
Opening the door slowly, he saw inventory piles on the ground and zombies: many of them. Howling and groaning painfully, the zombies moved up from Gameknight999. With sword in hand, Gameknight ran to the beasts and attacked, turning, tapping and deviating.
“Oh no, NPCs died here,” he thought.
Then something on the floor caught his attention: an iron sword with a slight bluish glow; the Mason sword.
“No, can not be” thought the User.
– You will not come out unscathed to have done this with my friend! – Howled Gameknight, full of anger. – I WILL NOT GIVE UP UNTIL YOU KILL OR BE KILLED!
Hitting all monsters green around, Gameknight999 soon managed to reduce their HP to 0. Then, with a tear rolling down his face, the boy heard a soothing voice in the background.
– It’s okay, Gameknight. How about returning my sword?
A big hand touched her shoulder, and he turned back. (Guess what?)
– M … Mason? Your sword was on the floor, I thought …
– Got it, got it. I threw the sword into the ground to cause your anger.
– But… why?
– Because I knew you would defeat the monsters more easily if you were angry.
Okay, had to be Mason.

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