
Book One in the NetheriteWizardKingKNIGHT Series

Sucked into a Video Game

“Shape of speech!” As they played creeper tag, Max said.

 His father introduced his GRG (Gun-real-to-game) later that evening.

“Be that as it may, assuming I at any point see any kids sneaking about, you’re getting a month of suspension, in addition to you could at absolutely no point ever play Minecraft in the future.” Got it?” Max caught his father’s concern out of the corner of his eye. He called his best friend Tommy that morning, who was an expert on Minecraft. Tommy happened upon the GRG.

“Pew, Pew!”

“Max shouted.

Max was lying face down for certain minutes. He was awoken by a cow mooing.

Max! He apologized to someone in his head. Here, take this precious stone protection!

Tom, give me some enchanted netherite because I detest this diamond armor. And in a video game, do you dare call me Max?

Okay, “NetheriteWizardKing” appeared again, this time with netherite weapons and armor. Darkness began to set in. The murmuring of creepers and clicking of bugs started to fill his psyche.

All at once he tracked down a town, strengthened with layers of cobblestone and andesite. Because NetheriteWizard was aware that this was a world for one player, he went further. When he got there, he noticed that they didn’t have their hands crossed. However, as he arrived at the Goliath town, they quickly crossed it, however at that point saw he had no server string. He was admitted, but a poisonous spider infected his leg. NetheriteWizard fell to the ground, but a splash potion of healing got him back up as Tommy.

Use them wisely and this food should be of use to you. Consume them to gain XP back.

As though I didn’t have a clue about that, NetheriteWizard thought.

“Hello, residents. Similarly as expected,” he said with a murmur of alleviation.

“Ghasts! Zoglins! Help!” The community yelled.


Max pulled out his totem of undying and an enchanted bow containing Fire Aspect II, Infinity, Unbreaking III, and Punch II, thinking, “I must help them.” He stepped on top of the walls which were presently breaking because the Ghasts and Zoglins were breaking them. The town was adjusting at the last string of trust. Yet, NetheriteWizard cleaned through every one of them like fire-consuming wood. While NetheriteWizard assisted Builder and Stonecutter in repairing the wall, everyone returned safely to their homes. No hordes came thereafter in no time.

  Herobrine found

“Well, how do you think he got here?” The mayor asked himself.

NetheriteWizard was living a good life in the village. Sometimes he traveled from village to village to help him. Sometimes he found the Lost.

Soon, the village became overpopulated, and NetheriteWizard had to work hard to enlarge the village. First, he would build village houses outside the walls ‘For safety.’ Then, he would build walls outside the town and remove the existing ones. But it became clear that they would need to construct underground. Stonecutter and Sanddigger cleared out giant caverns and found rare goods. Emeralds, diamonds, and coal were easy to get. Coal was scarce since all the coal before Minecraft was made mined by ancient people who made the end portal, and so on.

Once, he was trading with a wandering trader, but then NetheriteWizard saw a command block and bought it. As soon as he bought it, the wandering trader disappeared and materialized as Herobrine.

“Well, just as expected, you are so dumb. Oh, and he… The blood person, will once virus everybody!!! Also, he’ll let me outta here.” He laughed. Then he dropped a picture and disappeared. He looked at the picture and gasped.

“This is the blood villager. He is the virus of Beta 1.9, but I don’t know what he can be doing here,” Said NetheriteWizard

That evening, he and his friend were visiting the town library.

“Seven emeralds for this book: Mysteries of the Deep,” said the librarian.

“Sure, the blood villager looks way different here, like a little spark of Redstone, but it says that it helped villagers instead of hurting them. So does that mean that Herobrine evolved it?” asked NetheriteWizard.

I’ve seen him!  Said Tommy in his head,  He has evolved, and they nearly killed me, I was clever that I switched to spectator there.

“Why did you just look shocked?” his friend Eric asked.

“My friend said that Herobrine infected his brain, so he got nearly killed.”

“Can you ask his powers?”


His powers? Well, teleportation, invisibility, flight. The only way to destroy him is by giving him mob XP so he would turn into it. I prefer chicken since it has only two health, but he still has lots of health, like a couple of Ender Dragons.

“We got to turn him into a chicken, and he would lose all of its abilities, but still have lots of hearts, Like 3 or 4 ender dragons,” he grinned “Not a lot of difficulties, he would take some netherite axe hits, that’ll be enough.”

Matters in hands

NetheriteWizard studied every book possible, along with training others to become warriors Just in Case. He also found lots of lapiz, to enchant books, which they got from animals, and the infinite sugarcane and creeper farm, which was pretty close by. NetheriteWizard enlarged it to be giant and made it closer to the village. After so much progress, he mined and planted trees, and visiting the nether for ender pearls, blaze rods, netherite, and more.

“Kill as many zombies and skeletons for rotten flesh and bones, then breed dogs. Breed fish with kelp which then you could breed cats. Take parrots to scare away endermen.”

They traded Masons and others for emeralds.

After a long day of work, NetheriteWizard went to bed. He then woke up, in the middle of a forest without leaves. Naked trees were everywhere. No moans, no clicking of spiders, just quiet. Suddenly he heard laughing and realized it was Herobrines and the blood villagers’ voices.

“Beh, Little guy. You’d better first vaporize those walls and then let your titan army in.”

“Hurgggg… What if they realize it and put bedrock?”

“Bedrock is impossible to get for those noobs. They’d better get some obsidian! I’ll show ‘em that.”

NetheriteWizard woke up with the nausea effect, and the hunger effect lasted for days. He went to Healer, then told him about his dream. The healer told NetheriteWizard that there was a nitwit that knew everything about how to get. NetheriteWizard went to Nitwit and asked him about it.

“First, fill in 17 by 17 blocks and 9 blocks high against the bedrock ceiling. The netherrack and bedrock that generates naturally can be used to fill in this region: only remaining air blocks need to be filled. Once this happens, stand in the middle of the top of this filled-in area (against the bedrock ceiling), and record your place. Then, eat the chorus fruit. If you are not teleported on top of the bedrock, eat another chorus fruit until you are successful. It works using a chorus fruit’s teleportation ability and removing all other valid places for anybody to teleport to.”

“That… isn’t helpful. We need to get bedrock, not go through it. Anyways, good to know.”

Hey, Tommy. Do you have any bedrock?

Ye, BRB, lemme get it. 5 minutes.

As soon as Tommy appeared in front of the village, everybody crossed their arms.

“Sorry ‘bout that. Here you go,” said Tommy giving an inventory of shulker boxes filled bedrock. “I’ll bring more.”

That was the whole day. Arrival crossed hands disarrival, hand discrossed. Seven layers of bedrock, and barrier blocks on the ceiling.

“You’ll need creative mode to mine them, anyways, I’ll be there if you need them broken.”

Herobrine flew with the villager to the village. He saw the wall and laughed, but he didn’t know that the second layers were bedrock. Both of them used their powers but saw that there was bedrock.

“Hahaha. Such losers. Come on, hurry villager.”

They flew to the ceiling but realized barriers were protecting them.

“HOW DID THEY GET THIS!!!???” screamed Herobrine.

At that time, NetheriteWizard activated the Redstone and Herobrine fell into the crater with the void. The Blood Villager however was dropped in a pit with strange glowing color-changing liquid created by the scientist Anvilman. All of the glitching red, green, light blue, and more started clearing until there was a little mark of Redstone left.

“Seriously? Don’t let him out!” Shouted Anvilman.

“Why?” Asked Mason.

“He got all the glitches off, but he still follows his maker’s commands!”

But it was too late. Screams came from the villagers. All hope relied on the users.

User’s help

Tom saw that happening, so he downloaded a mod and went to help. Throwing totems of undying, and special knights and kings out of the mod coming to rescue the NPCs.

Nothing seemed to help, though. Allays helped carry the items of the defeated villagers into quickly arranged graves. The Crafter stayed out of commotion though. Just as everything cooled down, Herobrine emerged from the void-filled pit.

“How did you come from there?” asked NetheriteWizard.

All Herobrine released was an evil cackle, taking the nearly butchered Blood Villager with him.  NetheriteWizard shot a few arrows. Nothing. Herobrine looked down and took a Nitwit with him. Secretly, NetheriteWizard sent a lot of well-trained warriors to battle him.

None of them returned from there. That wasn’t the end of the road for them, though. Two kids, Lighter and Killer were brave enough to step into any battle. Brewer said he would join Lighter and Killer, who saved him when he was an orphan.

Killer knew how to battle with axes, which was hard to do for a villager boy his age, but Killer ran back into his house and grabbed three sets of full diamond armor, food, tools, and weapons. Brewer went to the basement and took plenty of healing and regeneration potions. Then, out of the blue came Lighter with a diamond pickaxe and enchanted golden apples. He told them that earlier he went mining for coal and found a mob spawner in a mineshaft. He found a fortune of loot like diamonds, coal, and netherite. 4 chests were around the mob spawners, and nearly all were filled fully with golden and enchanted golden apples. There was one thing NetheriteWizard wanted to give Killer, and that was where he gave Killer fully enchanted netherite armor and weapons. After that, everybody headed to Herobrine’s base, which was said to be invisible. That was when he saw a name tag, streaming up in the air. It was Tommy, but his name was tagged Herobrine. Luckily, Herobrine didn’t seem to notice. Sneaking up on him, Brewer asked,

“I don’t see his hideous face. How do we catch good Ole No Pupils?”



Where is he?

I have no idea, I’m Banned.

Can you get a sneak? He pleaded

Yess… Alright, I’m in spectator mode, Herobrine, right? He’s approximately 710 blocks beneath the bedrock layer, fiddling with command blocks.

“Netherite Wizard? Where on the planet is he?”

“Void, too deep for us to even see him. About 710 blocks below bedrock.”

There was an eerie silence and a sonic boom set everyone running around.

Ears ringing. Then, command blocks exploded and started raining from the sky madly.

My trap worked! Collect one which falls in a hole, otherwise, it is phony.

“Dig a space Sand, Digger! Collect the ones that fall into holes!” NetheriteWizard screeched over the detonations from the nothingness.

Soon enough, four shining blocks were standing flawlessly in a row.

“Take them back!” Wizard ordered

Days, Goodbye Herobrine says

Days passed, and nothing occurred. Everyone was on the nerves for the first week. Every command block was standing near the village well the next after the incident.

Using his powers, Herobrine destroyed the houses, farms, and everything in the village. The villagers tried to defend themselves, but they were no match for Herobrine’s strength and power.

The destruction continued until the whole village was in ruins. The villagers were left homeless and devastated, and Herobrine left without a second thought.

It was a sad day for the villagers, and they could only hope that they would be able to rebuild and recover from the destruction caused by Herobrine.

NetheriteWizard came into the village later and saw what Brine did.

A few days later, NetheriteWizard came on a quest with the villagers; Find and imprison Herobrine.

After long adventures through the desert, eating only rotten flesh, they ventured into the biggest pyramid they have ever seen. Entering it, they saw something that looked like a clone machine.

“Welcome, NetheriteWizard,” A voice from somewhere said. “I have been expecting you.”

Netheritewizard was taken aback. “You have?”

“Yes,” said Herobrine. “I know why you have come. You want to know the truth about me.”

Netheritewizard nodded eagerly. “Yes, that’s right. I want to know why you do the things you do.”

Herobrine smiled. “Very well. I will tell you my story.”

And so he began. He told Netheritewizard of his origins, of how he had once been a normal Minecraft player like any other. But then something happened, something that changed him forever.

“I stumbled upon a hidden temple deep in the Minecraft world,” he said. “It was there that I discovered the power of the Netherite. And with that power, I was able to do things no other player could do.”

NetheriteWizard listened intently as Herobrine spoke of his exploits, of how he had used his newfound abilities to build incredible structures and defeat powerful enemies. But as he continued, he began to sense darkness in his words.

“And then, one day, I realized something,” he said. “I had become too powerful. I was no longer just a player, but something more. And that scared me.”

Netheritewizard could see the pain and regret in Herobrine’s eyes. “What did you do?” she asked softly.

“I tried to undo what I had done,” he said. “But it was too late. The power had corrupted me. And so I became the Herobrine you know today.”

Netheritewizard felt a pang of sympathy for Herobrine. “Is there anything you can do to change back?” she asked.

Herobrine shook his head sadly. “No, it’s too late for me. But perhaps my story can serve as a warning to others. The power of the Netherite is not to be trifled with.”

With that, Herobrine bid NetheriteWizard farewell and disappeared into the Minecraft world. As he pondered his story, Netheritewizard realized that perhaps there was more to Herobrine than the legends had led her to believe. And she vowed to use her powers for good, lest he too falls victim to the corruption of the Netherite.

“But… your… your name!” Chopper spit out, “It’s netherite!”

“I understand, but… My name signifies the original netherite, not the poison netherite, that will corrupt me,” He stammered, “HEROBRINE! I HATE YOU!”

“What’s wrong, man?” Asked Killer.

“It’s a virus I have to battle. But I’m not as soft as Brine, nor I would use that as an excuse for destroying tenths of hundreds of villagers.”

“I guess,” Crafter said, “You will battle the virus with us.”

The End

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