
Cali slid into her desk chair and turned her computer on. She sighed. She was glad that the school year had finally ended. Her middle school class had a big party. She just stayed out in the hallway. She didn’t like parties. They were too noisy. When her computer finished turning on, she logged on to her settings and started up Minecraft. She loved the game. It was all she played in her spare time. She had trap shooting on Mondays, but she didn’t really consider it “free time.” She clicked on the “Multiplayer” button, and clicked, “Add server.” She typed in the IP address, and clicked, “Done.” She pressed the “Join server” button, and her screen started loading. She always wondered why it took so long for her computer to load. She had a very beefy setup, and two or three terabytes of storage. It should’ve gone faster.
When the server finally loaded, Cali was shocked at what she saw. The server spawn was a worn torn battlefield. There were creeper explosion holes, and fires dotted around the default landscape. Cali heard a shuffling noise behind her. She spun her avatar around, and gasped. Three users were standing there. But they weren’t any normal users. The first was a girl, with a skin of pure color. Her long blue hair went down to her waist. The second was a monkey in a Superman costume, a red cape billowing behind him. The last character was a man, with brown hair, blue shirt, and green pants. And above the players were the words, “Monet113, Monkeypants271, and Gameknight999.” She said out loud, “How in the…” In game, she typed, “Holy Herobrine, are you who I think you are?!” The reply came from Monkeypants almost immediately.
“Yes, yes we are. I assume you’ve read the Gameknight999 books then?”
“Are you kidding? They’re awesome!”
“Thanks, I’m glad you think so.” He went silent for a moment. Then, Gameknight said,
“I’m sorry.” Cali was about to ask why, when her computer screen started to glow an angry yellow. It buzzed, and then enveloped her in a blaze of light and pain. It felt like she was on fire, yet frozen at the same time. She could’ve sworn she heard the mooing of cows, the oinking of pigs, and the clucking of chickens…


PixelWarrior877 felt strange. She was lying face down on the ground. That was probably why. She got up, and almost screamed. The ground around her was grass. The trees surrounding were blocky. She felt her face, and it was square. She was… inside of… Minecraft! “How in the world…?” Pixel thought. She turned around, looking at her surroundings, and saw Monet, Monkeypants, and Gameknight all standing where they had been before. But this time, their skins looked much more vivid. Pixel could see Monet’s hair gently flowing in the westward-bound wind. Monkeypants’ cape did the same. Gameknight’s diamond armor glistened in the sunlight. Pixel looked down at herself, and saw her abnormal skin had merged with her body. She had long, white hair that reached down to her ankles. A black hoodie covered her body, with dark commando boots on her feet. A black headband encircled her head, complete with black no-fingered gloves. She looked at the group, then back at herself, then at the group again. “What… just… happened…?” Pixel asked. Gameknight looked at her, and gave an intense gaze.
“You were transported… into Minecraft.”
“How?” Pixel asked. “That’s impossible… isn’t it?”
“Well, no. We’re all in Minecraft.”
“What?! How in the world did we get… oh… those books, the Gameknight999 series… it wasn’t just fiction was it?” Gameknight shook his head. “So, it actually happened? All those battles with Erebus, Malacoda, Xa-Tul… even Herobrine… they’re all true…” Monkeypants nodded. Pixel was shocked. “Woah… I think I… need a second…” She sat down heavily on the ground, her hair flowing around her like a ballerina’s tutu. She ran her square fingers through it. She was inside of Minecraft, the game she loved, the only game she bothered to play. And she was there with three heroes… no, legends… She got back up. “Why did I get sucked into here? I mean, if what your saying is true, then, I shouldn’t have been affected by the digitalizer’s ray, right?” Monkeypants nodded.
“Yes, but there was a malfunction. Some other users got pulled into the game too. We’re trying to figure out how to get them… all of us… out of here. Don’t get me wrong, Minecraft is awesome and all, it’s just…” Gameknight finished for him.
“We’ve accidentally pulled innocent kids into this place, and now it’s our job to get you out.” Pixel understood, and said,
“Okay, so… where are the others?” Monet spoke for the first time.
“Follow us. There at a camp we set up.” She pulled out a splash potion of swiftness, and poured it over the group. Pixel’s vision got warped, as if someone had suddenly turned the FOV to Quake Pro. Monet quickly sprinted off westwards, towards the setting sun. The rest of the people followed.
They ran for quite some time, until the moon was high in the sky. Along the way, they saw monsters. Pixel had studied them as they sprinted past. Everything was in high def, of course. But that just made the monsters look even scarier. When Pixel was just a normal user, she would go out during the night and pwn googlies no problem. But now, she knew the truth. The mobs in Minecraft were alive, just like the books said. And now, she was stuck there, along with who knows how many other people. With no way out. She wondered if Shawny was monitoring Gameknight, Monkeypants, and Monet’s movements. She hoped so, because they needed a way out too. “Unless he got stuck here too. And in that case, we’re screwed.” Pixel thought. She looked up from the grassy ground underneath her feet, and saw that Monet had disappeared over a hill in front of them. She followed, and saw a magnificent site. It was actually a site; there was a campground with half a dozen or more people walking in and out of tent-like structures, talking by a fireplace, or just sitting looking at the stars. Gameknight, Monkeypants, and Monet led her into the makeshift village, through the two block high stone fences that surrounded the area. She glanced around, and saw all the new people staring at her. They had skins of all kinds. One was a rainbow cat, one was a girl with multicolored hair and a black jacket, and yet another had long, magenta hair with a headset, complete with gray cat ears and tail. Pixel stared at different people, and then fixed her eyes on one. She couldn’t believe it. “What are the chances…”  Pixel thought, “That he would be here…”


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