
Long ago in Elemetar everyone had a special power of a base power element; fire, water, earth, light, dark, and life. There were branch element’s two that could be made by two different elements having a child for example water life or earth and life got someone with plant power plus the base elements. People liked being in their element but not other elements especially not their opposite element. The leaders of the elemental tribes tried to work together to keep their tribes safe from
Draco Morados. Draco Morados means the dark dragon he had every element but they were not very strong. He wanted all their orbs. The orbs gave each tribe its power. Draco Morados started a group called Draco Moro. The people in that group also wanted to have the orbs for them self. The leaders of the tribes knew that their orbs would be lost unless the hid them each leader except for night, which Draco Morados killed, hid their orbs, a guardian guards each orb which will only let the leaders of the tribe get the orb without a fight, and enchanted the orbs so Draco Moro couldn’t ever get them, because the orbs were not in the leaders possession the tribe lost their power except for the leaders who made one orb that had their last remaining  power and used it to give the tribes a small bit of their power that they once had. Unfortunately, Draco Moro Found where they were hidden and used the dark orb to corrupt the guardians. It made them do bad things and them scarier and they helped Draco Moro. The leaders of the tribe are buried with their orbs. They knew eventually someone would defeat Draco Moro.

Draco Moro gazed thoughtfully at his collection of troops most of them were from Shadewrod, a few from Duskwrot in the fire realm, a very small amount from Amiqui. Draco was secretly thinking about when he got all the orbs and used them to destroy Draco Parmonoco, Par for short. He got more annoying every year, always complaining about him upsetting the balance and yata, yata yata. So who cares he thought to himself Par didn’t like that, he also didn’t like that Draco Moro was inhabiting his body. Just then his general walked up it was Armaqui Symanic ” Your highness Draco Moro I have good news and bad news, The good news is that we have successfully corrupted the bankoros ( the bankoros were reptilian race of big grayish tan skin that had sharp claws big sharp teeth, four legs, a long spiky tail and horns.  They also were always assaulting Draco Morados raiding him and attacking.),but their was some difficulties some escaped and we lost 20 troops, the shade orb is also drained of all energy for a while from corrupting all those things and guardians.

Oh and the improvement is being held back due to the war we are having right now with the resistance. That’s about all, your majesty. “Good Draco Moro said rubbing is hands together. Then he told his general to go rest up for tomorrow for it was to be important getting a fire dragon because they tended to burn all the nest to catch them and destroy his troops. That wasn’t the real reason though, the real reason was because he could feel himself losing control of this body so he went to his castle and strapped himself in shadow chains, then he lost all control, Par was now complaining and hoping Moro had forgotten to chain him. He was miserable he thought about all he had lost because or Moro, and all the bad things Moro had used his power’s for. Moro thought to Parmonoco, you got worse things in store, oh yes.

Chapter 1 camp part 1 into fire

Damien  nicknamed Flare for his temper and rashness lived with his mother in Sygul ( sigh-gull ) a country the realm of fire in Ynar a town.He had no father he had been killed in the skirmish between Sygul and Pyrite. His mom wasn’t poor or anything but she sent him to a camp called Mixed Creek. Mixed Creek was a camp built where all the elements are, it represents the peace between all the realms. Damien wasn’t looking forward to this camp as a matter a fact he was angry at his mom  for sending him why would she send him away.

She  turned into her dragon form, which was a pale oranges red, her claws gleamed menacingly in the sunlight then she threw her wings back and flew me there, in the distance I could see Malocha’s ( mal-o-cho-as )high mountain peaks and caves, Amiqui’s ( am-i-que-i-s )vast blue oceans lakes and beaches, comonapion’s (como-nap-ion) moon and endless caverns and caves. The landscapes were breathtaking and beautiful, but when glance back at Ynar and my home in Sygul  I think that our home is more beautiful, the lava spires, the warm air and the lava lakes and volcanoes.

We arrived at the camp at noon. I met 7 other kids Stull from Malocha he was excited to be here, he had gray hair and big muscels and brown eyes his expression was stern, he was taller then me. Willa from Elimix she was shy, her hair was dyed green her eyes were welcoming, peaceful, and kind. She was about as tall as me and had a nice jacket on. Halo from Lumenex, she was a very bright kid she was a bit nervous she had a warm expressio her face. I met Wraith he was secretive and had a mischievous glint in his black eyes, he was also kind of scary, he was from shadewrod . Marco had blue eyes and a peaceful expression he had a mop like hair cut, it was halfway to his shoulders and blond he was shorter then me. Brother and sister Hailstorm and Storm boat were menacing, they had determined looks on their faces and Hailstorm spoke coldly about something to his brother.

After we got to meet each other we got assigned to activity groups me, Marcho, Willia, and hailstorm. Stull with Storm, Halo, and Wrairth. Marcho came over to ask my name I told him Damien and he relaxed then I told him my nickname was Flare and to pleases call me that. Then he scowled and  walked away. I wondered to myself why he did’nt like me. I mean like what did I ever do to him?

Chapter 2 The Wall

The first activity was in 5 minutes, I decided to socialize with some kids. I went over to Halo and told him my name was Damien but to call me Flare. I asked him if he wanted to be my friend, he said sure and then it was time for the activity. It was climbing a 50 foot tall rock wall. A real cliff, I expected Stull to do the best because he was an earth elemental guy.

The horn blew and we all raced madly up the wall. Stull was pulling ahead followed by me halo Willia Marcho and Hailstorm. The other kids were still on the ground. I found the stone kind of slippery so I kind of melted it , and it turned molten. Ahha much better it was nice warm and goopy. I saw Marcho coming up and I made the wall hot and he touched it   didn’t expect it so he fell. He was scowling then he made me slip by blasting water at me while I had a molten handhold and it turned into stone so I fell to the bottom and the stone shackles shattered, ouch that hurt.

Above me Stull got hit with an ice ball by hailstorm, it nocked him down a bit. Hailstorm squealed “sorry,” and Stull kicked her of the wall. Meanwhile Willia was silently creeping up the wall, her hands gripping it like roots. She approached Stull and made vines tangle his hands and feet. She then stayed still for a bit then had a sudden burst of energy and madly climbed up the wall, then stull made her ledge fall and she fell a bit, she was still above Stull who had broken free of his bindings and was now racing toward Willia. It was a mad dash up the wall for them each wanting to be first, then Willia played her last trick, she made a vine grow down and she climbed it while it was pulling up. Stull grunted and was very angry Willia won because stull was earth and Willia was either life or plant. Willia got a key that said room one suite one, and Stull room 1 suite 2.

I saw a black silhouette approaching me that seemed to absorb light, and looked like looking into a void, then Wraiths body flashed into view, and he said “boo.” Then horrifying images flashed into my mind, I saw my home being blown up, me dying, the wall falling down, and Wraith maniacally laughing at me.  Then I realized what had happened, and growled under my breath. He had put false images of my fears into my mind to disorient and scare me, so he could get ahead of me, well if that’s how you want to play it then lets do it. I decided to shoot a small flare at him to make him pause from fear of getting burned but, instead it made him recoil and jump back or should I say climb back and he flickered back into view. Aha fire or light seem to make him uncomfortable. I tried to summon another fire ball but it drained me more than I thought it would.

So I just climbed ahead of him and accidently dripped molten hot lava on his face which made him screech and fall a bit now he was behind Marcho and storm and hailstorm who kept falling and drifting down and back up. I got to the top next and got room 2 suite 1. Marcho and wraith were having difficulties Marcho was occasionally flinching in fear or backing up while every once and a while wraith was slipping on water Marcho summoned once he slipped and grabbed Marcho’s shoe. He said “let go your going to bring both of us down.” Wraith said” well I will bring both of us down then.” and he did they both tumbled down the wall. When they hit the bottom they had determined looks on their faces as the scaled the all occasionally shooting each other grimacing looks  as they scaled the wall with new found energy.

Storm and Hailstorm were in a frenzy desperately trying to knock halo off with balls of ice or lightning. Halo was returning the attacks with flashes of light that made them cover their eyes then she would blast them with a bolt of light that seemed to burn them a little bit. It was a spectacle, brilliant flashes of light and chunks of ice. Halo made the first major hit, she had gathered an immense amount of power and released it at Hailstorm who tried to shield it with an wall of ice, but her attempts were in vain it shattered the ice and knocked her to the bottom unconscious partly because of the energy it took to summon the ice wall and ice balls and also because of the amount of energy that had hit her. Halo gasped in disbelief , “I am so sorry” she said ” It was and accident I-I-I-I. She stuttered. “You what” she taunted “you hurt my sister.” “I’m sorry” she croaked. Then Storm sent a  barrage of bolts at Halo. She begged her to stop which seemed to amuse Storm. Halo did a great job of dodging the bolts.

The boys passed them, first Wraith who said” adios girls” then threw his head back and laughed. They looked shocked. “Aw little kitty got your tongue ha-ha.” “Stop messing with the girls.” “Why should I?” “I don’t know why but just stop.” “No” he replied sternly. “I will tell you why, this is why” Storm said as she attempted to blast them of the wall, but missed. and Marcho got room 2 suite 2. Wraith room 3 suite 1. Halo and Strom raced up the wall, Storm got room 3 suite 2. Halo got room 4 suite 1, and because Hailstorm did not finish she got room 4 suite 2 medics sent her to the infirmary where her wounds were treated.

Chapter 3 rooms, suites, and room mates

After we finished a man introduced himself as Irmaqui and said don’t call him (urm – maco) call him (Irma – q) He lead us to a door coated no adorned in jewels lapis lazuli shaped an 1 on the door, Irmaqu told Willia and Stull this was their room, they gasped their mouths gaping as wide as a mile. The suite had 5 rooms Willia’s had a courtyard of trees and vines to climb an nice weaved hammock lay in between two spruces an TV was on the bed it was a king, it had a grand golden headrest and the softest pillows in the world and comfy blankest she had a domed roof out of glass and birds in her room and two dressers full of fancy clothes. A mirror on the wall and pictures of jungle scenes on the wall she had a big table fashioned to look like a stump and cushioned chairs. It had a radio and digital clock. Her room also happened to have a  nice pretend lake. Next we went to Stull’s room, it had a nice wall to scale and a rock bed and TV   plus his room had a carved table out of stone with chairs. Both Willia and Stull’s room were 50 feet high 50 feet wide and long.

The next room was the bathroom It was a bit smaller and not as tall. The Bathroom was split in two one for Willia, one for Stull. Willia’s was grand she had some trees in the room a hot tub and spa, the bath tub was a heated pool it was very large there was a fountain that fed water into the pool, and a temperature dial. there were closets full of warm and fluffy towels and soap. The toilet was golden and the sink was too.

Then we were led to the center room which had a free arcade with pack man and pinball and other things. There was also a library and a gaming set with Halo 3 and other games plus lots of tablets and computers and phones. It also had a giant TV with lots of channels and movie disks, the room had 2 lounge chairs and sofas, two chairs and a table with a cloth on it, the middle of the room had a grand piano, and a gargoyle on top of the fountain, the details etched into it were magnificent the fine lines clearly conveying details. The middle room appeared to be a kitchen and living room.

The kitchen had rows or pegged dishes and utensils silver pots adorned the walls. The oven had 8 slots with an oven below, there was also a microwave that had a TV on it. They had 2 islands and 1 big table. Near the center of the room were 4 butlers, they were named Forlorn, Michel, Norman, and Sacagawea, funny name I thought to myself.   Michal and Norman had silver platters that had Stull’s name on them One had mud pie and jaw breakers, the other was filled with sweets. Willia’s butlers had one platter of rainforest insects which she gobbled up happily, and stull was gasping at her his face turning green, then she asked if he wanted one and all he could manage to do was shake his head no weakly. The other platter had a verity of drinks. Then Irmaqui told them they could settle in this room they jumped with joy and dashed to their rooms franticly.’

Next Irmaqui led us to a golden door with diamond on the edges and ruby making a two. The inside was slightly smaller and had 4 rooms. that were each probably 40 by 40. These were me and Marcho’s rooms. My room had several lava lamps that emit a faint glow across the room. My bed was a lava bed probably a queen sized bed it had layers of covers and heating pads, by the bed was a TV. The wallpaper was painted to look like Vryax, my home element. The floor was brown with streams of orange running across it. It had a lava water fall that filled the floor with lava, there were a few paths so people  who didn’t like lava wouldn’t burn their feet. I could adjust the lava level so I could swim or bathe in it. I liked the familiar feeling of lava squelching between my toes. There was also a lava pond a few feet deep. Marcho said “I feel bad for you” “What,” I questioned, “why would you say that, I love it.”

Next we went to Marcho’s room It had glass tanks of moon jellyfish that illuminated the room. There was a queen mattress that was a squishy water bed with a lamp hanging over it his room also had a flooded floor but, this rime it was water and there was also paths. He had a pretend lake in his floor and a fake water fall. His room also had a TV and a dresser the dry part of his floor was coated in pure white sand.

The next room was the game room it had some tablets 2 phones and other games. There was also a very small library it had probably 1000 books. It also had a 60 inch TV mounted on the wall and lots of movies on the table. There was also 1 sofa that turned into a bed that had a zebra pattern on it. In front of it was a big table with chairs.

We also had a kitchen in the next room it was slightly less grand 6 stove slots, a microwave, and an oven. There were dishware and pots hanging on pegs on the wall. We got 2 butlers, one had a nametag that said Neili, he was probably my butler because he had lava cakes with a dipping sauce of mashed chili, with fire sauce packets on the side. “Yum” I accidently said out loud. Marcho shot me a puzzled glance. Then he decided to eat his dish which was crab cakes with moon jelly’s jelly. We both gobbled up our food licking every last thing off our plates. Marcho’s butler had the name Grantier. Irmaqui asked if any of us wanted to see the other rooms, I said yes, but Marcho said no.

Next he led us to a door where gold sloppily spelled three, there were 3 rooms that were probably 30 by 30. It was Wraith and Storm’s room. Wraiths room was very dark and had limerick, which sucked up all light. His room was Erie and creepy, it was full of dark caverns that ominously omitted whispers. His bed was a twin and very small he had a room bathroom on his walls were small paintings of death scenes. The floor was sludgy, a black tarlike substance that was goopy. Whenever you walked on it it squelched like mud however there was a few patches of stones on which you could walk safely on without stepping in the goo. I personally wanted to hurl my lunch up, it was that gross. I was happy to be out of it and in Storms room, her room was a bit cold and damp her bed and bathroom were the same. Her room had a few potted plants and rocks. The middle room had a dinning table and sofas plus one little TV and a bookshelf full of books. The room was bland.

Last he led us to a door that had a four spelled out in silver 3 very small rooms probably 20 by 20 This room was Halo and Hailstorms. Halos room had sunstones illuminating it, It had a child bed and a table there one chair at the foot of the bed. Besides that the room was pretty much empty. Hailstorms had an ice floor that reflected everything the beds frame was ice but had woolen covers and pillows the she had one chair by the wall. The middle room had a branch room that was a bathroom and one shower and a bathtub, the sink was copper and small. They had a table with 3 chairs that were wooden and 2 lounge chairs. there were a few books scattered around and a table.

Chapter 4 Orb of fire

Irmaqui then dismissed everyone, as I was leaving he called me over. “Flare I want to show you something” “What,” I asked. “Follow me I’ll show you.” He responded. “Okay” I said puzzled. He led me down a hall and into a room  The walls were deep red and the floor had lava flows and an altar in the middle upon it lay a dull gray orb that had a feint tint of red. “This is the orb of fire, I found it when I was exploring the lava cliffs, I don’t think I could use it because my element is earth. I thought maybe you could try it, see if you could activate it, or use it, or whatever its would be called.” “I guess I could try it.”  In my head I was thinking he was crazy. I picked up the orb and it made a shockwave of force, it threw us back against a wall. Then began to glow a deep red and emit an orange aura. ”

Wow” I exclaimed. Irmaqui groaned ” Take care of the orb keep it safe. Not feeling to good.” He moaned. Then he collapsed. “Irmaqui?” I shouted. “Irmaqui?” I ran to the door but stopped when the orb started humming. A booming voice came from it, “He has paid the price for finding the orb but not slaying the guardian and not being the right element, so now he suffers. The guardian was the great fire dragon but instead of slaying first he freed it from corruption then he made a deal, he told him that he would free him and lead the fire dragon to the main volcano where it could watch over its tribe, and keep them safe. Irmaqui only kept most of his deal he freed the dragon but didn’t take him home so he dies because he didn’t keep his deal.” “What!” I exclaimed. Then the voice proofed out. Irmaqui’s last dying words were to keep the orb safe, but from who I wandered. I grabbed the orb, I felt empowered when I held it. I stared at it in wonder. I felt so mad at the fire orbs spirit for killing Irmaqui, without thinking I had summoned a giant fire ball compared to my normal grape sized one, this one was a big as an watermelon and I didn’t even need to focus, which normally my grape sized fireball required lots of focus. This is awesome I thought to myself. I wonder how much this could improve my powers, they were already above average. I returned to my room with Marcho, It was about night when I got back, I went to be in my comfy room the constant dripping of the lava was like a lullaby to my ears. As I fell asleep I thought of poor Irmaqui, then I thought about what would happen if they knew it was sort of my fault for touching the orb, would I get expelled or worse. I got out of bed to hide the orb, but then decided I should keep it on me I thought maybe I could wear it as jewelry maybe a ring, but the orb was to big, The orb shrunk as if it knew that I rummaged around in my bags and found my fake ruby ring and pooped the ruby out. I then slid the orb into the slot.

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