
Operation TPoT

By Comwiz180

Other stories by Comwiz180


Minecraft Fan Fiction:





Diep.io Escape:



Precipitance (Coming Soon)


Operation TPoT:

Operation TPoT


Collab Stories:

Enhanced (Coming Soon) – Collaboration with Trevor and Jacob

Distrust (Coming Soon)



Shipwrecked (Coming Soon)

Compass of Destiny (Coming Soon)


Random Stories I wrote for no reason:



Note From Author

Hello, random existent entities. This is a new story I’m planning on writing. I know I haven’t sent anything in a while, but this is supposed to be a new form of writing I’m trying out. Hope you like it.

This is all I have to say.

Oh wait, I do have something to say. I would copy Dan Gutman and tell you about how you should read my previous stories, but they don’t relate to this story. So I won’t. I will, however, give them to you, anyway.

Thanks to Trevor to all my spelling and Grammar mistakes: in 22 pages, I have 1012 mistakes. Grammarly. The number is glitching between 1012 and 1246.

I’m also planning on writing some new stuff, a shipwreck, and a choose your own adventure (preview), in Minecraft of course. Like, I don’t got any better ideas. Don’t ask.

Ethan, the person this story is dedicated to, is writing a story with me and Dorothy. It’s coming out soon.

Hope you enjoy.


Table of Contents

  1. Have You Ever Experienced…
  2. An Average Day With Jeffrey Climbing A Brick Wall And Crowbars In Jackets
  3. Just My Luck
  4. Lesson Alpha: Practice
  5. Me Questioning Jeffrey And Receiving No Answer Other Than: “That’s For Me To Know And You To Find Out.”
  6. Lesson Beta” Ignorance
  7. Let’s Join Jeffrey On An Insane Mission That Got All This Started In The First Place.
  8. Lesson Gamma Requirement
  9. Where I May Or May Not Give Away What Happens In The Rest Of The Series
  10. Where We Return To The Story We Spent Eternity Learning About In The Last Chapter
  11. Lesson Delta: Shopping
  12. Don’t Worry Nothing Will Go Wrong/ Oh Wait, Something Went Wrong.
  13. Lesson Espilon: Something Will Always Go Wrong
  14. Your Classic Road-chase With Jeffrey Defending The Rear. Yes, I Know. Highly Illegal
  15. Remember That Letter We Just Delivered? I Wonder What It Says
  16. Lesson Zeta: Getting Known
  17. Announcements Of Death
  18. Back In The Principal’s Office. This Looks Familiar.
  19. Lesson Eta: Undercover
  20. Embarrassment In The Synonym Of A Meeting
  21. Where Everything I Predicted Would Happen Happens
  22. Discussion About Something 99% Illegal
  23. Lesson Theta: Funding
  24. How To Have Jeffrey Break Into Your Home And Happen To Know How To Rob Your Mom
  25. Breaking Into A Pizza Place. Great Job.
  26. Your Classic Road-chase With Jeffrey At The Wheel
  27. Lesson Itota: Getaway
  28. The Topic For Class Discussion? TPoT
  29. Lesson Kappa: Not Panicking
  30. Delivery Underway. Or Not
  31. Plan Modification. Anyone Else Getting Tired Of This?
  32. Lesson Lamba: Adaptation
  33. School One: Nellie Mcclung. Status: We’re Being Chased By Someone With Throwing Knives. Really?
  34. What Just Happened?
  35. Me Grieving In Pain And it’s Not Funny. Ok, It’s A Little Bit Funny.
  36. Lesson Mu:  GrievingGreiving
  37. We Get It, You’re Jeffrey So You Can Do Anything.
  38. Lesson Nu: Fake It Till You Make It
  39. News Channels Love TPoT
  40. Lesson Xi: Stay Updated On Life
  41. TPoT Is Now An Acronym
  42. Lesson Omicron: Acronyms And Operations
  43. Mission Briefing
  44. Let’s Break Into A French Immersion School Without Knowing French
  45. Lesson Pi: Know A Second Language. And A Third. And A Fourth.
  46. Wait, Did I Mention I Didn’t Know French
  47. Meeting 02
  48. A Little Foreshadowing
  49. Time To Make Some False Evidence
  50. We get it. Youère Jeffrey so you can do anything.
  51. Lesson Nu: Fake it til yo u make it.
  52. News channels love TPoT
  53. Lesson Xi: Stay updatedupdeated on Life
  54. TPoT is now an acronyum
  55. Lesson Omicraon: Acronyms and Operations
  56. Mission Briefing: How are we going to do this.
  57. Llets break into a Frenchfrench immersion school without knowing french
  58. Lesson Pi: Know a second language. And a third. And a froth.
  59. Wait, did I mention we ccan’èt speak frenché
  60. Meetting 02
  61. A little foreshadowingforshadowing
  62. Time to make some false evidence
  63. Lesson Rho And Sigma: Plant False Evidence (To) And Embarrass Your Opponent
  64. Thank You, Jeffrey, Once Again.
  65. Lesson Sigma: Vengeance Isn’t Good. And Don’t Pinch Your Boss. That’s Not Nice.
  66. How Ready Are We To Break Into Enemy HQ?
  67. Lesson Upsilon: Be Ready
  68. Just One Last Time…
  69. Lesson Phi: How To Arrive At An Enemy Base
  70. So We’re Going To Split Up? Ok Then. Because Jeffrey Should Be The Main Target, Right? Wrong.
  71. Splitting Up. Things Will Be Fine.
  72. Lesson Chi: Never Split Up
  73. I Don’t Know How To Sword Fight. And Someone’s Coming At Me With A Katana. This Is Not Good.
  74. Lesson Psi: Popping Up
  76. Lesson Omega: Do Your Operation.


Have You Ever Experienced…


You know those times you go with your friends and start talking? You know when you make some kind of joke and one of your friends laugh as the other immediately starts contemplating? Have you ever had those times when that turns out to be an insane idea that only an idiot would do and ended up nearly getting killed?



I thought that was a thing that happened to all kids Grade 7’s.

Either way, I’ve gone officially insane and joining my little mission to deliver an enormous amount of pizza is about to go crazy.

Whether I make it or not, this is a story where I land with a wild Jeffrey, learn how to deliver enough pizza to feed a school, and just maybe have my friend get stabbed by throwing knives.

Oh well. I guess it’ll turn out fine.

(It didn’t)


An Average Day With Jeffrey Climbing a brick wall, Crowbars in Jackets, and a Shattered Window.

I woke up at 6:15, normally.

I got on the bus at 7:15, normal.

I got to school at 7:55, normal.

I met Jeffrey at the back of the school, not normal.

What was he doing?

Climbing. Not to say there was anything in particular to climb, aside from the giant wall of bricks backing the school.

Yes. That was what he was doing. Climbing. That wall.

He was about halfway up the entire wall, somehow, he got to the second-floor window. He had been wearing his backpack since he started climbing. As well as his coat.

“Jeffrey! What the heck are you doing?!”


I rolled my eyes. He wouldn’t give me any other response other than ‘climbing’. I looked up again, only to witness him taking out a crowbar out of his coat, that thing magically has everything. Sticking one end up the window, be pried it open with a sickening creak.

Here’s the thing with Jeffrey. If you ask him a question he doesn’t want to answer, he simply says that’s for me to know and you to find out. So, I didn’t bother asking what he was actually doing.

He pushed again, throwing his body weight against it. He was probably the weakest person in the grade and had no way to pry anything open without his own body weight.

Two seconds later, a tremendous snap as the window completely fell out. It fell in slow motion as I dived to get out of the way. With a thundering crash, it hit the cement, shattering completely. The glass shards were like tiny ice crystals, edges glistening in the lamplight.

What are you doing?I signed with our sign language.

That’s for me to know and you to find out,he signed back. He climbed into the window, disappearing from sight and leaving me with a shattered glass window on the sidewalk.

Let’s assume a teacher, or maybe the principal walks over here. Here I am, standing here looking up with a shattered glass window at my side. Meanwhile, Jeffrey, the real culprit, is long gone, having climbed the entirety of the brick wall and clambered inside.

Who are they gonna blame? Me? Or the real guy who’s probably gone to do whatever he does?


Just my luck


Guess who shows up ten seconds after my earlier thought? The principal.

Oh dear.

Oh dear god.

No, that’s not nearly dramatic enough. It should’ve been:


Yeah, that’s about right.

Either way, I’m probably not going to live past today. I should, or maybe dive into a pool of pizza before I die. Maybe die by a shark? Not many sharks around here, not the best choice.

“Ethan Tang, can you explain why that window up there is missing the glass and why that glass is here, by your feet? Also, why are you looking up there like you expect something? You better have an explanation, a good one, or you’re dead,” questioned Mrs. Frieda.

You see, I’ve classified principals into three types. First, you have a nice type. They’re the ones who would say “Ethan, are you okay? It looks like that glass must have fell. If it had hit you, well, that would’ve been terrible.”

The second type is more of a stern type. They’d be asking questions and probably send me to detention by now. I’d like the second type about now.

The third type doesn’t even have a name, because it’s used to describe Mrs. Frieda. She’s the type that would seem nice and would act super great until she sends you to detention, gives you the worst possible punishments that exist, and then mail your parents, email them, re-email and g-mail them twice, have a private meeting with them, and just maybe expel you. She’ll definitely suspend you.

So my answer was:

“Please, Mrs. Frieda, I mean ma’am, I didn’t mean to do it. In fact, I didn’t even do it. Jeffrey climbed up there with his backpack, pulled out a crowbar from his coat, and pried the window open. He ran inside and is now long gone,” I pleaded, hoping for some kind of mercy.

But of course, As my earlier explanation of the Frieda, mercy didn’t exist. If I wanted it, I had to get on my knees, beg, then receive none.

How much do you think I believe you right now?”

“Not much?”

“Detention. For the next three months. And you will get here early to polish the entire school with a rag, on your knees. I will email your parents, mail them, re-mail them, and re-email them. We can then have a private meeting with your parents and have a nice chat about what happened. Meet me in the office in five minutes. I’ll call Jeffrey.”

I feel like I’m stuck on repeat.

“Oh dear.”

What just happened?


The office was a cold, lifeless place. Across from me, the two secretaries sat, filing lawsuits and yelling into their phones. Their faces were emotionless, showing nothing but meh. The dark grey linoleum floors were the most boring thing ever. Just to make us feel dark and hopeless.

“Ethan Tang, please enter the office,” ordered the secretary in the blankly.

I stepped up and entered the office, settling down at the round table. Jeffrey sat beside me, while Mrs. Freida sat across from me, a notebook the size of a binder in front of her.

Now you might be asking me right now, what does Mrs. Frieda or the secretaries look like? What does a shattered window look like? What does a windowless window look like? How big is your school?

I would tell you, I really would. But I won’t. Don’t you hate those stories where they spend an entire chapter describing someone, and in the next chapter, that guy gets speared through the chest?

I won’t bother, because, by the next chapter, you’ll probably have forgotten. I’ll leave it up to you to imagine, using your imagination…

Anyway, back to the story.

“Ethan, according to your story, Jeffrey climbed up there with his backpack, pulled out a crowbar from his coat, and pried the window open. With the worst fitness scores in the school, and with a crowbar that just happened to be in his coat?”

I nodded.

She pointed to a previous recording of the front. Jeffrey, yes him was standing up front, sitting at a round table, filling out a worksheet.

“First, that worksheet he’s working on is due today. Second, that’s his jacket, his backpack, and his coat. Third, he doesn’t have a crowbar. We’ve searched him bottom to top,” explained Mrs. Frieda, in a stern threatening voice.

“But-,” I tried, but I was cut off.

“No buts. Go with it, and leave. You’re late for class. Detention.”

“Great,” I murmured.


Lesson Alpha: Practice.


Some of you may be curious about why the story is called Operation TPoT. Mainly the word, Operation. Why? Why operation? What are you gonna do now?

Right now, I’m going to teach you how to make an operation. The greatest operation ever. From Jeffrey. He made this.

First, you need practice. Do the most random things possible. Balance on one leg on the roof of your house with a cat on your head while eating burritos. You may or may not live past this example.

Try standing on one hand and have someone throw baseballs at you. Close your eyes. Block them. With your foot.

Or run through the neighbourhood with one roller skate and one shoe, then try to run 1km in two minutes. This is more doable.

If you happen to have a crowbar in your coat, a brick wall at your school, and a heavy backpack, you can do what Jeffrey did.

You never know when someone might be trailing you and you end up at a dead end with a brick wall in front of you that you could climb and just happened to have a window at the second-floor level and you coincidentally packed a crowbar in your lunch.

Jeffrey said this.


Me Questioning Jeffrey And Receiving No Other Than “That’s For Me To Know And You To Find Out.”

I know what you’re probably gonna say right now. “There’s no way he climbed up there with his backpack, pulled out a crowbar from his coat, and pried the window open while having done math worksheets at the front of the school camara’s and also having been searched with no crowbar.”

And I think you’re right. How did he do it? That’s what I’m wondering.

As I headed off to class, I pondered those questions. How did he do it? Jeffrey had been separated from us since the year began and has been going to his own class. Therefore, I would have to wait for Nut Break to ask him.

But one question still remains. How did he do it?


Two hours later, I rushed down the hallways, searching for Jeffrey. I waited at his locker, where he usually was. But as time ticked by, no one came.

“James, mind giving me a hand?”

Jeffrey had only trusted James to know his locker combo in case of accidental emergencies and now, he was going to open it.

James did so without hesitation. The locker flung open, revealing all Jeffrey’s stuff, neatly piled in the corner. He’d already been to his locker, before the bell.

“James? Where’s Jeffrey?”

He shrugged it off.

Now, I had to figure out two things.


It was lunch, as the hallways immediately flooded with people. A river worth swarmed, pushing everyone to go faster. By the time I’d got to my locker, the hallways had cleared. I hurried to gather my belongings and hurried after Jeffrey.

A minutes later, I found him, leaning casually against a lamp post with James as if he hadn’t climbed up a brick wall with a crowbar in his jacket, destroyed the window and framed his best friend.

Actually, no. He doesn’t consider anyone a friend, so I can’t say he has a best friend. It’s illogical. He only has two people he considers an actual friend. His contact.

Anyway, I immediately asked.

“How’d you do it?”

“That’s for me to know and you to find out.”

Rage levels increased by 28.2343645%.

“How’d you do it!”

“That’s for me to know and you to find out.”

Rage levels increased by 50%.

“HOW’”D YOU DO IT YOU #*@&$)@*$&$^@#*@(!!!!!!!!”

“That’s for me to know and you to find out.”

Ethan, your head is smoking, Signed James.

I was probably smoking right now. I moved my hands into my pocket when I brushed against a silky paper bill. Fishing it out, I feasted my eyes on the bright 20 on the cover.

I hold up the bill to Jeffrey, and he immediately snatches it away.

“How’d you do it?”

“Simple. Biotic copy of me, a stolen coat replica of my coat, and my homework, along with a pencil. After I looted the classroom, I stashed the crowbar into an abandoned janitors closet. I set up the model of me before school hours and looped the security tape while I did it. I ran downstairs and crouched into the crowd, moving outside and retrieving the model. I knew that after the bell, the halls would be chaos and they wouldn’t bother checking the camera. And I accidentally framed you.”

“What did you steal?”

“Sticky tac.”

“How much?”

His cheeks burned red.


“How much is all?”

“6 kilograms.”

James immediately rolled his eyes. I simply smacked my forehead. Fortunately, we’d arrived at CPU. CPU consisted of two key attractions. First, there was the convenience store, arguably Jeffrey’s favourite place in the world. Then, there was a pizza place that Jeffrey took 0 interest in.

Jeffrey raced into the convenience store while James and I settled down at the tables to eat. Two minutes later, Jeffrey returned.

“What did you get?”


He took out a cup, filled it with nerds, and caped it. He then took out three mouse traps, a roll of duct tape, string, and two tape dispensers filled with tape. He taped the mouse traps to the two tape dispensers. He took out the tape from the tape dispensers and taped string to it.

“What are you doing?” I asked, clearly confused at his motives. You can already guess what he said. So I gave up.


Fellow readers, I know what you’re thinking. You’re going to go, oh no, he’s gonna spill a million nerds on the, interrupt Hotzel’s class dramatically, and clean it all up in seven minutes. But he’s not. Believe me, he’s not. Jeffrey in real life is an idiot, so that’ll happen. The Jeffrey in this story is a total genius that’ll probably pull off the greatest operation in all of history by the end of this story. Also, he has duct tape.

So no matter what you think, be assured. He is not going to spill a million nerds on the ground, and interrupt Hotzel’s class dramatically, and clean it all up in seven minutes. Back to the story.


Jeffrey joined us at the table, then began meditating. I bought a pizza. So did James.

“Jeffrey, aren’t you gonna buy pizza? With all that money, you could buy enough pizza for the school,” I joked.

James laughed, but something was wrong with Jeffrey. He’d immediately started thinking, pulling out a notepad from his coat, and started scribbling notes.

Reader, yes. This sounds very familiar, doesn’t it? It does. It should.

“What are you thinking?”


He didn’t reply. He ran out the door with his supplies and ran to the school. He was in a hurry. He was never in a hurry. The last time he was in a hurry, he’d marketed the entire gym top to bottom. Now, I was worried.


Lesson Beta: Ignorance


I know I know. The last time I did a lesson, it was many chapters, not the story. This time, I’m only one chapter from my last lesson. But that’s alright.

Anyway, as Jeffrey showed, you need a way to ignore enemies. For example, Jeffrey uses “That’s for me to know and you to find out.”

You need yours if someone like Trevor decides to ask you why you have such bads grammars for these sentences, that’s what you say to do the dropping of the off to him from your questions.

And now Trevor is triggered because I used him as an example.

Onward to the next chapter. If I can without Trevor murdering me first.


Let’s Join Jeffrey On An Insane Mission That Got The Story Started In The First Place


You might be upset that Jeffrey hasn’t been impaled by a throwing knife. Don’t worry. I you look to the side bar, we are only a couple pages into our story. Just wait.

Not very smart, but lets go after Jeffrey. I burst into a run, chasing after him. Luckily, he happened to be carrying ten times more stuff than me which meant I caught up in a matter of seconds. James followed behind.

“What do you have in mind?

He didn’t respond. He kept running.

I kept running.

Five minutes later, he reached the back of the school, where I lost all my dignity. Confused, I asked again.

“Simple. Two simple things I’m planning on doing. First, I’m gonna plan an operation. Then, I’m going to do it. I calculate a 99% chance of you asking me what I’m going to do. I’m going to deliver pizza to every single person in the school.”

“Oh dear.”


Meanwhile, somewhere far far away, Mrs. Frieda sat comfortably in her, spinning and glaring at the security screen. Little did Jeffrey and Ethan know that she’d purposely installed a camera at the back, used to catch Jeffrey and his little trouble maker plots.

So, she caught the entire conversation on camera and had obtained his new plan.

Now, listening intently, she prepared to find a way to rat them out.


“Are you insane!?”


James immediately went into the most epic and dramatic facepalm on the planet, throwing his arms up in frustration. Shaking his head, he walked around in circles while over- exaggerating the problem.

Actually, no. He wasn’t.

“Would you like to help me?”

James stopped in his tracks. I choked on the bubblegum I was chewing and spit it out. A pigeon nearby said “What!?” No, the last one never happened. Pigeons can’t talk. You should’ve learned this is grade 2. So much for a smart audience…

“Would you like to help me?”

I thought back to me in grade four. “Remember, no matter how good of a deal they make you, never accept if it’s morally wrong.” But on the other hand, this wasn’t a deavil. It was a wild Jeffrey doing what wild Jeffreys did best. So, I was clearly tempted to say yes. But then, another voice spoke in my head. “Peer pressure. It doesn’t mean that it’s your best friend telling you to sail to Mexico to murder Andrés Manuel López Obrador so you have to do it. Remember, think to yourself…”

And because of that, I and James replied and signed yes, in sync.

Jeffrey smiled.

Uh oh.

“This will be fun.”

“Oh dear.”



Lesson Gamma: Recruitment


If you’re going to do an operation, you’ll need people. Yes, you can do an operation by yourself. But sometimes, to pull off those more difficult more insane missions, you’ll need people to help you.

When recruiting. There are three main things you need to do.

First, options. You need roles you need to be filled and jobs you need your henchmen to do. This will decide who you choose for the mission.

Second, people. You need to narrow down a list of people that best fit each operation job that needs to be done. Make sure to have no more than three people per job.

Third, asking. If you’re gonna do it, do it right. Don’t screw it up in some stupid manner. Makes sure to brief them correctly and to ask them correctly. This will ensure your recruits don’t run away and scream, revealing your entire plan to the rest of the world. That would not be good. Unless you plan in the first place was that you thought ahead and was planning on revealing a false plan to the rest of the world and your recruit was the one to do it.

Then yes, you’re not morally doomed.


 Where I May Or May Not Give Away What Will Happen In The Rest Of The Series.


Let’s assume you were paying attention all this time and know exactly what is going on. I know that ninety percent of my current readers aren’t paying close attention and will probably fail at this section No, none of you deny it. I already know.

Anyway, the question is: What do you think will happen next? Most of you don’t know how to do this because you haven’t listened and read the actual story. But some of you great people will know how to do this.

Some of you may tell me that Mrs. Frieda will come down in ten seconds, tell them to quit it and do all that mumbo jumbo she’d do to any misbehaving child.

Some of you might tell me that she’ll wait a moment, wait till Jeffrey’s in class, then call him down using the speakers installed into every classroom in the school and publicly humiliate him and then call him down so she can stop him and his critically insane plan, which isn’t actually insane.

Or, she could not do anything at all. She’d wait until he was halfway through his own operation, right at the peak of the suspense in the story. She’d then publicly expose him, reveal him to the rest of the world, and have him probably sent to juvie for the rest of his life, until he’s eligible to go to jail.

And then she would also be regarded as a hero of the entire school and city and would be paid handsomely. Jeffrey would meanwhile be rotting away his miserable life in the eternity of prison.

And then the climax will hit its peak as Jeffrey will probably break out and start causing even more mayhem, which of course, as Jeffrey supporters, we all want.

Then, I can write a new diary entry/story on how he manages to pull off a new operation with Mrs. Frieda trying to kill him like a mad man, or as I should say, a mad woman. This way, it’ll keep things interesting.

Once that’s done, Mrs. Frieda will go insane and try to kill him. He will barely miss her grasp. His will be intensifying suspenseful, as his our hero will save the day.

And finally, he will catch Mrs. Frieda and she’ll be sent to prison for the rest of eternity rotting away her miserable life while Jeffrey has a new start with a new principal that he can torture and cause chaos with.

The lastly, our stories will come to an end as Jeffrey outwits the new principal one last time before he has graduated from school. He will then thank the new principal (Who is probably trying to kill him by now) and will go to Mrs. Frieda. He’ll go to her, boast in her face, and then pay a handsome to get her out of jail so she can be hired as a new principal in a high school so they can try to kill each other all over again.

If that is what you guessed, congratulations. Oh, wait. Did I just spoil the rest of the series? Oh. Yes. I did. Dang it.

Well, now that you know what happened, you can sit back and enjoy as I slowly die away weaving the tales for your little minds as I explained. She would also be regarded as a hero of the entire school and city and would be rewarded handsomely…


Where We Return To The Story We Spent Eternity Learning About In The Previous Chapter.


Jeffrey, having been the person who devised the great plan in the first place, immediately started explaining the plan. But since we spent so long talking about what’ll probably happen in the next couple stories, you missed the grand explanation of exactly what his plan was.

But you could miss that. That doesn’t matter. All that matters is what you hear right now.

“Jeffrey, you are critically insane.”

“I know.”

“Then why are you doing something this stupid!?”

“Because. And I do know that it’s stupid. It violates maybe nine of the laws of Calgary, one or two of the laws of the province, and breaks 34827 rules from our rule book we received three months, two weeks, three days,   two hours, fifty-nine minutes, and 37 seconds, ago 4 jeffies ago, and 672 millisecondsmilleseconds ago.”

“You are insane.”

“You already said that.”

What do we do now?”

“Simple. We start the operation.”

“Oh dear.”


Lesson Delta: Shopping


As you missed, Jeffrey has another very important part in his plan you missed. It’s called shopping. You need to know what you need for a mission, just as you know when your favourite song is on the radio.

You normally create a shopping list, but sometimes improvisation is needed. Jeffrey, with lots of money, has quickly a new shopping plan for tomorrow. The shopping plan he’d just obtained is what he’d used to start eh operation.

You need to have supplies. If you don’t have them or can’t buy them, steal them. There’s nothing morally wrong with convincing your two friends to rob a convenience store so you can start a massive episode of chaos and mayhem. That would work.

So you do, remember your shopping list and don’t accidentally not remember your shopping list. Do your shopping around, your house might be out of cheese quite soon.


How To Have Jeffery Jump Into Your House And Happen To Know Your Alarm Code And Break You Out Of Your Own Home.


If you’re upset, be patient. Jeffrey will get stabbed by a throwing knife. Just wait. Just like my fortune cookie said yesterday:

“Good things come to those who wait. Be patient.”

So just wait.

“What’s step one?”

“Simple. Spread our name. We are the TPoT association, doesn’t have an acronym yet it is used to spread our name right now. First, we need permanent markers and cards… We need a lot of cards. Just about fifty stacks. Then arrive extra early tomorrow. This way, we can ensure success. We need to deliver one to each class in the school. But we’ll also make some good deeds. Tomorrow, I’m gonna get here six hours before the bell, you guys will follow. I’ll have more than enough cards. Make sure you get here on time.”

“Are you insane?”

“You already asked that.”

That night, I couldn’t sleep. I just couldn’t. What we were about to do was to in form to handle. I couldn’t pass his up. That nggIuickey got my clothes on, then head into the garage. My home is relatively close to the school, so biking here shouldn’t be a big problem. It would’ve been okay if our house didn’t have an alarm. I didn’t know we did.

When the  , my parents would surely wake. Then I would come to a very awkward confrontation of what I was going to say to them to solve the problem. Which I am not good at.


What was that? I was beginning to shake.


I darted to the bathroom, ran behind the door, and crouched, hiding readily for what was about to come into my home.


I would recognize that voice anywhere. Jeffrey!

I was just about to hug him when I realize the problem here.

“How do you know where I live? Have you been following me?”

“Yes. But I also happen to know how to hack into the company’s system.” He opened up the company’s files and began the security override. He quickly figured it out as his hands flew across the keyboarded faster than any human being.

“Code is 5223 – 8293 – 30498 – 3928.”

“How -”

“Don’t ask. Just go.”

Two seconds later, I deactivated our alarm as    led me outside. I reached for my bike. Jeffrey pulled it away. I looked at him, confused.

He pointed to the street.   There was a taxi there. James was inside. James waved to me. I waved back.

We both go in, as Jeffrey handed the driver a fifty dollar bill. He looked at it greedily then snatched it away. I watched as Jeffrey packed his coat with all the bare necessities of this trip. I was awestruck at how much stuff he had to pack.

Two minutes later, we arrived.

We stepped out of the door, Jeffrey now in pitch black. James followed, also just a shadow. I looked down. I frowned at what I was wearing. My neon shoes glowed brightly in the light as my t-shirt underneath beamed with radiance.

Jeffrey unzipped his backpack, and two seconds later, he handed me an extra set of clothes, all midnight black the same type he wore.

Have I ever told you how amazed I am at his abilities to incorporate statistics into exactly what he needs to take for every occasion? A week ago, He’d gotten a lock from the convenience store for four bucks. Useless. But ten seconds later after we got back, Trevor, our friend, had his lock stolen. Jeffrey offered his as a replacement and there he went, a new lock in hand.

But this time, Jeffrey didn’t wear the same confident smile as usual. Under his grim expression, I could tell he had some doubts about the mission and the risks. Guessing from my cliche mystery books, He’d be thinking about whether or not he should’ve brought us, which was a very valid point to make.

But then again, a mission was no place for feelings.

He climbed up the brick wall he had before, then threw his backpack inside. Without the window, it was much easier to read the interior of the building.

Climbing up, he tossed down two ziplock bags. Inside, were these hand paddle things, the kind you would use to swim. On the other side was a circular inside out rolle of Flex Tape.

I unzipped the bag and gripped a paddle in each hand. I stuck it onto the wall, then stuck the next one,. mMy feet perfect    for the small gaps in between the bricks as I clambered inside. James followed.

“Now, we deliver.”

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