
Jurassic Park: Chaos in Costa Rica

Part 1

Eleven years after the events of Jurassic Park, Dr. Alan Grant is digging a newly found Velociraptor skeleton in Snakewater, Montana. Since the death of John Hammond, the dream of living dinosaurs has been left for dead. Now Ingen is making a new Jurassic Park research site with its new CEO, Nick Murphy. Lewis Dodgson no longer works with Biosyn and is now partners with Ingen.
Back at the digsite in Snakewater, Montana, Alan has finished excavating the Velociraptor skeleton. Since he’s in the badlands, the only way to take it to Montana is by helicopter. It’s too heavy so he has to split the delicate fossils in half. When he splits the femur in half he finds blood vessels. Amazed from his discovery, he contacts Ingen immediately to tell them about it.
Nick arrived in a helicopter to transport them to Costa Rica. Nick is a short, Scottish man with a strong accent and short hair. He is an argumentative man and whenever someone gets in a fight with him, it usually results in him calling in the security.
He offered Alan to visit the lab he has in Orlando for DNA extraction.
The helicopter ride was awkward and uneventful.
They landed outside a large building with satellites on the roof, which was strange being that this was a research site on prehistoric life, not astronomy. They entered the building into a hall full of embryos in cold storage generators. At the end of the hall, there was a computer with a CD-ROM under the screen. Next to the computer was an electronic microscope that was powerful enough to detect small dysfunctions in the genetic code.
“Wow,” said Alan. ”You guys are still making these?”
“Yes, but it’s not going to be a theme park this time,”said Nick. “We have got three specimens right now. The specimens we have right now are Carnotaurus, Triceratops, and Dilophosaurus,” said Nick. “This right now is going to be our newest specimen.”
“But remember what happened on Nublar?” said Alan.
“That will never happen again now that Nedry’s dead,” said Nick.
“Who the hell is Nedry?” said Alan.
“Don’t you know who Dennis Nedry is? That sloppy, gross, fat guy who was always at his computer. Anyway, he hacked the security systems to try smuggle dinosaur embryos off the island. How do I know this? A few employees found his decaying body in a Jeep,” said Nick.
“Oh hell, why didn’t I know that?” replied Alan.
“The reason we’re not making it a theme park is because people are already surrounded by wonder and yet they still want more. This is a research facility, not a petting zoo,” said Nick. “Okay ㅡ let’s see how the DNA extraction is going.”
Unsuccessful, read the computer monitor. No DNA in the blood vessels.
“God damn it!” said Alan.
“No problem,” said Nick. “We still have amber fossils of biting insects.”
“Yeah, I’m not interested in insects,” said Alan.”Come on, it’ll help our research,” said Nick.
“Fine,” said Alan.
After a forty-five minute helicopter ride, Alan made it to a Costa Rican hotel to spend the night.
He entered the hotel lobby, which was rather rundown compared to the exterior of the building.
He approached the clerk’s desk and asked her for a room.
“May I please have a room?” he asked.
“If you’ll pay for it then yes,” she replied. She handed him the card for his room.
“Room 402,” she said.
Once he arrived at his room he threw his suitcase of fossils on the floor and fell on his bed. He remembered his first encounter with living dinosaurs Eleven years earlier at Jurassic Park.
Meanwhile, at the secret Jurassic Park research site, many of the construction workers were dying because they had not yet installed the electric fences.

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