
Chapter 1

“You sure you saw a girl naked in the ocean? That’s insane! Maybe it was Herobrine tricking you? He does just pop out of no where and trick people.” Steve said looking out at the ocean as his friend, Ethen, steered the boat.”Almost positive. She was on a small island suurounded by water and as soon as she saw me,she dove into the ocean. That island!”Ethen pointed to a small island made of sand and grass with only two trees and a cow on it. They both hopped off and found a chest with items in it beside a tree. Steve opened the chest to find sea grass,shells,chain mail armor,tnt, and other ocean stuff in it. “Maybe Herobrine put it here?” Steve asked,excitedly. “ Why do you even like Herobrine?!” Ethen asked.” He’s just really cool and never dies,even though he can respawn.” Steve smiled, but then gasped and pointed to something behind Ethen. He whirled around expecting to find Herobrine,but instead the girl he’d seen was watching them with her head peeking out of the water. Ethen slowly approached her and she started looking scared.” It’s ok. I’m Ethen and this is my friend Steve. Who are you? Why are you living in water?” The girl hesitated, but then spoke in a pretty raspy voice.” I’m Karina. Creepers and zombies attacked my family when I was five. The zombies stole my mom and dad and I never saw them again. The water is safer.” Karina said. “How old are you?” Steve asked. “Fourteen.” Karina replied.”come out of the water so we can make sure you’re ok.” Ethen put out a hand for her to grab. “ And see her naked? No way!” Steve crossed his arms. Ethen gave him a mad look and helped Karina out anyway. Ethen wrapped her up in a yellow blanket. Steve scoffed.” What’s wrong with him?” Karina whispered to Ethen. “ He’s more of a Herobrine fan, not an ocean  or girl fan.” Ethen sat down on stone.” Can we help you find your parents? Give you clothes and find you a new home?” Ethen asked, nicely.  

Chapter 2   

“I would love to find my parents and have clothes, but I’ve been in the ocean most of my life and I don’t want to be away from water!” Karina looked worried. “ There’s a thing as ponds and coming back here when you want! Can we go back home now?” Steve was getting impatient and mad. “ Fine. Here’s some clothes you can put on and you can come with us our village and maybe your parents are there. Steve, you can ride in your own boat.” Steve smiled and placed another boat next to Ethen’s. Karina put the clothes on and Ethen into the boat and sped off. Steve rowed as fast as he could and got there in only one minute. The three came out of their boats and ran into the village. As they entered, everyone was staring up at Herobrine on top of of a tall house holding two people by the collars.” Ahh, I see you’ve came here with those two idiots. I think it’s time for you to meet your parents again after I kidnapped them!” Herobrine laughed and pushed the woman and and man off the house and they fell to the ground. Herobrine disappeared and the two parents rushed to Karina. “ I’m so happy to see you again, my dear Karina!” Karina’s mom, Mary, and Karina’s dad, Joshua, hugged her tight. “ Thank you so, so much boys! How can we repay you?” Joshua asked, with tears in his eyes. “ Nothing. No need to pay us.” Steve smiled while crossing his arms as he usually did. “ Can we move into this nice village?” Mary asked Ethen. Ethen nodded and Karina explained where she had lived for years. Karina was happy to be living in a village with her parents and the ocean close by. Herobrine evily smiled as he watched everyone from behind a tree in the shadows.        
                                                                         THE END

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