
The Minecraft Diaries – Secrets under the Surface: Greatness

(This story takes place approximately a few weeks after Mark Cheverton’s fourth series.)

Herobrine – Greatness

It was a few weeks after I’ve been rescued by my brother from Entity 303.

I was strolling through the woods heading to our arena, thinking about what had happened in the majority of my life. I still remembered the day I was captured two thousand years ago, crystal clear as if it was yesterday. Never once have I ever thought there would be an end to this madness in my life.

But here I am.

The arena appeared in the distance, and I saw all the building blocks that made up the arena. Last time I saw this place, all the blocks was made up of iron blocks, but that was two thousand years ago. But now, I saw the arena had a lot more precious material in it. There were strips of diamond, gold, and emerald cutting through the top of the iron walls, with glass cubes at the uppermost of the arena curving into the center, but it left a gaping hole in the middle.

The arena definitely had definitely changed in the last two thousand years.

I went up to the door and was surprised to see two iron doors instead the usual wooden doors I’m used to. There was a stone button placed on quartz blocks beside each iron door, and I pressed one of them. The left door opened up, and I stepped through.

I almost didn’t recognize the insides of this place.

I found swords of all types hanging off one of the walls on the left with the hilt pointing to the skies. Next to it was a cabinet one block tall, that stashed all the rolled up carpets, sticks, and arrows with wool tips. There were also armor stands filled with all kinds of armors, mostly iron armor but there was also some diamond as well, some armor stands were empty as well. Bows hung from the walls over the chests that are filled with arrows, and beside them were stashed with different kinds of targets.

FrozenBoy20 was in the middle of the arena preparing to practice his sword fighting with a couple of wool dummies. There were six dummies surrounding the ice dude, and Frosty was in the middle of it. He had his ice, crystal sword in his right hand, and had his eyes clamped shut in concentration. Then his eyes snapped open, revealing his cold, blue eyes, and he flicked his free hand into the air.

All six dummies’ feet were engulfed in a wind of ice and in the blink of an eye, it simply vanished.  The dummies then suddenly began to walk towards Frosty (Yeah, everybody who has magic powers in Minecraft can do stuff like that). He gripped the hilt of his sword tightly, and suddenly he sped towards one of the dummies and sliced it in half. He then dodged a punch from behind and stabbed that one. Then all three dummies surrounded and sped towards FrozenBoy, who then blasted himself up into the air. All three wool dummies then smashed their heads into each other. I looked up expecting to see Frosty with a sword in hand, but the ice, cold blade wasn’t there anymore.

Instead, Frosty had pulled out his ice crystal longbow straight from the air. While he was in the air he shot his arrows at the dummies, all three arrows found the heads of the dummies.

The dummies crashed to the floor as FrozenBoy20 landed back onto the earth. He looked up and saw me at the doorway, and gave me the faintest of smiles.

“Hey, Herobrine.” He greeted as he stood up and strolled towards me, “What brings you here?”

“Well, nothing much.” I simply shrugged, “I just want to check out this arena, how different it is since the last time I was here…”

“Yeah, I kind of guessed you’ll be here.”

“Wha- How’d you guess-” I started to say, but I was cut off.

“Seriously, dude. If I was stuck in an underground lab for two thousand years, I’m probably going to do the same thing you’re doing right now.”

“Well… yeah. I’m just not used to people predicting my moves because… well, you know.” I mumbled.

FrozenBoy threw his head back in laughter and said, “Not used to it, dude? GameKnight999 threw you off when two light-crafters planted those freaking trees of theirs!”

“Don’t remind me of that.” I grinned, but Frosty was laughing too loud to hear me.

After FrozenBoy calmed down, I finally said, “FrozenBoy… I need to ask you something…”

“Yeah? What is it?”

I sighed, thinking what I’m going to ask at the moment. I tried to open my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. I was scared about what kind of response I was going to get from this guy.

C’mon dude, I thought, it’s just a freaking question. You’re scared about a freaking question?

I took a deep breath while FrozenBoy20 was staring at me, waiting for me to say something.

“FrozenBoy… after all this…” I began, “What do you think I should do now?”

“Ah… your future, right?” FrozenBoy said, and I nodded in reply.

“Well… this one’s hard to answer because it’s your future, Herobrine. Your destiny.” He answered, but it wasn’t the one I needed.

“FrozenBoy, I have no clue what I should do with my life now! That’s why I’m asking you!” I exclaimed.

“Herobrine, do you want to change and do good things? Be nice and helpful to others?” FrozenBoy asked, I simply nodded.

“Well, I’m going to tell you something. Its greatness you’re going for, and greatness has never once come from the comfort zones.”

“What do you mean?”

“What I’m saying is that the path you’re choosing is not easy, it will take a lot of time. What did you notice when you were around with other people?”

“They freak out, scream, whatever they do when they’re scared,” I recalled, “All because of what I did in the past…”

“Herobrine,” FrozenBoy put his icy, cold hands on my shoulder, “The past is there, it will be there, and it’s going to be there forever whether you like it or not. The past doesn’t matter anymore, what has happened has already happened. What counts right now is the future, what you do.”

“Well, what am I going to do to prove myself?” I asked.

“I can’t answer that one, Herobrine,” FrozenBoy said as he began walking towards the arena’s doorway, “It’s your life. So I’m going to ask you back: What are you going to do to prove yourself?”

And with that, he walked out of the arena.

I stood in the middle of the ring, looking down at my empty hands, recalling what horrible things I did to other people with my powers.

And I’m left with one lingering question.

What am I going to do?

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