

Have you ever imagined being unloved, unwanted, and alone?  If you have you know how little Amira feels every day. Her mama was poor and unable to afford the little child’s needs. She had to leave poor Amira on the doorstep of an old orphanage.   This is where her mama grew up. But shortly after Amira arrived, the orphanage went out of business and left several of the young children on the cold, wet, dark, and dangerous streets of Las Vegas. You’re probably wondering why to start so sadly. Well, Amira is NOT ALONE. She is being watched. By who, you ask? Your worst nightmares.

Chapter 1 The Feeling

Amira has had a weird nightmare except this isn’t the first time. She’s had this nightmare every night since she was a baby, but each time it gets a little different than the last. Amira can’t help but have this dream. Amira tries to get rid of this dream but can’t. All she can do is think about it. The dream starts like this: Once upon a time, there were these three little knights that stayed beside a little girl’s bedroom door. The little girl has done the unthinkable. She is often called a “ Wild Child”. She has bounced around, stealing money in and out of banks, like nobody’s business. Then one day she sees a BOY!  She had only seen a grown man named, “Father” who you’ll meet later on in my story. Her heart was pounding and the palms of her hands were sweating, then BAM! Amira woke up.
This was the first time she had the dream. Now for the version that she just had. Once there was a girl who was the worst criminal in the whole world and was wanted for a cash reward of $1,000,000,000 though she was always finding ways to fool the people of Las Vegas. The girl had no family and never would because no family wanted her for who she was. They only want her so they can turn her in for the money. They don’t give a whoop. BAM!
Amira woke up and there was the girl from the nightmare but she was laughing. Amira had never heard laughter before. Amira shook her head and there she was looking as innocent as GOD. What is happening, she thought. This cannot be happening. She shook her head again and this time she did it really hard. Now it was gone, gone like the wind, never to be seen again.
Amira thought it was funny how her mother would say that it will go away.  She’d say it’ll be okay, but she never knew she’d just say that to make you do something to “comfort” you or to “make you feel better”. They just want you to leave them alone. Well, if you wanted to be left alone why didn’t you leave me at the hospital after birth? Well, actually you did!
Amira was sweating. Random thoughts like these often entered her mind. She often got her thoughts too deep. One time she had long thought about how GOD came to be. They say that God has always been. Well, how the heck does that work? I mean there’s no explanation for God. It’s not like God just fell out of the sky. My theory is that if there ever was a time that absolutely nothing existed, nothing would exist now. Although, something does exist now.
Therefore, there was never a time that absolutely nothing existed. So how did it happen?As the Tootsie pop commercial once said “ The world may never know” literally?
Scream, the town, is screaming.  Buildings are a blazing fiery mess. It almost seems like 9/11/01 all over again and the scary thing is, that today is 9/11/19, Remembrance Day.

Chapter 2 The Full Truth

When all the people of Las Vegas thought that this unexpected attack was over, they couldn’t be more wrong.  The buildings were blazing with fire. The town had lost all hope of ever seeing the beautiful city that it was before. All of the towns had now been quarantined for 18 hours. “Amira!” an elderly woman called.
“Um, I’m sorry, but I don’t think we’ve met.”
“Oh honey don’t you remember me, I need you to come with me.”
Amira hesitantly walked with the strange woman. “How did you know my name?”
The woman is now glaring at Amira. “I ask the questions here, therefore I don’t have to answer that.”
The woman is shaking with fear just like everyone else.
Amira arrives at a huge royal lake-view mansion., “Whoa! How come I remember being in this Mansion?”
“Because l am your GRANDMOTHER!”
“Say, whoa, I never knew that!  I didn’t even know I had a grandmother, well honestly I didn’t know I had very much of a family.”
Oh, that’s right you’re the child that  Alexandria Ketrin Maxwell Jr. mother, gave up.
“Alexandria Ketrin who?” Amira had never heard such a name before.
Amira asked if she could hear what had ever happened this fractured family of hers.
“Well first, my name is Alexandria Ketrin Maxwell and your real name is Cynthia Rose Maxwell.” Alexandria started.  She pulled out Amira’s birth certificate. It said: Certified Copy of Birth record Of Birth Record Cynthia Rose Maxwell  : 1/19/03   
“Woah!” Amira said.
Alexandria said, “I’m going to get a drink of water.”
“Oh okay,” Amira heard a noise of a shovel but Amira didn’t pay attention to it.
Alexandria was right behind Amira. Then, Wham!
Amira was now In a coma.
Alexandria was actually Amira’s nightmare…
Amira has been in a coma for 9 months.

Ch. 3. Open eyes

“Huuu” Amira shot up like accidental bullet. He hospital bed shook with her deep breath of air. She had finally woken up… but there was no one in sight.

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