
Gameknight999 vs. The Ancients

By Henry M.

So, if you haven’t heard of Gameknight999, then what are you even doing here. Go read the series right now! I can think of 5 good reasons for you to go buy the first Gameknight999 Adventures series immediately:

  • It helps Mark Cheverton out
  • It’s a really good series
  • It’s cheap and affordable
  • You get 3 great reads
  • I literally took the time to make a bullet list so if you have no reason to NOT buy the series and you don’t then what is wrong with you

Here’s the story:

Here it comes:

The thing you’ve all been waiting for:

(If you still don’t know who Gameknight999 is, please click off right now)

It’s right…



Here it is!

Chapter 1.

Gameknight existed then aliens came and attac him then he took excalibur his diamond sword i just named and then he defeated the aliens and everyone was happy and it was all well and good and yes the end

…you didn’t REALLY think THAT was the story, did you?




(Credit to Max Brooks, because I “borrowed” a character from his book, “Minecraft: The Island”)

Here’s the REAL story:

Gameknight999 vs. The Ancients

Chapter 1

It’s an air assault!

A user trying to get the Uneasy Alliance achievement had accidently brought an air assault upon Crafter’s village. Arrows flew, flaming hot lava balls of death exploded, and then the blacksmith shop was destroyed.

“THAT’S THE LAST STRAW!” Butch screamed, and drew his crossbow enchanted with Quick charge III and Multishot. He drew an arrow, and it separated into 3 different, equally sharp, wooden shafts. All 3 hit the ghast, and Butch got the almost impossible achievement. Gameknight stared at the destroyed blacksmith shop, and for a second, couldn’t move. Then, he saw the molten rock used for welding spilling all over the place! Quick as a rabbit, he leaped over to the liquid fire and placed cobblestone to encase the source blocks. The lava, not cooling fast enough, forced Gameknight to dump water all around what was the blacksmith shop. The lava cooled, but the surrounding houses were burning! The villagers were already there, as they had been running over as soon as Gameknight started. Water was everywhere, the fire was put out, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Chapter 2

Everything had gotten a lot calmer and easier ever since Herobrine was deleted without saving, and this ghast attack was the hardest and most damaging challenge since that day. The blacksmith shop was already being rebuilt, and everything was fine. Or at least, that’s what Gameknight and the villagers thought. Because, little did they know, two beings incomprehensible to the villagers were watching them.

Let’s attack them NOW! one of the beings thought.

No, we must wait. Patience is the key. We need the element of surprise. the other being replied. They were communicating via telepathy, but apparently 5,000-year-old aliens still have arguments.

Ugh, fine. the first alien said, giving in.

The two beings slowly moved back to a circle of darkness, similar to the circle of light, and disappeared as they were de-encrypted and rematerialized on a planet not unlike our own, except desolate and inhospitable. So, I guess it IS unlike Earth. One of the aliens touched a rock, and a door opened up in the cliff.

Chapter 3

Two villagers and someone who looked like Steve came through the minecart track leading to the ocean village and looked amazed and relieved. “We found him boating right to us,” one of the villagers said to Gameknight. “He looked more relieved than anyone I’ve ever seen when he saw an oak tree, and overjoyed when we gave him an apple.” the other villager added. “Hi,” the user said. Only, he wasn’t a user, because there was no server thread. He was a user-that-is-not-a-user. “Who are you?” Gameknight asked. “I don’t know,” the strange person in diamond armor replied. “I just woke up here, and…” He told his story to the crafting chamber. Everyone seemed puzzled, at first, and someone even laughed when he said that his only friends were animals. “And that’s my story.” he ended. “Any questions?”

Chapter 4

Read this chapter if you were assigned to read a chapter at recess.

Chapter 5

This one too,

Chapter 6

And this one,

Chapter 7

And this one.

Chapter 8

Gameknight and his new friend, who he called Max, walked through the village while Gameknight explained everything to him. Max seemed in awe and, at times, confused, but he eventually understood everything Gameknight understood. Max even taught Gameknight the Way of the Cube, which Gameknight had already basically been following along with. The two made their way to the treeline to get some wood, when they spotted a weird, black line erupting from the ground. “What is that?” Max asked. “Is that… the shadow of evil?” Gameknight asked. He was terrified of Herobrine, but he thought he had defeated him. Now, here was what looked like the remains of one of the worst monsters ever unleashed upon the digital realm. What if they didn’t defeat that monster who almost brought upon the apocalypse to all of Minecraft? Gameknight was worried. What if Herobrine’s code was still here…?

Chapter 9

Gameknight and Max walked over to the shadow. All of a sudden, it opened up into a circle of darkness, and sucked them in. Gameknight saw a desolate wasteland, and Max saw an unusually-shaped rock. “Where are we?” Gameknight asked. “Look at this cool rock,” Max said. Gameknight turned, and saw a button. He knew they were in the physical world, but this wasn’t Earth… or was it? Had the apocalypse befallen the physical world while he was in Minecraft? He pressed the button, and a door opened up.

Max saw some aliens, while Gameknight was already surrounded. They were in a giant, box-shaped room, bigger than the rock. It looked like the inside of the precursor facilities from a game he once played, Subnautica. He ran, and saw a hologram. “Hi,” it said. “My name is C.A.P.E. It stands for Center for Advanced Photonics and Electronics” C.A.P.E. was a person wearing a lab coat, and had an ID card and pen in his pocket. He had combed black hair that was perfectly straight, flat on his head. “Need some help?” C.A.P.E. asked. “YES!” Gameknight exclaimed. “Ok,” C.A.P.E. continued, “Come with me” He grabbed Gameknight and Max, and pulled them through the floor. “You seem like someone I used to know,” C.A.P.E. said. “Who?” Max asked. C.A.P.E. then explained what had happened last time, and asked if Gameknight and Max wanted to meet Henry, the person who fixed gravity. “You mean the kid who was all over the news?” Gameknight asked. “Yes,” C.A.P.E. said. “Take us there!” Gameknight exclaimed. “Ok,” C.A.P.E. said. They were taken through a portal, and landed right in the middle of the white house.

Chapter 10

“Wait… am I… in my world…?” Max asked. “Yes,” Tommy said. Henry turned around, startled, and asked who they were. Tommy and Max explained, and Henry was amazed that the characters from his favorite books were here, standing right in front of him! “You two are my idols,” Henry said. “You are my hero,” Tommy said. “You saw the Ancients?” Henry asked. “Yes,” Max said, “Also, can I please have some REAL food? I’ve been living off rotten flesh, and-” “Yeah, I know.” Henry interrupted. “Your journal is both in Minecraft, and in the real world. Here, have some ice cream, and lo mien, and Steak frites.” Henry said. Max was overjoyed as his taste buds filled with life. “Now, let’s discuss war plans,” Henry said.

Chapter 11


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