

Gameknight found a long tunnel gradually descending into darkness with no light whatsoever. The ground was wet with moisture, probably there was some sort of flood that took place not too long ago. Gameknight had a gut feeling not to go down there, but he had no choice. He had to figure out what was going on.

He held his breath and proceeded down the dark tunnel. Step after step he walked down the tunnel, the light behind him slowly getting dimmer and dimmer. He had to be careful not to slip since one slip can result in catastrophic consequences, and he was not prepared to get killed by a floor.

While Gameknight kept trudging down  Gameknight could not keep the questions of panic bouncing around in his head. Where did they all go? Why is there moisture on the ground? What happened?

Time went by.

Once it got completely dark, Gameknight quickly grabbed a torch from his inventory and held it out. The torch could only light a certain range, and right now, it looked as if he was in a big ball of light. There was just darkness outside of the circle. Walking down the tunnel some more Gameknight stopped. He thought he heard something.

Then a force pushed him against the wall of the tunnel, making him drop his torch.

Red glowing eyes stared at Gameknight as the creature pinned him down, he tried to reach for his inventory, but couldn’t, the creatures strength was too strong.

Gameknight only had one choice left.

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