
Interview Two. 

File Under : Transformers, Primeverse, Optimus Prime interview.

(Key: Int = Interviewer. OP = Optimus Prime. CM = Camera Man{AKA Dan}.) 

Int: Hello, readers, and welcome to another interview with your host, me, The Interviewer! 

CM: *claps in the background*

Int: Yes, yes, I know, I’m wonderful. Anyway, on to our main topic. Recent developments in the previous universe I was in caused me to have to relocate and reconsider my interviewees, so I travelled through various dimensions with Dan, my camera man —

CM: *waves* 

Int: — to find a more suitable place to conduct these interviews. Therefore, we arrived in a dimension full of sentient robots that can transform into all kinds of amazing things. These “Cybertronians” live in two factions and can’t seem to settle their millenia long war over their homeplanet. Today I will be interviewing the leader of the Autobots, Optimus Prime.

CM: *moves camera up to focus on Optimus*

Int: Optimus, tell us how you became leader of the Autobots.

OP: How did you get here?

Int: Hey, I’m the one asking questions here.

OP: But this is a secret base.

Int: Well, um. . . it probably has something to do with our interdimensional warp machine. 

OP: That sounds complicated.

Int: It is. But tell me, how is it that you can fit in here? You’re like the size of a skyscraper!

OP: Your planet is small compared to us, that much is true, we were made for Cybertron, where everything is built to our size. Though the Autobots mean no harm to Earth, we cannot return to Cybertron until we can somehow restore it.

Int: Wait, this is Earth? *turns to the camera* Dan! I thought we had travelled to a different dimension!

CM: *from the background* Uh, we did, sir. Obviously, this is a different Earth than ours.

Int: Pft, “obviously”. Alright, fine, I can work with this. *continues to interview a confused Optimus* Back to my original question, how did you become the leader of the Autobots?

OP: I used to be an archivist on Cybertron, but the Matrix of Leadership found me and gave me a new purpose. Now I lead the Autobots in hopes that we can one day return to Cybertron and restore our beloved planet.

Int: Interesting. Now, what about your arch-nemesis, Megatron, leader of the feared Decepticons?

OP: Megatron has fallen too far from his previous path to ever be reconciled, but long ago he did have a kinder side, though any trace of mercy has long been erased from his spark. Megatron will never be friendly towards the Autobots, and if I have to, I will terminate him.

Int: Hmm, pretty dark.

OP: We must do what he have to do.

Int: Okay, sure. Next question: I’ve noticed your team is a little small, can you really take on a whole army of Decepticons with only eight Autobots?

OP: We must try. Not only that, but I know there are more Autobots out there, waiting to be called on. That is how we met up with Wheeljack, Smokescreen, and Ultra Magnus. 

Int: How old are you?

OP: Much too old to calculate into your human years. Cybertronians live for millions of years, which is one reason our war with the Decepticons has lasted so long.

Int: Why did this war start?

OP: Our war began because of the Decepticon’s hunger for power and oppression. They wanted to rule over Cybertron forever, but the Autobots knew this would not be right. So we fought, and eventually that fight ripped our planet apart, the very thing we tried so hard to protect was destroyed. We retreated to Earth in search of Energon, but that only brought our war here. Now we must complete it for the sake of Cybertronians and Humans.

Int: Hmm, that was dramatic.

OP: It’s a dire situation.

Int: I see. *turns to the camera* This dimension is pretty dark, Dan, it’s depressing me. I will wrap up our interview so that we may find another subject to question. *looks back at Optimus* I must conclude this session with one last question: What is Energon?

OP: It is the fuel that powers all Cybertronians. If we do not have Energon, we do not have life.

Int: Good Lord, you are theatrical. Alright, thank you anyway for your cooperation with our interview.

OP: Of course.

Int: *looks at the camera* That completes our second interview, everyone. I hope you can join us for our next show!

CM: *cuts the camera off*

~~End of Interview Two~~

~Interview Three Coming Soon~

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