
Farmer and Wife



Chapter One

It is winter now. Crops are covered in a thick and crunchy blanket of snow. Harvest was about a month ago. I got about all of the crops this year. I’m thinking that the birds didn’t come much or the weather and soil were just right. I am really hoping that it is the same next year no matter what.” I Wrote. They lived in a log ranch style house. He caught a quick glance out the window before his wife, Alice, Said up the stairs ”Supper is ready and would you call Hailey and Laura?” I walked into their rooms and said to them that supper was ready. Then there was a loud stampede down the stairs. There was a sudden pause for a moment. Then everyone sat down and said prayer. There were Honey Butter Rolls, Spiced Salmon, as well as Fruit Salad. They ate all their food. Then went into the living room when Alice asked” Are you forgetting something?”  They looked at each other and I said “Yes, Dessert!” There was Strawberry Cream Pie for dessert and Ice Cream to go with it. Then Hailey, Laura, and Oliver all went to bed.Then the couple talked about planning what to do tomorrow. I answered saying “ I was hoping I would go and see Craig to get an offer for a couple of machines in the spring. Then go see William in town for new chickens as well for in the spring and possibly see Lucas in the market for seeds.” Alice nodded “We could use those. I was thinking that I would get new clothes for Oliver since  is turning  Six in a week as well as Laura. Hailey is tall for a Twelve year old girl!  I was hoping for a new jacket and dress for  Kenzo’s wedding since I might not come back in time to get one later. And another jacket and shirt for you as well as coats for all the kids. And some yarn for knitting some mittens, if you don’t mind.” I thought for a second “Why not? Weddings are important. I have an idea, why don’t we all go to town.” 

Chapter Two

 I walked into Oliver’s room. “ Hey Boy!” Oliver wakes up slowly. He looks up at me, “Daddy!” He said in his cute voice. He called “Alice? Alice!  Would you wake Hailey and Laura and help them get dressed, please? Also, will you get the donuts you made ready as well? I will get  Oliver ready!  Alice, will you?” I picked out some nice clothes for the six year old.I picked Oliver up and carried him to Alice’s room as well as his. “Alice?” He looked out the window. “Oh ,Storm is coming. Do you want to cancel?” I asked. “Alice, are you under the weather or what? Why are you not speaking?” He walked over and sat on the bed and looked into her charming eyes and said, “Are we going to town?”

                There was a two minute pause before Oliver said “Mommy!” Because of his adorable playing voice once more his mother laughed a cheerful laugh. “Come here baby boy!” As a joke. Just as she said that there was a loud clap of thunder. And a flash of lightning following the thunder.  “Alice?” She looked up at her husband. “Yes?” She answered with her usual light hearted voice. “Town?” She looked out the window. With a sigh she answered with a powerful ,“No. I don’t think we will make it in this.” She pointed to the window. I gazed out the window with disappointment. Suddenly his phone rang. “Hello?     I see.                        So did me and my wife.       Will you contact William and say the same for me?         I sent him a letter so I really don’t know his phone number off the top of my head right now.     Yep. Thanks. Bye.                                 Yeah, I think I have next Wednesday or Friday.How about you?                             Which one is better or less busy do you think?            Friday?          Ok!                     Now Bye! Yep call if anything comes up.


“ Who was that?”Alice asked. “Craig Sawyer. The cow owner that I told you about yesterday . He was calling because of the storm so we chose another day to do it.”  “When?” “We were thinking about Friday but otherwise Wednesday. Sound Ok to you?” Alice nodded. “We should plan out our garden and fields soon.” I nodded already thinking about it. “Also we should do chickens for one of Hailey’s 4-H projects. So what is she all doing?” I asked her, “Sewing, Baking, Photography, Woodworking, Vet posters, Cake auctions, cows, Chickens,Painting, and more could pop up, you know.”

    Chapter Three

“As I am writing this it is a pleasant Saturday morning. It is summer now.Almost breakfast. I can almost smell and almost taste the pancakes on the griddle. It is the most, in my opinion, ideal day to make pancakes for breakfast.I can hear them frying downstairs. I almost see them downstairs . I almost feel them on my fork just as I eat them. Ok, I know I said a lot about my senses. I really am craving pancakes right now, so what? Pancakes are good, right?  Why would they not? We are planning to go see the kid’s Aunt Sarah,  who works at Mustang Farm, and their Uncle Craig, who is a Veterinarian at Mustang Farm . He has had some unique animals to nurse back to health in the past. They live in Beatrice , Nebraska. About three hours and thirty minutes from here Hays ,Kansas, where me and my live.  We also might see my brother, Uncle Noah, who is a Teacher at Boys Town, Nebraska, where they live. As well as their Aunt Charlotte, my sister in-law, who is a doctor at Boys Town, too.And of course their Grandparents on my side of the family,Abigail and Alexander in Lenexa,Kansas.And Mia my other sister in Topeka, Kansas, who is still at college at Baker University School.Then there is my other sister in Kansas City. Her name is Cora, she plays Volleyball there, and her husband, Brook, a fellow farmer” I wrote thinking about happily. “Pancakes, Everyone! Grab them while they’re hot”. Alice said from the kitchen. Hoping that they would hear her. They must have because they all came roaring down the stairs in a hurry. They all said the meal prayer together. They ate all of the pancakes. They ate mixed fruit which included strawberries,pineapple,bananas,grapes,and blueberries. As well as scrambled eggs with cheese,the family favorite. Then they all piled into the family’s 2022 new Ford Bronco to travel to Beatrice, Nebraska.We got there in 3 hours and 35 minutes.They got into Nebraska at last.It might as well become another one. They made the choice for the kids. Go to Riverside Park Campground, get  treats,and later see cousins there, or just go see the family at Mustang Farm. Hailey chose Playground, Who does not want a treat, She had said. Laura chose  house ,she had broken her wrist and thought it would be hard to get around. Alice thought about Playground because she wanted Oliver to get used to playgrounds and it might be better to get used to it with cousins encouraging him around. So they went to the playground and got popsicle sticks. They enjoyed it alot.Then

  Chapter Four

The families from the park have walked through the door at Mustang Farm. There was a big uplift and then there was a stage of hugs and “ It seems like I have not seen you for a long time or even years.” From the adults and nothing but simple hellos. Then they ran to Austin,Bryce, and Clover’s rooms. “Austin is Nine and helps out on the farm. Clover ,Seven a cowgirl and imagination and creative whiz. Bryce is a baby.” I nodded at each and every dish. He thought that sounded all delicious.He started  making the dressing for the fruit salad. Then he made the pasta with his father. “Like the good old times he thought “Then he called all the kids. They would eat at the table while the adults ate in  the living room. Except Bryce. He ate on Sarah’s lap.They ate all of their food and they ate all of their pie and cool whip as the dessert.Then they all went into the 30 foot across pool,except Bryce.Then Charlotte and Noah left to go to Lincoln because they had family there to stay overnight with.

. I thought this was boring and so modern that he went upstairs and spied on the kids. Hailey was in the playing room as well as Isabelle, Jayla, and Maya were playing House. Then he walked into Austin’s room and saw Kenzo,Oliver, and Wyatt playing Nerf war. Then he looked in Clover’s room and saw Clover,Ava, and Laura playing with dolls.He walked down stairs and walked into the Kitchen where he saw his father,Alexander cooking so he helped

I had written at the park. The adults were now talking about the craziness on social media, cooking. He asked if he could help and his father said”Of course,you are my son aren’t you?” There were other cousins too. Brooks and Cora’s kids are Isabelle at Twelve a smart and genesis kind of girl but creative and loves paint. Wyatt is Ten but the kind of basketball crazy about it . But then there is Ava the girl who loves underwater at age eight. Then Noah and Charlotte with three kids are Kenzo, a college sport kid at age 22 Jayla loves to drive and play volleyball.Twelve year old Maya is a technology lover, not video games but writing, typing, drawing, and school games.” p up the fruit for the fruit salad.He asked what was all for dinner. He answered by saying”Pasta,Your Mother’s Kolaches,Fruit Salad,for dessert,Pecan Pie.

Chapter Five

The whole family went to breakfast and had waffles and sausage and scrambled eggs. Then I’s Family went for a morning walk together around Mustang Farm because the family had not been to it  for a long time. The family never had known that there were kittens on the farm! Then there was a voice that said “That one is Cookie.” They saw Austin in the barn. “When did you get here?” Hailey asked. “I was feeding my bottle calf. And every morning I come down here and play with them and name them.” ‘Does anyone else know about them?”Laura asked.”Sort of. That is Marshmallow,Black one is Chocolate.Orange one is Caramel, Milk is the white one. The friendliest is probably the calico one that is sleeping that does not have a name. I can’t find a nice name for it. Do you know any? I will take suggestions.” There was a pause for a minute.  Then there was a pause. Oliver spoke up, “What about Bayler? Is he lazy?” Austin shrugged. Laura said “Sweety. Is it a girl?” Austin nodded.Hailey thought. “She is lazy and she sleeps on hay,Right? It is a girl so,Why not Connie?” They all thought. Austin said”I like it. Plus it sounds like its owner!” “Hailey was confused. “Austin explained,”There were three reasons you  came.One Was to see family, it is christmas, and the other one was to get a kitten for you. So I named all the unfriendly ones. And didn’t name the friendliest.” “Thank You.” Hailey looked around.“Well,what are you waiting for?” She picked up Connie and held her like a baby. Walked together back to the farmhouse where there was going to be a surprise.A birthday surprise. The whole family were hiding in the house.Including Charlotte and Noahtr ’s family all of the kids knew except Hailey of course. When they got there the whole family was ready.Hailey walked into the door first. She didn’t notice anything. Then all of a sudden “SURPRISE!” She jumped because she was scared. Then she laughed. And you could tell she was delighted. They had spaghetti for Lunch. And had Nachos and watched movies then Charlotte and Noah and their kids left. Then the rest stayed for the rest of the week. Soon they all had their cars packed and were ready to go. They left at 6:00 on Friday. They were all a little disappointed to leave but happy to go home. Especially Hailey with Connie.

After a bit they all got home and had a quick supper. And did chores and chilled. Then Hailey opened her presents and cards. Then they all went to bed exhausted.

Chapter Six

The family took a deep breath and sighed. They all were happy to be home again.The family had stayed in Beatrice,Nebraska for a week and they were all getting a little tired of the cousins.

 “Home At Last!” I had just finished his old journal and had added it to the bookshelf. He got a new one in the mail a month before. He would start his next one the next day he decided.  Everyone fell asleep. The next morning I  woke up and briefly looked out the window and saw the dew on the grass. He stood up and changed into a plaid shirt and some jeans and his boots. I walked into Hailey’s room and saw she was playing with Connie. She must have heard the door creak because she looked up and saw me  looking at her. “Time for church. Get dressed.” Hailey stood up wearing a purple floral jumpsuit and white sneakers. Oliver came running down in a navy polo shirt and black shorts and his blue Nike shoes. Laura suddenly comes flying down the stairs wearing her sky blue overalls with shorts and an orange sunset shirt as well as a pair of orange sandals. They got into their Ford Bronco and drove off to St. Catherine. Afterward they went home and Hailey opened her presents from her family. She got number 12,The “Church. Get dressed. “ Nodding, she shuts the door. He walks into his room seeing Alice wear a skirt and a shirt. They came home and Hailey opened her presents she got The Hollow Oak of Nancy Drew, an art set, new toys for Connie including a collar, an aquarium with a turtle, a new notebook, and a new Ipod! Immediately she played Happy Birthday on her ipod. She wrote a letter to her older brother in South Dakota,Lunar, about her birthday. They had Angel Food Cake with crushed Oreos and Mint Ice Cream.They decided to go on a walk to the bridge down the road and say hello to some of Hailey’s friends. They were very exhausted at the end of the day. They decided that bedtime would be at 6:00. Tomorrow would be happy,busy,and cheerful. They had to drive an hour and a half to reach Boys Town,Nebraska where Kenzo would get married to Maria. Everyone was excited. We got there and the wedding was beautiful. And we stayed till 10:00 and headed to Noah’s and Charlotte’s house to spend the night there.alked over to the door, nodded and shut it. I shrugged and walked down the hall into Oliver’s room and told him to put on a polo shirt and jeans.Then he took a couple steps to go in front of Laura’s room and knock on the door. “Church” “Got it” 

Chapter Seven

Hailey and I decided to journal together. So every morning at 6:00 I wake her up and we go outside to the barn and just sit there together writing about yesterday or today. Today I was  thinking about going to Massey Park. Meeting with some of Alice’s side of the family. Like her sister Nora and her husband Blake and their kids who are Ash and Annie. And maybe her brother Justin and his wife Maggie and Annabel and Maple their kids. And her mom and dad Jamie and Heather. And some more but those are most likely to come. Then there is Grace and Jack and their kids Georgia and Bruno. Georgia is already 22 and a rescue helicopter driver and works with Kenzo on my side of the family.But that might wait till tomorrow.” “Breakfast soon,PLEASE?” I looked down at Hailey and smiled.”Whenever you’re ready.” She did a pump fist and a “Yes! Race you!” They gathered their pencils and notebooks. They both raced back to the house and agreed to a tie.They walked inside and thought it was a cereal and toast day. So they had a bowl of cereal and some toast with jam. I  went upstairs to change into some rougher looking clothes to work outside. He decided to finish the dock over the pond. He thought about going on vacation with his wife. He even thought about calling Lunar to come and babysit Hailey,Oliver, and Laura. He dreamed of going to Bora-Bora with Alice. He thought about coming home and seeing Lunar. Lunar was off on break and he was missed by the kids. He walked inside to talk to Alice about his thoughts.”Mom is trying on new glasses at the store in town she told me”,Laura asked like she read her father’s mind. “I want to talk to you when you get home”. I wrote to her. “About what?” She replied and so I decided to not reply and started to come up with ideas to consider making for the kids at lunch. They decided to simply make tacos from the night before. Got distracted won’t be home till around 9:00. Might send you a list of what I am doing. “Uh,wonder what she is all up to.” I was still puzzled when he received another text from her. He thought about ignoring it. But looked and was surprising to see what she had written. It unusually said that she was… Buying new clothes for kids and us. Why new clothes? Didn’t we just buy some two weeksago? 


                                                          To be continued in The Journalist.


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