
Story Submission:
Gameknight saw an army of zombies arrive on the horizon. At the head of the army was Xa-Tul.
He smiled at Gameknight999 and said for all to hear, “There is no escape FOOl”
The NpCs in the village cowared in houses trying to ecape he fate that was about to befall them.
Gameknight decided it was time to stand up to Xa-Tul. He marched right to the giant zombie pointed his sword at him and said, “This doesn’t have to end in destruction and death, Herobrine is gone and now we cane live in peace, can’t you do the same?”
Xa-Tul listened and understood. He looked about his army and saw what this war had brought them to. He frowned then sheathed is sword. “I’m deeply sorry” Xa-Tul said. “I was afraid of Herobrine but now that he is gone i can be free. Gameknight999, i want to change and help this village.” he continued, sadness and remorse in his eyes.
When the other monster kings, Reaper, Chaybdis and Feyd showed up, they saw Xa-Tul not attacking. He told the other kings what Gameknight told him. They all agreed. They all saw this war was nothing but a bunch of sadness and death. Gameknight smiled and welcomed the monster kings to stay and contribute to the village.
As time went on Xa-Tul bacame the guard of the village gates, Charybdis kept the village well lit and warm, Reaper made weapons, bows and arrows for the villagers and Feyd teleported out and gathered resources for the village.
Crafter and Gameknight watched from afar and smiled. “Wow we changed the Monster kings, that was brilliant. It was about time to put an end to this violence

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