
Chapter 1

It was a dark moonless night. And in a misty forest, a figure is seen dashing through the trees, running quickly and occasionally daring a glance back, then sprinted even faster. Its breathing heavy and heart pumping fiercely, its nerves aflamed with fear. The figure seemed scared. No, terrified. For behind it another figure chased, with its big footsteps shaking the earth. Slowly the distance thinned between the predator and the prey. The second figure is massive, with a size of nearly twice the first figure. As the first is running for its life, the figure tripped on a tree branch and fell to a clearing in the forest.

As it scramble to get back up, the second person stretched a massive hand and grasp the first person, Nearly choking the life out of it. The first cried out in fear, but no one seemed to be there to help. Then, the second opened his mouth and prepared to devour the first. the second’s mouth breathes a stench of death, rotting and revolting. As the prey was about to enter the predator’s mouth, moonlight suddenly penetrated the clouds. It shone towards the two. when the big one saw the moonlight, its cloudy eyes opened wide with shock, then a frightened feeling overcame the predator. It’s whole body shakes heavily and the figure roared in pain. Steam comes out of his skin as if it burned.

In the pale moonlight, the first figure can see its chaser clearly, a grotesque beast with a bulging stomach, some of its intestines dropping off. then the beast seemed to evaporate into a cloud of steam, leaving nothing left to prove its existence to the world.  As the prey, immobilized by shock and fear, watched the dying process of the beast, its breathing slowly returned to normal. The sweats in its sleek, silvery hair slowly dried. The figure, now easily seen as a female, rubbed her injured knee, where the rugged ground has grazed her smooth, white skin. She then withdrew a vial filled with an opaque purple liquid from her leafy green dress, and poured the purple liquid on her wound. She groaned a little from the stinging side effects of the potion. As she sat on the ground, she felt the presence of another being behind her, and quickly spun her head to face the new threat, only to find an elf-like creature looking back at her.
“Roran!  What took you so long. I would have lost my life if the moon hadn’t care to show its light. Do you know that?” she complained to the elf-ish creature.
“Sorry. I lost my way. But I’m pretty sure you’re fine, I had my trust in your speed. What attacked you, Elvis?” said the creature, whose name Is Roran.
“An abomination. It found me while I was setting up the trap. He chased me like mad.” Elvis said. “I don’t want to participate in something crazy as this anymore, especially with you dryads. No sense of directions at all.” She grumbled.
“Hey, don’t be racist.” Roran said. “And I thought abominations are supposed to be slow? How could one outrun you, the fastest runner In all mysteria.”
“how should I know? You’ve read the books, not me. I thought you know everything. Eh, prince charming?”
“I’m not that handsome, Elvis.” Roran blushed.
“No need to blush, it’s total sarcasm.” Elvis replied.
“Hey!” Roran said playfully.
And Elvis laughed.
Then Roran said, “let’s get back to the others, more of that thing’s comrades might come soon.”
“Alright.” Elvis said as she stands up.
Then the two quickly sprinted through the forest, the moonlight guiding their path, “likely help from the goddess Elune” Elvis thought. No creatures dare to cross their path, much less attack them. Probably because of the moon. But alas, their luck didn’t last for long. They came to a part of the path where a canopy of leaves blocks the moonlight from entering the place. The monsters, seeing their potential chance, waited under the canopy, preparing to assault them once they came in.
“Roran, is there any other way? I’m scared.” Elvis said. Hiding behind Roran’s back, as if it would make any difference.
“Me too. But sadly, there isn’t. we must go through this path to get to the others. Then, we will be safe.” Roran said.
“But going in there is like a death wish. The moonlight can only reach up to the top of those trees, It can’t penetrate in. The second we go in, they will be upon us like werewolves on a steak. How would you th-
“Hold on,” Roran said, cutting her off. “What did you say before?”
“Um, they will be upon us, like werewolves on a steak?” Elvis said, confused.
“No, not that. The one before.” He said.
“The moonlight can only reach the top of the trees?”
“Exactly!” Roran exclaimed, and did a little jig.” You’re a genius Elvis. You just saved our life. Thank you!  Thank you!”
“Uuuhh… what did I just do?” She asked.
“We can just travel ABOVE the trees. Then the monsters can’t reach us. You see?!” Roran said excitedly.
“Oh yeah… why hadn’t I realize that.” Elvis said.
But, as they were busy talking. They didn’t realize that the moon slowly dimmed and started being covered by the clouds. The monsters had saw that their chance is coming and growled impatiently. eager to shred off every bone, every gut of the two people out In the open. Then, their chance arrived. The last shred of protection has been blocked off by the dark clouds. They directly stormed upon the two, slashing their claws and gnashing their teeths at them. Hatred filled their eyes, the long ago action of the sentinels clan had rose their anger. And after centuries of being denied their revenge, they finally get to exact it at the two. Roran and Elvis realized the creatures when it was already high in the air, preparing to land upon their heads.
“Run, Roran!” Elvis screamed, while turning her head to look at Roran. But Roran wasn’t there. She desperately looked around.
“What are you waiting for? Run, quick!” a voice said to her left. Turns out Roran had ran first. Elvis ran to him but trip over a rock. And fell to the ground.
“Ouch! Roran, help!” she called desperately. Roran turned to look at her and ran back to try to save her. But the creatures were already only a meter above her. It all seems too late.
“Elvis…!!!” he screamed. While Elvis, Laying helpless in the ground, turned her body to look at the beast, and covered her eyes. Waiting for the death blows to land upon her.

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