of course pouring all of the hatred to the new ‘savior’ into the creeper, the creeper hissed “What is my name master?”
“Your name will be Azazal,”Herobrine responded “This is the Death Angel. Your first task is to bring all of the creepers here.”
“Yes sire” replied Azazal
When he made the spider queen, he did the same and the same until he was done with all of the monster kings and queens. He named the Spider queen Satan and the Enderman king Alessandro. Once at least 70 zombies came to Olympus Mons, there was a Zombie Mutant, and his name was Gorgon.
“Finally!” exclaimed Herobrine.
“Everyone will bow down to me as a new leader! I will conquer all of the lands and nobody will stop my unstoppable force! Not even one single person will not respect me!” Herobrine exclaimed with an evil laugh.

Chapter 6

Once Ronin got everyone training and preparing for battle, he decided to go out and find some monsters to see if they are going to a specific place.
“I am going to go out and find some monsters to see if they are doing anything, who wants to come with me because I might need some help.” asked Ronin.
“I will come with you.” demanded Herder.
“Me too.” said Watcher.
“And me.” said Hunter.
“Don’t forget me!” exclaimed Runner.
“And lastly me.” concluded Builder.
“I think that is enough, but I need a Mapper because I don’t know this terrain, where is Mapper?” asked Ronin.
“I am here.” a villager said with a manly voice.
“Thanks for helping us, but let’s go!” exclaimed Ronin.
“Mapper, what different terrains are around us?” asked Ronin when they were leaving the village.
“Well, there is a jungle nearby, a desert, and an ocean.” said Mapper.
“Do you know where monsters might hide?” asked Ronin.
“No, I don’t, but I have an idea where they hide. There is a legend where a villager went to hunt in the woods, but accidentally forgot where his village was and so he went to see where other villages were so he went out exploring. He went all over, but couldn’t find any villages. The last place he went was in the mountains but was never seen again.” replied Mapper.

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