
          My name is Ultraviolet123 and here is my story of when I woke up with nothing to building an empire with the help of a great friend. Here is how it all started…
Chapter 1: The Awakening
I woke up in a forest biome, and saw many trees around me. I also spotted pigs, cows, spiders, and creepers.
“Where the heck am I?,” Although for some reason I knew what to do. The first thing I did was go to a tree and punch some wood. I knew night was upon me. After punching all the wood in one tree, I went to another tree and punched wood after wood. Finally, I had punched five trees. I turned the wood into wooden planks, four planks for one wood. I wasn’t really sure how I was doing it, kind of just using my mind and doing it+. After converting all of my wood, I crafted a crafting table. On the table I made some sticks out of planks, then I crafted a wooden sword, shovel, pickaxe, and axe. I used the axe to chop more trees, getting more wood.
          I then, went to killing some cows, sheep, and pig, from their droppings (cruelty, right? but eh), I got raw beef, raw pork, raw mutton, leather, wool and some XP (Experience Points). Then, I took out my shovel and started digging dirt for stone materials. When I hit stone, I took out my pickaxe and started mining and mining until the pickaxe broke into splinters. I took the stone I collected back up to the surface, about 15 blocks of cobblestone, a bit of coal and flint. I set the crafting table down, and crafted stone tools, shovel, sword, pickaxe, and axe. Suddenly, I heard a clicking sound. I knew it was a spider clicking its mandibles together, they couldn’t resist doing that.
          I turned around and right there in front of me, I saw a spider looking at me. It seemed ready to pounce on me, so I took out my brand new stone sword on my left hand (since I was a lefty) and attacked the spider. It attacked back. Pain flared on my right shoulder. I drew my wooden sword on my right hand. A rare thing for anyone to do. I blocked with the wood and hit the stone. The spider flashing red with every hit. Finally, the spider disappeared with a pop, leaving behind string and a spider eye (gross!). I picked up both since the spider eye would be useful in potions and I could make a bow once I got more string.
          When I looked back up at the sky, I could see that it was dusk. I used my remaining wood to set up a small hut. I crafted some torches from sticks and coal and placed them on the side of the wall. I made a door and placed it in the opening. I went back outside to kill zombies and skeletons, since I could smelt the zombie flesh to get leather (wait you know what? Zombie flesh to leather is just mod, never mind), and I could get bones from a skeleton, so I could tame a wolf.
          I walked a few steps and the moaning of a zombie caught my ears. I turned around and saw a zombie walking toward me with its arms out. I drew my swords and attacked the zombie. I killed it and the XP flow into me as well as the zombie flesh. I strode along the forest placing torches so I could retrace my steps. Then I heard clicks and clattering bones. I placed another torch on the ground, and the light illuminated a skeleton riding a spider, a spider jockey, an unusual sight.
          “Come and get me!” I yelled to the mobs. I drew my swords of stone and wood. I dodged an arrow from the skeleton, but I got pounded by the spider. I ran in for the attack. I went for the spider first. It disappeared with a pop and left spider eyes, string, and XP. The skeleton fell to the ground flashing red with damage. I ran at it. That’s when I realized it. The skeleton’s bow was enchanted. I could see the iridescent glow of the bow. I slashed at it with my swords. That’s when my wooden sword gave out, it shattered. That left me with the stone sword. I knew that a skeleton’s aim was pretty bad, but it still got me a few times. I hit it repeatedly until it disappeared with a pop.
          The skeleton left behind its enchanted bow, two arrows, two bones, and quite a lot of XP. I collected all of them and spotted a cow in the distance. I killed it collecting raw beef and leather. I decided I had salvaged enough for the night. I went back to my little hut, taking out torches along the way. As I was walking back, three zombies got in my way. I circled them and attacked. I kept going until all three disappeared leaving behind more zombie flesh. I got back to my hut. I had exactly eight cobblestone left. I used the crafting table and made a furnace, using up all of my cobblestone. I put coal and raw beef inside. When they were done, I gobbled down the beef, restoring my hunger. I put the zombie flesh inside. When they were done, they were leather (since the zombie flesh to leather thing actually worked, it seemed that this world has a basic mod installed).
          I used the table to craft a full set of leather armor: cap, tunic, pants, and boots. Finally, I examined the enchanted bow. It had the Unbreaking III, and the Power II enchantments, useful. Punch is basically Knockback, but for a bow. When with by a weapon with Knockback or Punch, the victim would get pushed back farther than usual.
     I only had one arrow. I needed one stick, one flint, and one feather. That would give me four arrows. I already had sticks from the planks and the flint from mining gravel. Feathers come from chickens. I looked back at my inventory, I had nine leather left. I thought about what I should do with that. Then an idea popped into my head. I could craft a big backpack! A big backpack is one and a half times the size of my inventory. It would just take up one spot. But that was also a mod too, hmm, maybe this server was loaded with very basic mods.
     I could see daylight was coming. The sun was rising. I broke down my hut with my pickaxe. I put the cobblestone in the big backpack along with the wooden planks and my leftover wooden tools.
     As I was walking along the edge of the forest, I saw another person sleeping on the ground. The name FeverFTW floated above his head. I was about to wake him up, when I heard the moan of a zombie. This woke up FeverFTW.
     “What! Where am I?” he says breathing heavily as if he was about to drown.
     “It’s okay, I’m Ultraviolet123, call me Violet, you’ll be safe with me.”
     He thought about that and replied, “I really need help in the wilderness. I’m scared of fighting of mobs alone.  I turned around and saw a zombie with a chainmail helmet. Zombies and skeletons usually burn up when the sun rose, unless they picked up any headgear. I took out my dual swords. (I had crafted a new wooden sword.) Fever gasped, “No one has been able to wield two swords in over a thousand years!” I smiled, “Watch me.”
     Violet ran at the zombie with the chainmail helmet and slashed at it, flashing red after every hit. It disappeared in few seconds, leaving behind its chainmail helmet, zombie flesh, and some XP. I gave the chainmail helmet to Fever, who looked very impressed with my sword wielding.
     I said to him, “Hold on for a minute, I’ll craft you some leather boots. While I’m at it go collect some wood, so you can craft you own tools. I’ll craft a stone pickaxe. Fever nodded and went to the nearest tree and started punching the wood. I set down the furnace, putting in the last of my coal and the zombie flesh. While I was waiting, I took out a stone pickaxe and started mining for iron ore. I mined until the stone pickaxe gave out. I had scored quite a lot: a lot of cobblestone, some coal, some flint, quite a lot of iron ore, and one block of gold ore.
     Once the leather was ready, I crafted Fever some leather boots.
     “Fever! I’m finished with your leather boots!” I yelled to him. He ran back, taking the boots and putting them on. I could see that he had crafted a full set of wooden tools. I gave the pickaxe to him. Fever put it in his inventory. I then showed Fever what I got from mining. I put the coal and iron ore in the furnace. When the ore had turned into ingots, I crafted myself two iron swords, an iron pickaxe, and chestplate. Fever crafted himself a chestplate, leggings, and an iron pickaxe. I gave Fever my stone and wooden swords and taught him how to use both. We turned out successful. We turned the rest of the ingots into iron blocks and put them in my pack.
     Then, I heard a moo in the distance. I saw cows grazing in the grass and killed them. I took the raw meat and leather, and crafted Fever a big backpack.
     “Here,” I said giving it to him, “Now you can hold more items. Let’s find a village to stay at.” He agreed with me. I gave him half of the iron blocks to put in his backpack.
     We walked along the grassland biome killing some sheep and chickens along the way, earning wool for crafting beds and feathers. I also crafted myself   twelve arrows. I suddenly remembered about the enchanted bow and showed it to Fever.
     “Where did you get it?” he asked eagerly.
     “I got it in the night after killing a skeleton,” I answered.
     “That was lucky, VERY lucky,” he said. We kept our dual swords out since night was coming.
     I was glad that I had found a new friend for me to travel with on our great journey.

Chapter 2: Brand Village

     “Fever, look! Creepers!” I whispered to him. He turned around saw three creepers at the top of a hill. “We’ll be able to make TNT with the gunpowder they drop.”
     “Right, give me one of you iron swords so we can kill them quickly, so they can’t detonate.” he whispered back. I gave him one of my swords and we stealthily walked toward the hill with the creepers. When we near the top of the hill, we suddenly jump scared the creepers off the hill. They fell to the ground flashing red and disappearing with a pop. Fever gave back my sword.
     “That was quite easy,” I said to him as we made our way to collect the gunpowder and XP.
     “Violet, we have enough gunpowder to make four TNT. All we need is sand.” Fever said.
     “There’s a desert biome about a hundred blocks away,” I said taking out an unused stone shovel. “You stay here and make a small hut for us, with cobblestone or wooden planks, while I dig for some sand. Set up a crafting table, a furnace, and the beds,” I said to him. “I’ll be back in fifteen minutes. Try mining for some stone, coal, maybe diamonds too.”
     I gave him some wood, cobblestone, and 2 beds to get started. And with that, I dashed off with my trusty shovel. During my trip to the desert biome, I saw a  skeleton and a creeper. Not wanting to create trouble, I ran quickly. They didn’t notice me, but then I realized something that would help us survive, I heard rumors that there is an NPC (non-player-character) villager who would trade 64 diamonds for one.
     I ran back to the tree, and yelled,” Here Skele Skele!”
     This grabbed his attention, and he started firing his arrows at me. I just have to line up the skeleton and the creeper I thought. I got a little closer, but this was a BIG mistake. The skeleton shot an arrow at me and it hit me, I flashed red.  But the arrow had a little after effect. After I pulled the arrow out of my shoulder, I started to get woozy. It was a sleeping arrow. After that, I didn’t know what happened.

4 Hours Later…

     I could feel myself being dragged. I was still half sleepy, but I was fully awakened when a sharp rock on the ground cut into my back. This stung, but I was still a bit groggy to say anything. I looked up, and I could see Fever dragging me to the direction of the house building site.
When Fever saw me looking upon him, he said, “Wake up sleepy head.”
     I got up and I started walking. I could see Fever sweating, exhausted and dehydrated from carrying me. I was about to ask Fever how he had found me, but I could ask that later. I had something more important to do the mysterious diamond villager
     As if Fever read my mind, He said, “I heard there’s always a diamond villager in every village.”
    This relieved me and I stopped worrying. But the thing was, night was falling fast. Mobs were spawning, all hostile. Villagers were getting ready to hide in their huts.
     “We have to get to the house immediately,” I told Fever.
     I grabbed his hand and we dashed to our house. But we were too late. A horde of mobs were now upon us. This just made us run harder.
     “Shoot my arrows!” I yelled.
     I tossed Fever my arrows and bow, and he turned around, running backwards. FLUNG. SWSSS. Fever shot the arrows with such precision that he made all three of his arrows go to use. He managed to kill a skeleton and a creeper. We approached the house, and we burst through the door. We knew the door wouldn’t hold them for long. Fever quickly boarded up the door with the remaining cobblestone. We could hear the mobs pounding on the door, and it finally broke. They still couldn’t get in, as the cobblestone was too strong to break for the mobs. Soon, the noises got fainter and fainter. At last, they were all gone. I sat on my bed while Fever made us cooked beef. When it was done cooking, I munched on it hungrily, and we went to sleep.

5 hours later…

     I woke up when it was daylight. Fever was still snoozing on his bed. I shook him awake.
     “Hey, Fever,” I said to him, “it’s daylight. I’m okay now, if you’re still worried.” I took out a torch in case there were zombies resting under trees. Then, in the corner of the little house, I saw a trap door! “Hey, Fever,” I said to him there’s a trap door over there. We walked over to the trap door. I could see that it was a metal trap door.
     I crafted a button and placed it over the trapdoor. Fever pressed the button and we saw a chest underneath. Fever reached for it.
     “Fever wait, it might be a tripwire hooked chest,” I warned. I motioned him to move away. Fever took a couple steps back. I went to the chest and opened it Please make it not a trap, please, I prayed.
     Nothing happened, I looked inside. My eyes lit up.
     “Fever! There’s one full stack of TNT here (there’s always sixty-four items in a stack). There’s also two flint-and-steels, and OH MY GOSH there’s a diamond ingot in here! We could use this ingot to trade for sixty-four diamond ingot from the diamond villager!” I said in awe.
     I gave Fever half a stack of TNT and one flint-and-steel. I took the other TNT and flint-and-steel and put them in my pack. I also took the diamond ingot. We collected the beds and took down the torches. I took out a pickaxe and broke down the cobblestone fortification. We went outside, our dual swords out. I could see that Fever had fought off a lot of monsters, the night before. His stone and wooden swords were chipped and almost broken.
     “Hey Fever, your swords look like they won’t last for a while. You should craft two iron swords.”
     “You’re right Violet. I do have a lot of iron left.” With that Fever when back to the house to put his old swords in the chest, came back out, set the crafting table, and crafted two brand new iron swords. I looked down at myself. My leather armor was torn and ripped. I took them off and used Fever’s table to craft iron armor. I was in full iron gear, so was Fever (except that he still had the chainmail helmet on). Then I spotted the outlines of a village just beyond the forest we were in.
     “Fever, I see a village on the other side of the forest.” We walked through the forest, getting some wood along the way. Then Fever stepped on a pressure plate, he looked down. Uh oh, I thought. Then we tumbled into what looked like an abandoned mineshaft. I saw a chest in the corner and looked at what was inside of it. I saw an enchanted book and an entire stack of diamond ingots.
     “Fever, there’s an enchanted book, along with an entire stack of diamond ingots.”
     “Lemme see,” he said. When he saw inside the chest, His eyes lit up. We shared the diamonds and I took the enchanted book. The enchanted book, had the Fire Aspect V enchantment. I let Fever keep my enchanted bow. Next to the chest was an anvil. I crafted two diamond swords, so did Fever. We left our iron swords in our packs as backups.
     “The HECK!!, Fire Aspect V doesn’t even exist, as far as Minecraft updates go, this enchantment only goes up to two.
     I placed both of my swords in the upgrade slot (for some reason the anvil let me put two things). I put the enchanted book in the sacrifice slot. This costed me 12 XP. I took the swords and the book (the book having lost its enchantment) from the slots. The swords sparkled and sparked every few seconds.
     Fever had crafted us full sets of diamond armor. We put the iron in the packs as spares. Fever crafted himself two diamond swords and a diamond pickaxe. I did the same with the pickaxe. I flipped through the former enchanted book to see if there was a message from the person who had left it there. I saw a piece of text labeled The Prophecy, here’s what it said:

The Prophecy

     Whoever finds this book will be known as the hero of this ancient prophecy. The appearance of the hero will mark the beginning of the final battle for Minecraft. The Fire Aspect V is a gift from me. It took a lot out of me, I accomplished this by combining Fire Aspect enchantment books using the special anvil. Keep this method a secret. The hero’s task is to lead a huge army of NPCs against the monsters of the Overworld, Nether, and the End. Led by an evil, mysterious person, the monsters of Minecraft will try to take over all the servers, destroying the NPCs forever. The hero’s first task is to go to a hidden underground temple in a mega taiga biome in search of the Book of Answers. Beware Elder Guardian of the temple, for there are also many other guardians. The Book of Answers will tell the hero this mysterious person is and how to defeat him or her. After finding the Book of Answers, the hero’s second task go a swamp biome, in search of a witch named Potch. Convince her to get the enchanted book with the hero’s next task. The enchantment is for armor and the hero will need it for the final battle. Do not kill the witch for the book will be lost forever. Remember, beware of this mysterious leader for he or she is also searching for this prophecy. Seek the help of any village’s leader for they know of this prophecy. If you want extra help during the final battle go to the ice mountains biome and search for a cavern and you will receive the last enchanted book from me with a last message. This last enchanted book is for the hero’s best friend who will fight side by side with him. Words of advice: do not focus on the negative thing for the hero will most likely fail, focus on the positive and unexpected results will be gifted.

     “Fever!” I said to him, surprised by the message, “Read this.” I gave Fever the book. He read it. Then his eyes lit up, like they always did when something unexpected happened.
     “So if you found the book, then you’re the hero of the prophecy. Somehow this person knew that you would use two swords and crafted a special anvil for both your swords. I must be the best friend it was talking about.” Fever guessed.
     “Should I do this?” I asked Fever.
     “Of course, something in my gut tells me that prophecies are true, don’t why though” I thought about this.
     “Hmm, okay, come on, the message also said search for any village’s leader to seek help from them. Let’s mine our way out and get to that village.” I said taking out my diamond pickaxe.
     We mined our way out, and an unanticipated sight reached our eyes. The village we were originally heading to was being attacked by a huge horde of zombies, every single one of them wearing leather cap.
     “Fever! The village is being attacked!” I said to him out loud.
     “Right, let’s test out your new enchantment. I’ll use the bow you gave me and fire from a distance. I’m sure the villagers are also fighting back.”
     I unsheathed my newly enchanted, unused, diamond swords, while Fever took the enchanted bow I gave him and a handful of arrows. He notched one of the arrows and we dashed toward the battle. As we got near the village we could see a small army defending the cobblestone walls, some of the wall being iron blocks.
     “CHARGE!!” I yelled, as we got even more close to the battle. Fever shot two quick arrows and the nearest zombie disappeared with a pop, leaving behind XP and zombie flesh. When I finally hit the battle ground, I started swinging my diamond swords at the zombie. It took me one slash to decapitate one zombie, thanks to the enchantment. The zombies were on fire.
In less than a minute, I had destroyed over thirty zombies. Then, in the midst of the chaos, I saw what looked like an NPC leader in full iron armor and armed with an enchanted diamond sword fighting what looked like the zombie leader in full golden armor armed with an enchanted golden sword.
     “FEVER!” I yelled to him, “Keep firing at the zombies. I going after that big zombie with golden armor!” Fever nodded and started firing this time two arrows at a time.
     I bolted through the zombie mob, slashing at zombies that were in my way making my way to the zombie leader. Some of the fighting villagers saw what I was doing and had a questioned look on their faces like who is this new person with the diamond swords popping out of the blue?
     I had finally made my way to the zombie leader. The NPC leader looked like his HP (health points) were about to give away. The zombie leader raised his golden sword, its iridescent glow illuminating a couple blocks around it. I dashed forward and blocked the sword in mid-slash with my right-hand sword. There was a titanic flash. All the raging and fighting suddenly paused. All the NPCs and zombies turned and looked and me. An awkward silence hanging over us.
     When I looked back at the interacted swords, the zombie leader’s golden sword had melted.  I tilted my head and glanced at the zombie leader. Then, I realized that I was holding my breath, I let out a sigh. I unfroze and started slashing at the zombie leader, its armor melting on contact, leaving it bare without armor. Butter armor, I thought smiling. After one hit, the leader was on fire. After another hit, he disappeared with a pop.
The awkward silence was still there.
        “Uh, hi? I said, “My name is Ultraviolet123. Call me Violet.” The surviving zombies then retreated and disappeared into the forest.
The NPC leader came up to me and said, “Who are you and what are you doing here?” he asked in a stern voice, grasping his diamond sword. Fever walked to me and we stood side by side, his enchanted bow still in his hands.
        “Like I said, my name is Ultraviolet123 and this is FeverFTW, call him Fever. We came for assistance because we woke in the middle of nowhere, with nothing. But we’ve gotten a few upgrades. We also need to discuss something private with your village leader, something to do with a prophecy.” I replied, whispering “a prophecy” so only could he could hear.
        After that, the NPC leader immediately escorted me and Fever to the Crafter’s building.
        “Hey, Violet, how come this villager knows about the prophecy?” Fever asked.
        “He must be a close friend of the leader.” I replied. When we got past the cobblestone (part iron) walls, I saw items of the fallen villagers who had given their lives to protect their fellow NPCs.
“This way please,” the villager directed us,” Oh, by the way, my name is Bob,” he said to us. He led me and Fever to a magnificent house made of acacia wooden planks. When we got to the door, we saw a sign labeled “Crafting House”. We went inside the house, we saw a variety of different villagers sitting at crafting tables crafting useful items.
        Bob took us through a series of stairways and hallways (I saw lots of portraits of leaders that already passed away.)
“We have these confusing pathways, so in case the village was attacked the enemies would have a hard time finding the Crafter’s room.” He kept leading us until we were sure we were underground. Finally, we got an obsidian room labeled “Crafting Chamber” and in parenthesis “Leader’s Pit.”
        In front of us, there was an iron door without a lever or button or pressure plate. I was about to reach for a stone button that I had crafted a while ago, but Bob stopped me, “Hold on, only specific buttons and levers work on this door. Pressure plates don’t work at all. If you tried to break down the door or any of the obsidian, you’d be kicked out of the village. If you didn’t have key, you have to knock. Every other village has these.” Bob said placing a stone button on the block above the door. He pushed it, it opened, and we went inside.
        “Well, well, who do we have here Bob?” a voice echoed throughout the room. The room’s walls were made of obsidian as well as the floors. In the center of the room, I saw a middle-aged man with sparkling cyan eyes seated in front of a crafting table. There was an enchantment table and a large chest on either side of the table.
        “These two showed up in the middle of the attack and saved us from annihilation. This one with the enchanted diamond swords saved from my life, and killed the enemy leader in about thirty seconds. I hadn’t even caused damage to it! The surviving zombies retreated, but that’s not the point. They came here because of a prophecy,” Bob replied, emphasizing that last word.
        The leader’s eyes lit up (like the way Fever does it) he got up and dashed to the end of the room to a door.
        “Follow me,” he said to us. “And call me Steve.”
Chapter 3: Carver City
        I knew going with Violet was a good choice. When I first woke up, I was weaponless, powerless, and in danger. I don’t know how I survived the first night alone. I climbed up a tree, and kicked away any hostile spiders who tried to pounce on me.
        By daybreak, there were still a few mobs left underneath me, hiding in the shade of the trees. I started punching wood starting from the top. I collected until I was only two blocks above the mobs. I made a crafting table, planks, sticks, and then a sword. I hopped down and started to slash at zombies and skeleton (loner). They disappeared with a pop. Leaving behind XP, zombie flesh, and a bone. I collected all of them. The zombie flesh made me feel sick. I sat on the ground and fell asleep. That’s when I met Violet.
        We had just defeated a horde of zombies and the village leader (or Steve) was taking us to someplace. We walked quickly along a one-block wide walkway. Toward another room. The room was full of pressure plates, with walkways to move around.
        “ All villagers across all Minecraft server planes, know of this, but never ever talk to one another about it, except when parents tell their children. One of these pressure plates leads us to a secret room. Step on the wrong one, the pressure plate disappears and you fall into a lava pit, unless you can avoid it. Stay here.” The Crafter walked along the pathways, avoiding the trap pressure plates. He stopped right next to one and stepped on it. We heard the scraping of pistons rearranging themselves, until an iron door appeared right in front of us in the middle of the room. Steve pulled out a lever and placed it next to the door. I pulled it and the door opened. “It’s okay, all the fake ones are disabled until the iron door is closed. The room was about as big as the hut we stayed at. A guard stood next to the chest in enchanted diamond armor and armed with an enchanted diamond sword.
        “Hello Mark, I believe the prophecy is being fulfilled.” Steve said hesitating suspiciously when saying his name. The guard grunted and moved out of the way. Crafter moved to the chest and reached inside and grabbed an enchanted book.
        “Well Violet and Fever, this book was given to me by the author of the prophecy. He looked like he was being pursued. He never gave me his name. He was heavily covered with armor. He told me to keep it safe and to keep it out of the monsters’ reach. I had this secret room made. Before the person left, he told me that the message in the book could only be revealed by using the book to enchant a pair of swords with a specific enchantment. Mark we need the anvil.” Mark reached into his inventory and placed an anvil on the ground. The anvil looked just like the one Violet used for the Fire Aspect V enchantment. Steve handed him the book.
        “Enchant,” was all he said. Violet drew his sparkling, sparking diamond swords and placed them on the upgrade slot. He placed the book in the sacrifice slot. He paid XP. The removed the book and the swords. The swords sparkling even more in the torches’ light. “That was the Efficiency IV enchantment. It will help you break though blocks in case you are in a tight situation,” Steve said to him.
        “What!” Mark said suddenly. “Steve, Carver City is being attacked. There are zombies, skeletons, and zombie pigman.”
“How does he know what happened?” Violet asked.
        “Minecraft programmers gifted all villagers with the ability to create new, customized, and unique enchantments, but the cost would go no lower than 70 XP. In the meantime you boys should go to Carver City help right now. We can examine the hidden message once you come back,” Steve said to us. “Carver City is the biggest village on this server. It has the biggest army as well. Carver City is also the center of trade on this server. If it falls, then this server is doomed. After that, you can go hunting for that temple, I’ll meet you there.” For a second, I thought I saw a sneer on Steve’s face
        “Of course Steve,” Violet said. He took out his crafting table and crafted something. A minute later he was done. Violet showed off his newly crafted (not enchanted) bow. “Could you lend us some and food? I need some arrows too.”
        “So do I,” I replied, “I’ve only got three arrows left.”
        “You can have whatever you want,” Steve said to us. Then suddenly, Steve’s eyes glowed for a second. Judging from the way it happened it seemed very familiar. Even Violet had a strange look on his face, he must have recognized it too. Crafter took out an enchanted iron pickaxe (Efficiency II) and mined a block of stone on the side of us.
        “Mark, remember to cover this up.” Steve said to the bulky guard. He nodded. When Steve finished mining two blocks of stone. We saw another one-block wide pathway. “This pathway leads back to a secret trapdoor in the crafting chamber.” We walked for about two minutes and we finally saw a trapdoor. Steve opened the trapdoor and there was a block of stone above. The iron pickaxe still in his hand, Steve mined it and we saw a door in front of us. Steve took out a block of stone and covered the trapdoor.
        We went through the door. I realized that we were in the pathway that led us to the room with the pressure plates. Bob had stayed behind in the crafting chamber with the other guards.
        “Fever, Violet,” Steve said to us, “Before you two go I have some gifts to give to you.” Steve walked to us. He handed Violet the special two-way anvil and two enchanted books. “The anvil is designed never to break, this enchantment is the Looting II enchantment for your swords. It will help you in case you need materials from the monsters. The other one is the Infinity enchantment for your bow. All you need is one arrow and they’ll keep multiplying every time you use one.
        “I’ll enchant these when we get back up.” Violet said. Then Steve took out another enchanted book.
        “This one is also Infinity, it will go well with the other enchantment on your bow.” Crafter said. I thought it was a bit unfair that Violet got two enchantment and I got one (don’t forget the anvil!).
        “I snagged that bow from a skeleton on my first night.” Violet said pleased with himself. Then, again, Steve’s eyes slightly glowed. I got really suspicious (so did Violet). Bob led us back to the entrance of the house.
        Me and Violet went to the farmers and asked if we could take some food. They said we could take ten loaves baked bread each. We took some from a chest and left the village. Violet had taken two maps from a chest and gave me one. We made our way to Carver City, stopping once for a quick lunch break.
        When we got to Carver City, we could already see that most of the building walls had been obliterated (the buildings were like 40 blocks high). There was an army of about a dozen skeletons (with leather caps so they could survive the daytime) were patrolling the half-broken gates. There were items of fallen villagers, swords, pickaxes, axes, crafting tables, etc. This angered me a lot.
        “Okay, here’s the plan. It’s about to be dawn so, I’m going to take out my double iron swords, so they don’t how powerful I really am. What I’m going to do is knock off the leather caps so they catch fire. You build a small protection wall and fire, in case some go looking for shade.” Violet explained to me.
        We stealthily made our way to the half-destroyed gates. Violet took out the iron swords he had stored in his pack and bolted toward the skeletons. They took the attack by surprise. He attacked, and when they flinched, Violet knocked the leather caps off. The skeletons immediately caught fire. They ran around looking for shade. This was my cue. I fired three arrows at a time. I shot with all my willpower and the skeletons disappeared on impact.
        In two minutes, we had taken out the skeletons. Violet took the bones lying on the ground. He tossed me half of the amount. These could useful in case we needed some canine friends. Suddenly, we heard the footsteps of an army of skeletons. They must have heard what happened. Then, five hundred skeletons emerged from a building on Violet’s left-hand side. There was a particular skeleton that caught my eye. It was shining, it was two heads taller than his minions.
        I broke down my little wall and ran toward Violet and the stampeding skeletons. Violet ran toward the army still with his iron swords (I guess he was trying to hold back). I ran toward the big, shining skeleton and slashed at him. Then something unexpected happened: Both of Violet’s iron swords shattered on impact. Violet looked down at his now useless sticks. He dropped them and kicked the skeleton leader into the building the army had emerged from. Violet quickly, took out iron blocks and sealed the skeleton leader inside the building. The skeleton took out a wooden pickaxe. It seemed strong because it was enchanted with an Efficiency enchantment. Violet looked in the direction of the skeletons, furious at the destruction of his iron swords, he drew his enchanted diamond swords. Violet banged them together sending out bright flashes, daring the skeletons to come closer (he didn’t expect his swords to shatter).
        The skeletons cringed (take that) at the bright flashes, they seemed scared of the dual swords. Then Violet started dashing toward the skeletons (with leather caps, some gold, some with iron helmets). Then, he started spinning like a tornado and spreading his dual swords all over the place. The skeletons disappeared on impact. In less than five minutes. There were only about 30 skeletons left. Violet joined me and started firing arrows at the skeletons. Three at a time, fully charged we went. Violet was a pretty good archer himself.
        I took out my diamond swords (since I never used them at all) and we charged at the remaining five. We collected the remaining bones, bows, and XP (we left the arrows). I had an idea.
        “Violet, we can combine the bows with our bows to give them much more durability.” I said to him.
        “Your right,” he said to me. Violet and I took out our crafting tables and filled all the slots around the center (for the upgraded bow). At least forty of the fallen skeletons had dropped. We divided them in half. Two of the bows were enchanted (Punch II for me and Power I for Violet). When we were done, our bows were more powerful than ever. Violet and I tried them out. Their range was at least fifteen times the previous range. “Oh yeah,” Violet said. “These will do us good.”
        We walked along the city streets, taking out lone spiders and zombies (We have quite a lot of XP now.). We saw a dark alley and a row of chests along the walls.
        “Let’s check those chests out and fill up some of our pack and inventory.” I suggested. Violet agreed with me and we looked at the first chest. It was full of food: steak, pork chops, apples, bread, mushroom soup, beetroot soup, pumpkin pie, cookies, baked potatoes, cooked fish, melons, golden apples, and enchanted golden apples! Almost every single type of food in Minecraft was in the chest. They were all in full sixty-four stacks, except for a lone cake. We took all of them. We placed some in our inventory and some in our packs.
The next chest was full of wood, wooden planks, cobblestone, and other useful building material. We took all of them (you never know when you might need).
The next chest was full of redstone contraptions: redstone dust, redstone blocks, redstone torches, dispensers, redstone repeaters and TNT. We took all the redstone items.
At this time, I was beginning to think why there were chests with all these valuable items, until we got to the last chest. Inside were three diamond swords. Violet took two and I took one. Violet repaired his enchanted swords on his special anvil and made his swords more durable on his crafting table. I made one of my swords extra durable as well.
We walked deeper into the alleyway and I stepped on a pressure plate (Why do I always step on the pressure plates that often are used for negative reasons?). A cobblestone wall suddenly built itself around us as well as the top. Two dispensers appeared on either side of us and fire. Violet drew two newly craft iron swords and blocked both. He blocked them so fast he was a blur.
We could here both dispensers charging up again.
“Use a sword and block the holes and break them with a pickaxe!” Violet quickly said to me. We both clogged up the dispenser holes and mined them as fast as we could with our diamond pickaxes. We were successful (as usual). But at the same time two villagers jumped out from a secret trapdoor. One looked like ten-year old kid and other looked like a warrior maybe twenty? So that’s why they had all those chests, I thought.
“Freeze! In the name of Carver! Or else we will kill you,” the kid said to us. They didn’t look pretty impressive since they had leather armor and wooden swords. Violet and I brandished our iron swords and showed off our diamond armor (so we wouldn’t scare them with our diamond weapons). Violet started to shake.
Violet couldn’t contain his laughter.
“What are you laughing about stranger?” the kid asked.
“Y-y-you are like t-t-t-ten y-years o-old and y-y-you are t-t-threatening m-m-m-me?” Violet mocked him in between laughs.
“I’m thirteen!” the kid yelled.
“O-o-okay t-t-thirteen then. Unless, you want to die, put away your swords, we are actually more skilled than you think. We have been sent from Brand Village (the name of the village we set off from) to aid the citizens of Carver City.” Violet said, finally containing his laughter.
“Oh that’s a relief!” the warrior said putting away his wooden sword (which looked like it was about to break).
“My name is FeverFTW and he is Ultraviolet123, call us ‘Fever’ and ‘Violet’. What are you names?” I asked.
“My name is Ash,” the kid said (no, not that weird kid that keeps yelling Pikachu use Thunderbolt! from that Pixelmon thing) trying to sound tough in his squeaky voice.
“And my name is Brock,” the warrior added (no, no, not the guy with the weird eyes that’s also from Pixelmon). “You guys look dangerous, do you have any stronger weapons and armor you can lend us?” Brock asked.
“Sure. Violet let’s give them our iron swords. Let’s show them our true potential.” I said.
“All right!” Violet exclaimed. We handed Ash and Brock our iron swords and the spare iron armor we had kept in our packs. They threw their wooden swords away and flashed off the iron swords. I drew my enchanted bow and Violet drew his enchanted diamond swords. Ash and Brock looked at us in awe.
“Quick! Duck!” Ash suddenly said. We dived behind a stack of wooden planks. Two zombies, three skeletons on Elytra wings flew past the alleyway, followed by an enormous ghast.
“Wait, what are monster from the Nether doing here?
“Let’s quickly get to the village center.” Violet suggested.
“Well I know a shortcut. Everybody that lives in Carver City knows all the short cuts. In fact, there’s one right next to us now.” Said Ash. He stepped toward a hidden iron trapdoor and placed a lever next to it. He pulled it and we stepped through.
Before closing the trapdoor Violet (he went in last), broke lever off and placed a block of stone and hid the trapdoor. We walked along the shortcut and made our way to a completely undamaged building. It was all dark as I lead the way, with a nocked arrow in case a monster decided to stop by. The second I stepped into the building, a figure hiding in the shadows immediately slid to me and grabbed me and placed an enchanted iron sword across my throat. The unknown person kicked my bow out of my hands.
“Help,” I croaked. Violet placed a torch on the ground. It illuminated a stocky villager wearing enchanted iron armor with an enchanted diamond helmet.
“Hey! Let go of my friend!” Violet said to him. He banged together a newly crafted iron sword (he had used the last of his iron, the rest was still enclosed around that skeleton leader) and a diamond sword (both not enchanted) together creating echoes. “I’m warning you, this here is the hero of prophecy. You let Fever go or else you’re a goner.” Violet warned. Suddenly Ash and Brock appeared.
“What’s going on?” Ash asked. His and Brock’s eyes made their way to the hostile villager that was holding me captive.
“Oh, Tobias it’s you!” Brock sighed in relief. “It’s okay you can let Fever go. They’ve come to aid us. They come from Brand Village.” Brock explained. Slowly, cautiously, Tobias let go of me. I picked up my bows and notched it.
“Tobias is the leader of the villager army of Carver City.” Ash explained. “The biggest and best of this server.” He added proudly.
“Call me Toby,” Tobias said in a gruff voice. Then his eyes lit up (not like the way I do it), “Wait, did you just say prophecy?” asked Toby surprised.
“Yep that’s me,” Violet answered. “I’m the hero of the ancient prophecy.”
“I don’t think you’re telling the truth. You just want prove it with all that diamond. You must be working for the enemy.” Toby decided after thinking about it for a few minutes. He grasped his enchanted iron sword tighter and drew an enchanted diamond sword in his left hand and dashed to Violet lightning fast with his swords raised, going in for the kill. In a blur, Violet lazily dropped his swords and drew his deadly, enchanted, diamond swords. There was another titanic flash (just like the time when Violet blocked the zombie leader’s sword)
Toby’s iron sword had melted leaving its handle behind. His diamond sword stayed intact. He looked up at Violet, his eyes lit up.
“H-h-h-h-h-how d-di-di-did you d-do t-that?” Toby asked stuttering.
“Like I said, I am the hero of the prophecy,” Violet said rubbing his hands along his left sword.
“Hm, that was a Fire Aspect enchantment. The prophecy did promise that a stranger with dual swords with this special enchantment is the hero. Sorry about that.” Toby apologized.
“No worries. Being cautious is essential.” Violet replied grinning. He put away his diamond swords and picked up his other ones and placed back in his inventory. He took out his bow. “But we should leave this building now. Every monster must have heard that flash.”
Toby nodded and led us to wooden double doors. One of the doors had shattered.
“One more thing,” Toby said. “Do you guys have bones?”
“We got plenty of bones from an army of skeletons near the city gates.” I replied.
“Great,” Toby said. He went over to a double chest and took out a stack animal eggs. “Wolves,” he said. Toby gave me and Violet some eggs and we spawned some wolves. We had more than enough bones for the wolves.
Five minutes later we were done. An army of wolves stood by our side. I chose the biggest of the bunch to be the pack leader. Toby gave me some green dye and I dyed the leader’s collar green. The sea green color matched the color of my eyes.
“How about we name our wolves, so we can call them whenever we want to?” Violet suggested. We all agreed. I named my pack leader, Ethan. I walked over to Violet and asked what his leader’s name was, but seemed to be in a trance, staring at his pack leader: His pack leader was having a fling with a female wolf. I saw hearts float up above them. The female was about to breed a baby wolf. I snickered trying to contain a laugh. “Huh, did you say something? The wolf’s name is Noah. I guess the wolf has a girlfriend, so I’ll name her Alexis.” Violet said snapping back to reality.
At that same moment, a baby wolf had appeared. It was a girl wolf.
“I’ll name her Korrine,” Violet decided. Then, we heard the moan of zombies, clattering of skeleton bones, clicking of spider mandibles, the piggish squeal of zombie pigman, and a huge banging sound. Wait, zombie pigman and a huge banging sound? What are creatures of the Nether doing here? And what is that banging sound? I thought to myself.
“Violet, let’s have the wolves as backup, okay?” I shouted to him. He nodded back and we whistled to the wolves and ordered them to move to the back. Violet drew his not-enchanted swords, I took out my bow, Toby took out an ordinary iron sword with his enchanted diamond sword (“I’ll enchant this later” he muttered), and Ash and Brock kept their gear out. They dashed to an ancient chest covered with dust and took out an enchantment table and quickly enchanted their gear, and placed it back into the ancient chest. I went upstairs, so I could shoot at the mobs much easier.
When I got to a balcony about 50 blocks above the ground, I saw an army of maybe 1500 mobs. All the Overworld zombies and skeletons had leather caps.
“There are about 1500 mobs ahead!” I yelled down to them (I had keen eyesight). Down below I saw Violet put away his swords and took out his enchanted bow and he shot into the distance, three arrows at a time. Toby and I copied his movements and shot. I could just barely see some monsters flashing red with damage. The mobs started running, with an unusually fast speed. It seems like their code was changed, I thought. When they were 15 blocks away, I ate an enchanted golden apple. Violet saw my action and tossed an apple to Toby, Ash, and Brock.
I started firing 5 at a time. I decided if they made it inside the building, I would stop shooting and fight melee. Skeletons fired. A rain of the sharped tipped shafts dived down at us. Violet and Toby shouted at Ash and Brock to build a small wall of stone and fire back. Violet and Toby brought out their swords (Violet with not-enchanted swords) and slashed at them like pros. When it was over we saw arrows all over the place. I had ducked behind the balcony to cover myself. There were a ton of arrows against Ash and Brock’s mini wall. Toby, and the two collected them and filled their inventory.
“Look out!!” I shouted to Violet. Three zombie pigman with enchanted golden swords charged toward him. Violet smiled at me and in a flash they were gone, leaving behind XP and some gold ingots. The entire army froze in shock. Ten seconds later they charged at us. I started firing as many arrows as fast as I could. I looked back at the battle, Brock brandished his iron sword and went on slashing while the kid, Ash, was firing arrows. I saw Violet duck, trip a zombie and Toby finished it off. They were a blur. Then, a group of ten villagers appeared all in iron gear.
Sadly, a rain of arrows from skeletons came down upon them. The villagers not having the skill of Violet and Toby quickly perished, leaving behind XP and items of their inventories. I grew angry and fired at the skeletons in the back. I could tell Violet was mad too. He had increased the ferocity of his sword handling. Then I saw two flaming arrows, probably from a skeleton’s enchanted bow strike Violet in wrists. He flashed red and dropped them. He looked at his adversaries. He picked up his swords and placed them into his inventory.
With a smile, Violet drew his shining diamond swords and ate an enchanted golden apple. Banging them with all his might, he sent one his biggest flashes ever. He immediately started fighting back. The monsters lacked working together, which was something we didn’t lack. This rekindled my fighting spirit to a boiling point. I fired five more arrows, put away my bow and drew my diamond swords. I was so pumped up, I jumped off the balcony and landed right on top of the mobs. I slashed and slashed. The training with Violet had really paid off. Fifteen minutes later, ten mobs remained, all zombie pigman.
Suddenly, that loud banging sound filled the air again. From the shadows of the building across the street, a monster, maybe, half zombie and half skeleton appeared. It was twice the size of a normal mob. It was clasped in enchanted iron armor. The most intimidating part of this strange mob was that it held an enchanted golden scythe. A scythe was something you couldn’t just normally craft in Minecraft. On this weird monster’s left shoulder, was a golden shoulder plate. It read “BossityBoss.” I didn’t know monsters had a sense of humor because the name didn’t sound too terrifying.
“So,” BossityBoss growled, “this is the great hero of the prophecy, that the Master has been after for so many years.”
“That’s him, he’s the one who led the attack on Carver City!” Ash squeaked.
“Who is this Master?” Violet replied. He had the same idea I had. The Master was probably the mysterious person that’s leading the monsters.
“Oh you’ll find out soon,” BossityBoss replied,”
“Tell us, or you’ll be gone in a flash,” Violet warned.
“The Master told me, if I revealed who he was he’d exterminate me. But I’m here exterminate you.” BossityBoss retorted. Violet cracked his knuckles and his neck and charged at BossityBoss with such speed, that BossityBoss’ HP was half gone before he knew what was happening. He fell to his knees.
“The Master will know about this.” BossityBoss managed to say. Then, he disappeared in a shower of sparks.
“Come on, let’s get to the village center,” Brock said hurriedly. We ran off as fast as we could after we had some food.
“Okay here’s the plan,” Toby said once we got near the village center (it was technically still a city, but it was still called a village center for some reason). “The village center has four main gates, the west gate, the east gate, the north gate, and the south gate. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t secret passages. I know for sure that the surviving citizens are being held captive. We’ll enter through a secret passage and into the building and free the rest of the villagers and get back to your village,” Toby said. I gestured to the wolves. “We’ll build a hidden building to hide them. They can’t come inside with use.”
We used wooden planks and we built a safe cottage for the wolves and left them. He led us near the west gate and we went to a trap door. We went through and I led the way with my bow notched. As soon as I stepped out, I tripped on a tripwire hook (once again I have activated a trap). Alarms blared and a gas filled the air, it seemed to be sleeping gas. My friends and I fainted. As I fell, I caught the glimpse of villagers in cages tucked away against the wall near the south gate.
Chapter 4: Escape and Destroy
I was the first to wake up in the cage. My pack was gone. Next to me, was Violet, Toby, Ash, and Brock lying down unconscious, so I shook them awake. As they rubbed the sleep off I looked around at the other cages. Poor villagers were sitting down, hungry, and not enough HP to stand. Anger surged through me. Looking around, I realized the cage bars shined strangely. I figured that they were full of electricity from the power of redstone.
I ruffled through my front pockets. We still had our armor on, but they had confiscated our inventory. Violet seemed pretty down from the loss of his diamond swords. I searched the every pocket I had, and I finally found something: my first wooden sword. It was the same sword Violet had given me when he had first found me. I banged it as hard as I could to break the iron bars. Quietly, I sneaked out of the cage while Violet and the others kept watch. Outside, I found some wooden planks in chests. There were a couple of large chests nearby, behind some crates guarded by a skeleton. I quickly crafted a sword and threw it to Violet. In a flash, Violet had taken care of the skeletons. Inside the chests were all of our belongings.
We formed a line and regained our stuff. After that, we distributed food to the other villagers, they looked much better and their HP regenerating. The villagers looked toward Violet in awe. He had his diamond swords out, his eyes full of anger. I peered around the crates. There were about 50 monsters, so it seemed to have taken out most of the monsters that attacked the city. In the center, I spotted that skeleton leader, which Violet had imprisoned with iron blocks.
The villagers we had rescued looked much braver, with their own weapons. They all had iron swords drawn.
“Okay, I’m going to sneak around the crates and take care of the skeletons. While that’s happening, leave Carver City and go back to the village as fast as you can.” I said
I’ll be right behind,” Violet said. Toby volunteered to stay behind. After that they ran off.
“Come on,” I said to the villagers, “We are heading back to Brand Village.” The NPCs nodded as I collected the wolves the monsters took from us. We exited through the south gate, since that was the closest to the city gates. I found Elytra wings in one of the chests near the gates, and we flew off to Brand Village (I left two near the gates for Violet and Toby). The wolves were fast runners and they kept up with us.
I thought about Violet and Toby. Sure they had amazing sword handling, but that encounter with BossityBoss still replayed itself through my mind.
We made back to Brand Village fifteen minutes later. We met Bob at the gates.
“Sup,” he greeted to us, “Where is Violet and who are these people?”
“Violet will be here soon. These are the survivors of the attack on Carver City.” I replied.
“Oh my,” Bob said, looking around at the 80 villagers (as well as Ash and Brock of course) around me. “This isn’t good. Carver city’s population was at least 10,000. Something is going on, and we need to find out what.” At that moment Violet and Toby came flying on the Elytra wings, with bows in their hands.
“We’re back!” Violet said, “What’s up Bob? This is Tobias, leader of the Carver City’s NPC army, call him Toby.”
“Pleasure meeting you Toby. That sure was a very catastrophic attack. Now that you’re here why don’t you talk some strategy to our army, I’m sure that trickery and strategy will be essential in the upcoming battles.” Bob said. Toby agreed.
“Bob, where’s Crafter?” I asked.
“Crafter went to spread the news of you and Violet at the other villages. Strange that he wanted to go alone though.” Bob replied. Violet and I looked at each other, we were still suspicious of Crafter’s actions back underground.
“Now that that’s settled, Bob have the diggers and miners mine for iron and diamonds. We’re going to need all the tools and armor we can get. Oh, don’t forget obsidian, as we might have to visit the Nether for more materials–on second thought, forget the obsidian. We need the village brewers working on as many potions and splash potions as they can make. Send some people out to hunt for creepers. We’ll need TNT as well. One last thing, how many enchantment tables are here in the village?” Violet said
“There are currently two enchantment tables in this entire village. One in the Crafting Chamber and one at my house.” Bob answered.
“Great, bring them out and lay them at the village center, we’ll be needing enchanted tools as well. Now, the most important thing: Send out riders on horses and Elytra wings. Have them recruit villagers from the other villages. We need all the help we can get. Prepare some beds and houses, for the newcomers.” Violet ordered.
“The preparations will be made. If you want to, you can talk to the lead digger and miner, Evan.” Bob replied smiling. “You’ll find him at Mine #2.” Bob said pointing near the western part of the village.
“Wait, now that I think of it. Where did you get Elytra wings? I thought only users had access to End City.” I asked
“NPCs, don’t have access to End City, but the Elytra wings were a gift from the Guardians of Minecraft after their group was formed.” Bob responded.
“Who are the Guardians of Minecraft? I inquired.
“The Guardians of Minecraft, were a group of users that are very dedicated to Minecraft, and defend it from hackers. At one point, they teleported themselves into the game, to defend Minecraft for the rest of their lives. The Guardians live on Minecraft’s most superior server, at the top of the pyramid of servers. I’ll explain more once we get back from the underground temple.” Bob said
We walked over to Mine #2 and a very robust NPC, holding an enchanted diamond pickaxe, was talking to a messenger from Bob.
“Are you Evan?” I asked once the conversation was over.
“Yeah, I am.” Evan said.
“We have a special assignment for you.” Violet said.
“We need you to find a cavern underground. It can be any cavern. If you can’t find one in seven days, then report to us. If you do find one, same thing, report to us. If we’re not available, then report to Bob.” I said.
“All right then,” said Evan, “I’ll get to work.”
After Evan went down Mine #2 to find a cavern, I looked at Violet.
“Now, time to get down to business. Have you been feeling suspicious of Crafter’s actions lately?” I asked him.
“Yeah, the glowing eyes reminds me of somebody. I can’t remember his name at the moment.” Violet answered. “I think there’s actually more to us. We might have been other people before waking up in the wild. We need some answers. But now’s not the time to do detective work. We need to go to the underground temple.”
We walked over to Bob who was ordering the village blacksmith, Blake. Blake’s blacksmith building was also his home. I could tell because I saw a bed and chest in the corner. The house smelled like ash. The furnaces were smelting iron and gold, when I looked inside.
“Hey Bob, we’re getting ready to go to the underground temple, to get the Book of Answers. You want to come with us?” Violet asked.
“I would love to come, but since night is almost upon us, let’s wait until the break of dawn and then we’ll head off. There’s a mega taiga biome, two biomes away to the north of us. We’ll be a group fifty soldiers, not too much, not too little, just right.” (Okay, he didn’t actually say that last part, me and Violet will try to be a bit sarcastic throughout the story) Bob replied.
“Do you know where Ash and Brock our staying?” I asked. “I wonder if they want to come with us.”
“Ash and Brock are staying in a room, in the crafting house.” Bob replied. I decided to pay Ash and Brock a visit once we got things sorted out.
“Wait, Blake save the gold, we’ll be needing them for golden apples. Do all the miners give you the materials once their shift is over?” I asked Blake.
“Yeah, they do, unless it’s diamond,” Blake answered.
“Blake, keep making the iron tools and armor, but save the gold.” Violet said.
I turned to Bob, “did you get the enchanted tables out?” I asked him.
“They’re out in front of the doors of the village center. We’re going to call for a gathering before the enchanting starts.” Bob replied. He went outside, and spotted a handsome boy sitting on a bench, polishing his iron sword. A glare built up in Bob’s blocky face.
“Oi! Jeff! Go out and call for a village gathering.” Bob ordered in an angry voice.
“Why are talking to him like that?” I asked Bob.
“Jeff! A stupid boy. Doesn’t follow orders properly,” Bob growled. I looked back at Jeff yelling out “attack on the village!”
“You idiot! I said ‘village gathering’, not ‘village under attack.’” Bob growled again.
“Oh! Sorry Master Bob,” Jeff apologized. He yelled out the correct thing and started swinging his sword around skillfully.
“He seems like a pretty good swordsman,” Violet observed.
“Yes he is, but his lack of paying attention, has jeopardized our lives in many situations. His parents died in a skeleton attack a few years ago, while he was at another village, visiting some friends. He’s been very depressed deeply ever since. Usually, orphans aren’t this depressed, but something happened, and he won’t tell me what.” Bob said, a bit of remorse in his tone of voice.
Ten minutes later, the entire village had made it over to the village center: Children, with wooden and stone swords, and common warriors held an iron swords. Few people that I saw had diamond swords.
Bob put placed a wooden plank down and climbed on it.
“We are here today, for a village gathering. Minecraft is in danger. A mysterious enemy lurks on these servers. But, we are in luck. The hero of the ancient prophecy, has finally appeared. Here he is: Ultraviolet123.”
The villagers cheered for Violet. “Not only that, he has brought with him a strong companion: FeverFTW.” The villagers cheered for me too.
Bob continued, “Right now, the wild has grown more dangerous. Monsters are striking in large groups. We’ve set out two enchantment tables here, so we can defend ourselves more. Enchant whatever you can, swords, axes, pickaxes, shovels, hoes, bows, and armor. Whatever you can enchant. Children may enchant their own weapons as well. If they do not have enough XP, they may let another person do it for them. Once this gathering is over, form two straight lines and walk in an orderly fashion. Now that night is coming, let’s get this over with quickly.” The NPCs cheered. They quickly lined up and then they were off!
Violet and I got in line, so we could add to our bows, swords, and armor.
By the time all the villagers had finished enchanting, it was daybreak. Villagers put the enchantment tables back into the Crafting Chamber and Bob’s house.
Bob had immediately started assembly a small army to accompany us to the underground temple for the Book of Answers.
Ten minutes later, Bob had assembled our group of companions (Toby stayed behind). Five of them held diamond swords and full diamond armor. The rest had iron. The army looked very impressive. The iridescent light was shown off in many directions. I felt like we were a glowing orb.

Chapter 5: Temple Surprise
I’m back. Finally my turn to continue the story.
I had added, Unbreaking III and Thorns II to my diamond armor. I had also added Bane of Arthropods II to my diamond swords. For my bow, I added Punch II, Power I, and Flame enchantments. Flame, was one of the most useful enchantments for a bow. Fever and I had been given a whole stack of arrows of invisibility, and another whole stack of poison arrows, along with three stacks of normal arrows (which didn’t need, but decided to keep them in case the archers exhausted their supply). We were given Fire Resistance potions (in case we ran into ghasts or blazes) Healing potions, Speed potions, Invisibility potions, splash potions of harming, splash potions of weakness, splash potions of slowness, splash potions of healing (for skeletons and zombies, Overworld only), and splash potions of water (for blazes and enderman). I had also collected two stacks of snowballs. I kept my golden apples, and another stack of baked potatoes.
Brand village was on the border of a savanna biome and swamp biome. Beyond the swamp biome, was the mega taiga biome. As we walked on, into the swamp biome, a horde of about a hundred spiders hiding in the shadows attacked us.
I motioned the soldiers, Bob, and Fever to stay where they were. I walked toward the horde. The spiders lashed out at me. They did no damage. The spiders flashed red as they took damage from the Thorns enchantment.
“Hurry up and attack them! We need to get to the temple before the enemy does!” Fever yelled at me. I motioned the soldiers to attack. I kept fighting with my normal swords,and we fought hard.
The battle was won. We had no casualties. Some of us had taken a bit of damage though and were eating some food.
Judging from about how long it would be until dark, we picked up the pace. We had wasted quite a lot of time from battling spiders. The sun was about three fourths to the horizon (a bit of something for you to boost your math concepts with fractions, try to picture it). As we walking but with a quicker pace, the swamp biome seemed to go on forever. I checked my map to see how far we’ve gone.
“Strange,” I murmured.
“Sorry?” Bob asked.
“This swamp biome seems unusually large for an actual biome.” I replied.
“We never bothered to check out this biome, since it was so huge, you could easily get lost.” Said Bob.
“Well, we’re only about halfway through this biome. That’s like… three times the size of a normal biome!” I exclaimed.
“Soldiers let’s start running now, this is an unusually large biome. We have plenty of food to suit your hunger, so let’s go!” Fever said, probably listening to our conversation (stalker!… Ha, just kidding).
We started running toward the end of the biome. I checked the map and smiled. At this rate, if we picked up the pace, we would reach the end just as it would become night.
It was a race against the clock, we kept on running non-stop. I checked the map, then ahead of us. I could see the tall trees of the mega taiga biome just ahead of us.
Suddenly, something appeared in my head, I stopped. So did the other soldiers.
“What’s wrong Violet?” Fever asked.
“How could I be so forgetful! The second task that the prophecy stated was to find the witch named Potch and kill her, or we could be nice and persuade her to hand over that book. What if I dealt with her first, then the temple?” I thought out loud.
“You know we are going to search for the Book of Answers. It’s obvious that Potch will be a challenge, so the book can tell us what we need, assuming we can defeat that Elder Guardian.” Fever said, “You know what people say, ‘it’s better to hang out with a guide than without one.’”
“People say that?” I said, disbelieving him.
“Ah, no. I just made that up so I could convince you,” Fever replied, smirking and his face turning the color of apples.
“It’s okay Fever. I agree with you.” I said reassuringly. “Warriors I can see enemies approaching on the map. We need to move faster. As soon as we get to the center of the mega taiga biome, get out shovels and pickaxes and DIG!!”
I said “DIG,” so loud it snapped the villagers into action and we started running like there was no tomorrow. In no time, we got to the center. I took out my old iron shovel and dug until I hit stone. I used my diamond pickaxe, took dig as fast as we could. Two seconds a block.
I had dug almost a whole stack of cobblestone, just as I hit and iron slab. I dug that up, and saw the Elder Guardian right before my eyes.
Chapter 6: Yikes! Monster!
You heard me (maybe not exactly “hearing”), the Elder Guardian looked just like an Ocean Monument Guardian, but much more terrifying. It had two large, sparkling silver eyes that shot those mysterious lasers, and larger, extra spikes along its back. The tail was the most intimidating part. Its tail looked like the one you would see on an ankylosaurs. Suddenly, those sparkling silver eyes found me.
The eyes started to glow, then shot a laser up at me. I desperately filled up the hole with the iron slab just as the laser made impact.
“HELP!!” I yelled up. I heard the shuffling of feet. Bob, Fever, and four other villagers looked down at me.
“What’s going on Violet?” Fever asked me.
“Did you find a stronghold with monster spawners?” Bob inquired curiously.
“No, I did not find a stronghold with monster spawners! I found it! I found the temple! But the Elder Guardian is right under me shooting lasers. It looks just like an Ocean Monument Guardian, but much more terrifying!” I exclaimed, smiling, slightly wiping the fear off my face.
“What we need is the element of surprise. This has helped us in unexpectedly on many different occasions.” Bob suggested.
“One sec, I have an idea,” shouted up at them. I took out my iron shovel in my right hand and my diamond pickaxe in my left hand (because I’m left-handed and left-handers rule). “You five! And Fever! Take out your bows and keep you arrows of weakness ready.” I ordered Fever and five other people standing near him.
“Bob, you say we need the element of surprise? Well I have a great idea, but first let me carve out an opening.” I said to the stocky NPC.
I used my diamond and iron pickaxes to carve out a 16 by 16 opening. There were iron slabs that made up the roof. Then, I dug a 6 by 6 hole in the roof, revealing the Elder Guardian shooting lasers everywhere.
“Looks weird seeing this out of the water,” Fever muttered.
I turned toward the warriors that had been brave enough to come with us, “All right you warriors. You are here for one reason: To help me retrieve the Book of Answers.  I don’t want to push you guys, since the Elder Guardian is much stronger than I thought it would be. I’ll take any warriors that want to come inside with me, unless you are too scared. What do you say?”
The NPCs shuffled their feet and murmured.
“I can’t hear you!”
They talked louder.
“You’d better speak louder, if you want to stand up to that Elder Guardian and hidden smaller guardians. It is always important to face your fears. The only way to get over your fear is to face it. Ya hear me? I said FACE IT!! Don’t worry about mistakes. Mistakes are no big deal, depending on what the outcome is, but so what? Everybody makes mistakes, we all learn from mistakes and make things better! So who wants to face their fear and be BRAVE?” I yelled with amazing ferocity.
“Let’s beat the bully…”
“Let’s WIN…”
The villagers cheered for me.
“All right let’s go, but wait, let’s find a way to get inside without being detected.” I said, when I saw an opening in the area I carved. I walked over, and saw a ladder leading to a corridor with a wall that would block the Elder Guardian. “Okay here’s the plan…” I said to the warriors. “… When you guys here my signal, start firing, but try not to hit any of us.” I finished addressing Fever and the other five.
“What’s the signal?” Fever asked, but I had already turned away. I figured that they would figure out my signal.
I climbed down the ladder, followed by Bob, followed by another person, and so on. I peered around the corridor and saw the Elder Guardian watching the opening in the roof.
Looking back at the ladders, I saw that all the warriors had made it in.
Good, I thought to myself.
Bob was behind me. I gave him a blocky-handed thumbs up. I ran around the corner and yelled at the top of lungs, yelling so loud, I almost lost my voice.
I shot a fire charge that Bob had given to me earlier into the air. Fever and the other archers must have figured that that was my signal, because weakness arrows rained upon the Elder Guardian, weakening it. I realized that the Elder Guardian had enough energy to keep going.
It’s twice as strong as a really powerful enderman, I thought. I took out my bow and shot poison and harming arrows at the same time. The flaming arrows struck the monster, flashing red simultaneously. The monster grew angry and shot a laser directly at me.
Adrenaline raced through me, (figuratively) powering me up. I side-flipped into the air just in time. The laser barely missed Bob and hit an NPC armored and armed in enchanted iron. The warrior was sucked forward, close enough for the Elder Guardian to finish him off with a flick of its ankylosaur-like tail.
Just before he disappeared, the warrior stared into my eyes, a fearful look on his face. He mouthed me, “Take care of Minecr-”
“NO!” I screamed. The items of the fallen NPC floated off the ground. I stared at them.
Suddenly, Bob yelled, “Look out!” I looked up. A laser was coming at me. I cart-wheeled out of the way.
“You did not just kill him,” I growled at the Elder Guardian. The Elder Guardian made a snickering sound at me, as it was laughing. “You just burst my bubble.” I said, slowly drawing my enchanted diamond swords.
I bolted at the Elder Guardian with immense speed.
“Time for Plan B,” I said angrily.
In mid-dash, I replaced my diamond chestplate with an Elytra Wing.
I jumped up and flew into the air. The element of surprise had really helped. I had caught the Elder Guardian off-guard. I slashed at it repeatedly. The Guardian kept on burning from Fire Aspect and Bane of Arthropods. I kept trying to swing its tail at me. The other warriors that came down with me had started fighting with the mini guardians. Fever and the other five were still firing arrows. Fever must have seen the death of our fellow warrior, because he was firing five weakness arrows at a time.
I dropped my Elytra Wing, and slipped on my diamond chestplate, I sky-dived down toward the Elder Guardian screaming at the top of my lungs, and smashed the Elder Guardian in the face with my diamond swords. The Elder Guardian disappeared with a pop, leaving behind a ton of XP and finally!, the Book of Answers.
“Bob!” I called over to him, “Check out the book and find out who’s leading all these attacks.” Bob ran over and flipped through the book. All the XP flowed into me. I felt myself getting stronger.
I was about to run over to help out with the mini guardians when a familiar voice flew throughout the chamber, “Well well, we meet again Ultraviolet123.”
Chapter 7: Enemy Revealed
I turned around and saw Steve standing with BossityBoss. The face was unfamiliar though. The most stunning thing was the eyes. They glowed a blinding white so bright, had they had been brighter you would need to look away.
“I-i-it’s y-y-you!” I stuttered, “H-“
        “Herobrine!” Bob yelled out, “That’s the mysterious leader’s name!”
        Herobrine chuckled, “Now, now. You seem to have finally killed my creation.”
        “Your creation? How come you made this?” I asked Herobrine.
        “I made this to torture the NPCs. Unfortunately for me, somebody back in the real world, probably a user or Minecraft’s development team, captured it and imprisoned it in this temple. Placing the Book of Answers in it as the prophecy predicted.” Herobrine explained.
        “So what are you doing here then? To reveal yourself?” I asked.
        “No, I am here for the Book of Answers,” Herobrine answered. I didn’t know what to think of that.
        “How you didn’t just kill your own creation for it?” I interrogated.
        “There was a mistake in my code when I was created. I couldn’t kill or destroy. I could only create. I took advantage of that and created my monster generals, like BossityBoss here. He named himself by the way.” Herobrine responded. “Okay now, let’s cut to the chase. I will trade you…” Herobrine said. He opened his blocky hand and a lightning bolt shot from his palm. It embraced one of our warriors and he was sucked forward. Herobrine grabbed him and placed an enchanted iron sword in front the warrior’s neck “… The life of your fellow villager for the Book of Answers. If not, then he dies followed by the rest.” Herobrine sneered.
        “Okay, before I decide, I have questions,” I said to Herobrine
        “Ask away, it won’t matter anyway. The Book of Answers will tell me what secret is to the villagers’ existence, so I can eradicate them once and for all. It won’t matter what I tell at all.” Herobrine replied.
        “Okay, 1( Have we met before? Because you said ‘we meet again.’ 2( What did you do to Steve? 3( I thought you said you couldn’t destroy or kill, and you look like you’ll kill him.” I asked. I looked at Bob, then to Fever (who was still up there), then back at Herobrine.
        “Interesting questions, Ultraviolet123. For your first question, you’ll find out about that soon enough. For your second question, I have possessed your leader. I have created a special block with my creation ability, so that whenever it is in my possession, I can possess other NPCs and make everybody else think that there is nothing strange going on. Though, your Fire Aspect V enchantment on you swords prevents me from possessing you, and you’ll be able to convince your friends that it is a, what do people in the real world call it? Oh yeah, ‘spell.’” Herobrine said. “Finally, your third question, like with the possessing block. I recently created another block to allow me to kill and destroy.” Herobrine answered, sneering again. “I am also in, what do users call it? Creative Mode that’s it. I can fly and teleport, except for having every single block in Minecraft and being invincible. My code did not make me invincible. Curse that code! I have answered your questions. What is your decision?”
        A plan had pieced itself together in my head. What Herobrine did not have was smartness (well, kind of but…), I was going trick him.
        “Oh great! I don’t want any more of you to die, so I guess I’ll have to give it,” I said with a tint of sarcasm in my voice to give the others a heads-up (BossityBoss wouldn’t have figured it out at all, since zombies and zombie pigman were stupid and he was part-zombie). I was successful because they protested in the same manner as I walked to Herobrine. I had a diamond sword behind, but Herobrine didn’t notice. He gazed hungrily at the Book of Answers in my hand.
        So far, so good. I reached out my hand with the Book of Answers, and just before Herobrine touched it, I spun (kind of like the way you do in basketball, pivoted) around his arm and smacked him in the face with my diamond sword. His eyes burned as he was blinded. I knew this was temporary, but I had bought us some time. Herobrine would need to focus to use his creation ability and heal himself. That would be hard while your eyes were burning. That’s when I realized that there was a hole in my plan. I had forgotten about BossityBoss.
        JUST KIDDING!! BossityBoss had stupidly fallen asleep while Herobrine was answering my questions. He snored loudly. Meanwhile, Herobrine howled in pain and shouted curses. He swung his iron sword around, trying to hit one of us.
        I said, “Let’s go before he heals himself.” To the other people.
        We quickly got out of the hole and we ran as fast as we could as far away until we were satisfied enough that Herobrine would need time to find us. I let out a long hard breath. We were still in the mega taiga forest. I could see a mesa biome in the distance.
        I spotted a strange shape also in the mesa biome. It looked like it was shaped like a dinosaur, maybe a T-Rex? It kind of reminded me of Barny the Dinosaur, something little kid users sometimes strangely talked about. (Barny is a dinosaur from our imagination…).
        “What’s that thing over there?” I asked Fever. Fever shrugged. I turned to Bob, “What that thing over there?” I asked him.
        Bob looked over at where I was pointing, and grinned.
        “That is the Great Saur!” Bob exclaimed. I looked at him blankly, a confused look on my face.
        “Okay, what the heck is a saur?” I asked, “Is it like a sore as in, ‘I so tired, after all this work’?”
        Bob’s grin was still painted on his face.
        “According to legend, the Great Saur was the last living dinosaur left, when it passed away. Dinosaurs were mythical creatures that may or may not have existed. But they certainly existed in the real world, but they’re extinct, right?” I nodded and motioned him to keep talking. “Legend says that Herobrine killed off all the dinosaurs and kept the Great Saur imprisoned, until it died of hunger. The Guardians built that statue here, since traces of dinosaurs were only found on this server. Herobrine was very cruel indeed. Now the only way to see dinosaurs again is to enter the Jurassic World Mod, which is only accessible by users.” Bob finished.
        “Wait, how do you know so much about Herobrine?”
        “That’s something for another time,” Bob said.
        “Now we got the Book of Answers, should deal with Potch now?” Fever asked me. The sound of moaning zombies, clattering bones of skeletons, and the weird noise that Oh no, Endermen made.
        “Zombies, skeletons, and Endermen are coming.” I yelled to the others, but they stayed quiet and stood still. “Well don’t just stand there, RUN!!”
        This snapped the warriors into action and we ran as fast as we could. One of warriors in the back started running backwards and shot an arrows of weakness at into the air.
        “NO, why did you do that?” Bob screamed. “You might hit an Enderman! Remember they can only fight if provoke-“ He stopped talking. The bowman had tripped and his enchanted helmet toppled of his head. We were all surprised to see the face of Jeff! The orphan who couldn’t follow directions. “Jeff?” Bob gasped, then turned angry, “What were you thinking coming with us and-“ suddenly a huge screeching sound filled the air. “You- you- you struck an ENDERMAN!!!” Bob yelled at Jeff.
        I walked over to Bob and put a calming hand on his shoulder. “Now’s not the time to yell, the time is to escape. Here’s the plan. Everybody get your strongest pickaxe out and work together to dig a small hole in the ground. We can outrun the teleportation of the Endermen, so-“ I was interrupted by a huge roaring sound. “Wait, that sounds like, the Ender Dragon! People dig, dig!” I took out my iron and diamond pickaxes and dug as fast as I could. With this much adrenaline running inside me, I seemed to have progressed the most.
        “Everybody inside!” I yelled. A wave of NPC warriors came rushing into the little cave we dug, thanks my diamond pickaxe with Efficiency I. I quickly filled the top of the hole with normal stone (you can get normal stone by smelting cobblestone in a furnace).
        Fever put his index finger to his mouth and shushed the warriors. I filled the last hole just as an Enderman teleported right onto the roof, we had thankfully found a piece of ground full stone, so they wouldn’t get suspicious. The Enderman spoke, “Send word to the Master that the filthy NPCs and Guardians has escaped. Destroy their village. Bring some skeletons and blazes with you for the attack.” And the Enderman teleported away.
        I broke down the roof and we climbed up. The sound of the mobs had gone away.
        “How the heck did they get an Ender Dragon?” one of the warriors asked. The warriors murmured to each other thinking the same thing I was thinking.
        “Did you hear them?” I asked Bob and Fever, “they’re going to attack the village. Here’s the plan, if we climb up into the surface in these numbers, we’re likely to be spotted and destroyed. I dig our way back to the village, I’ve got a map. Get your best weapons out.”
        I walked over to Fever and whispered, “Did you notice that that Enderman also said Guardians? It means that at least two of us in this group are Guardians of Minecraft from the real world.” Fever nodded
        “Let’s deal with this later.” I turned toward the army.
        “Okay everybody we will be walking in a line as I start mining a tunnel back to Brand Village. Once I get tired, the person at the back of the line will come forward and start mining, this way we’ll conserve our energy for the big battle for Brand Village. Oh wait, I almost forgot. Fever, take ten other soldiers with you to go deal with Potch.”
        “All righty then,” he went around saying “you, you, you…” until they were an 11 person army. Fever dug a hole in the top and built. The eleven were gone a minute later until-
SCREECH!! “The Ender Dragon is back,” I yelled,” somebody go get Fever and others!!” One soldier quickly went back up, but came down shaking his head.
“They’re already gone,” he said with a sad expression on his face. The villagers around me put their blocky hands to their forehead and did some kind of salute. “The heck is that?” I asked Bob.
“The Salute of the Fallen.” he said sadly.
“The Salute of the Fal-, wait hold on, we don’t even know if the Fever and the others were even killed. NO! I refuse to believe that their dead. You guys you got to have a little faith, you just found out that the Ender Dragon is back and you think their dead? We’re in a flipping mega taiga biome! I know they’re not stupid enough to go exposed and openly fight the beast, they could easily hide under the trees. COMMON SENSE! Idiots” I said the last world under my breath. I didn’t really mean it, but I was just angry that they had acted without thinking.
“Come on, me and Jeff will go find Fever and the others. Bob take my map, follow the plan, protect the village, we might as well deal with Potch too.” I handed Bob my map and Jeff came to my side. “I watched you earlier,” I said to him. “I could tell by the way to you held your sword that you are easily as good as me in sword fighting. I handed him one of my non-enchanted diamond swords, handle out. “Here you can have it. I have plenty of material and durability for my special swords.”
Jeff put away his iron sword and took the sparkling diamond sword, his eyes wide with surprisement.

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