
The Minecraft Diaries: Secrets Under the Surface – Missing Soul

(This story takes place after the story GameKnight999 Versus Herobrine)

-=FrozenBoy20 – Death Dream=-

This is not like any other dream I’ve been in.

The world that surrounded me was full of the usual silvery mist, and everywhere beyond that was darkness. There is nowhere in this place where you could look in one direction and see something else other than mist and black. I can walk, even run in any direction for any period of time and still see the same thing.

There is nothing I can do in this dream.

Stupid dream.

I tried to run, nothing changed. I tried to use my powers, nothing happened. I tried to wake myself up,
Nothing happened.

I love these dreams.

It feels like forever before something happened in this darkness. Off to my left, I heard the sound of footsteps and rustling leaves which shouldn’t be possible since I can see anything but mist (But dreams will be dreams, I guess.). I saw a figure in the distance walking towards me. Normally, I would’ve been relieved when I see someone else in a wasteland up and alive, but this person didn’t give me the sense of relief, this person reeked of evilness.



His eyes were glowing in the colour of violet, exactly how an Endermen’s eyes would be. Those eyes of his pierced the darkness and even the silvery mist. The moment the features of his body were visible, I knew trouble was coming very soon. The colours of his skin were nearly the same as an Endermen’s except much darker and horrifying, instead of the usual purple it was as red as the Nether stones you’ll see in Nether fortresses. A veil of shadow surrounded him, with dark cubic particles radiating off of his body.

To make it even worse, it’s the fact I recognised him.

“Oh hey, Entity 303. Back at it again with those horrifying looks of yours, eh?” I sneered at the monster, crossing my arms in hate.

The Shape Shifter only smirked and said in his low, scratchy voice, “Jokes aside, I’d like to get straight to the point here.  I want you to do me a favour here, but I will only tell you if you shall join my side. If you do, you shall be rewarded greatly.”

“Thanks for the offer, buddy, but I might have to reject that. I already have more than enough rewards to last myself more than a lifetime.”

“Or do you?” He questioned slowly.

“Now let me guess,” I started, changing the subject, “You want me to pick up where Herobrine left off and kill the all amazing GameKnight999 for you? Because my answer is no, buddy. I don’t work for baddies.”

Entity 303 began walking up to me, smiling sinisterly, “But think of all the rewards you’ll get. Ultimate power over every pixel of Minecraft! That’s what everyone wants, right?”

“Uhh… no. That’s what you want.”

The Shape Shifter simply ignored my words, and as he walked around me he told me, “FrozenBoy, this is the world as we know it. Corrupted, narcissistic and divided. These Minecrafters… They don’t know how to work together, they’ll fight selfishly and un-honourably to simply gain what they want.”

Entity 303 stopped in front of me, “What I’m trying to do here is to unite every bit of the world together and make Minecraft great again. No more fear will cover this land like a blanket, peace will flourish across the world of Minecraft. No more fighting between two sides, because this will be the war to end all wars. But it would only be possible if you would join our side, FrozenBoy20.”

I sneered at the monster, “Request rejected, buddy.”

The Entity walked up to me, both hands behind his back. A sinister look painted on his face. Without even a hint of hesitation, he shoved his hand directly into my chest, and I screamed in terror and pain. Thousands of my nerves felt like it was lit up with fire. The Shape Shifter pulled his hand back with a pulsing heart in his hand.

My pulsing heart…

I dropped down to the ground with my knees weak and arms heavy. My vision blurred as the world around me seemingly close around me…

“Oh… Rejected, you say? But it wasn’t a request, Ice Boy.”

With my heart in his hands, he slowly squeezed it, changing from flesh to sand. The minerals poured out from his…

… hands and disappearing in midair before it even reached the ground.

“It was an order.”

I couldn’t feel my feet… my hands… my body…

I couldn’t see things clearly past five pixels…

“Welcome to the family, FrozenBoy20.”

I felt myself…

…go limp, my eyes closed…
…shut and I couldn’t…

…think straight…

…and darkness…




-=CutieCassie20 – Missing Soul=-

I woke up in the middle of the night to my boyfriend’s scream of terror.

As I can tell you right now, I’m used to these kinds of things: I would wake up in the middle of the night, look to the left side of the bed, and find Frosty staring in horror at something I couldn’t see.

Or find him flailing around with eyes closed, screaming, almost smashing me in the face with that windmill arms of his.

Or find him facing the mirror in the bathroom looking like he’s in the middle of a demonic ritual.

Or find him knocking his head on the door leading to the living room, whispering in a low tone, ‘I will take back Jerusalem…’

I looked over to the left side of the bed, expecting one of those (And many others) events, but I saw…


Weird… I thought.

I forced myself out of the bed and went through the door to the living room, but I found no sign of Frosty being in the living room.

My breath picked up, heart began beating faster and faster in my chest…

I ran to the kitchen, hoping to find a written note, somewhere… anywhere!


I started to panic, thoughts and possibilities of what might’ve happened began to run through my head. A sight caught my eyes and I looked to my right…


Blood everywhere.

Sheets of ice covered every pixel of the lower part of the kitchen.

I the midst of chaos, was a kitchen knife stuck upright on the ceramic tiles of the floor.

Oh god…

A voice interrupted my train of thoughts, “Interesting scenery, is it?”

I was startled by the voice. As I looked towards the living room I saw…

…That son of a monster Entity 303. He had that sinister look on his face with those glowing Endermen eye of his. He smiled maliciously, and he looked like he just burned down a village along with a few hundred Minecrafters.

“What the hell did you do to him!? To Frosty!?!?” I screamed uncontrollably since it was obvious who had done this to him.

He simply grinned, probably enjoying my moment of rage, “Oh don’t worry, my dear. Nothing I’ve done to him that was too… horrible, to put it lightly. Your love is safe and being treated well in my dungeon.”

Entity 303 began walking towards me, I attempted to make a move to prevent him from coming any inch closer to me, but I couldn’t move.

I was frozen in place.

“But taking him really wasn’t enough for me, I need someone that’s close to him, friendly and honest to each other… love each other… and guess what?”

The monster was right behind me now. Beads of sweat rolled down from my forehead down to my chin, my breathing picked up and my heart began beating faster and faster. I saw his snake-like fingers in front of my face and felt the other hand resting on the top of my head.

“No struggles, no talking, Cassie. I want this to be done as soon as possible so I can advance my plans to the next level. Resist less and you will suffer less.”

The rule of thumb with dealing with these kinds of people is that you do the complete opposite of what he/she tells you. I began to resist as he started to seep his magic into my head…

And felt pain like never before.

“Resisting me, huh? Well, what part of ‘Resist less and you will suffer less’ do you not understand?”

He loosened his grip on my head, and I fell to the floor. I was weak and my body racked with pain.

“Cassie, no matter what, you will never be stronger or more powerful than me.”

My world slipped into darkness…

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