
The Minecraft Diaries – Secrets under the Surface: Server Meltdown

(P.S. I just want to ask. How much do you think I’ve improved since June 2015?)

=FrozenBoy20 – The Explanation=

GameKnight999 pelted me with questions as we walked to the arena in the Nural Forest.

“Relax, GameKnight,” I told him, “Your questions will be answered once we get to the arena. First, tell me how you got here.”

“I- I don’t really know,” GameKnight stuttered, still in shock, “I just… blacked out, and… here I am.”

“Calm down, GameKnight. Just start from the beginning.”

As we strolled to the arena, GameKnight999 explained how they got into this mess. He started with his sister, who had wanted to meet Crafter after defeating all of Herobrine’s monster kings three weeks ago in physical world time. They went to his friend’s village, and after just barely seeing his friends, the world blacked out and then just spawned on this world.

“Well, there’s only two words here, GameKnight,” I said, “Horrible timing, that’s all there is.”

“Yeah, ‘Horrible Timing’,” GameKnight rolled his eyes, “What could be worse than being stuck here in this server?”

“I think you forgot about the whole ‘War’ thing.” I reminded him.

“Who are we fighting against?” He asked, “I thought Minecraft was safe already.”

“You heard about Entity 303?” I asked him, “And just so you know, we call him The Shapeshifter.”

“Who is he?”

“I really don’t know for sure…” I explained, “We don’t really have much info on that guy, so we have no clue what he can do. There’s only one person who can actually give us some info about Entity 303, and I think you can guess who it can be.”

“Well, who’s that guy?”

There was a brief moment of silence between us as we walked, and in that moment, we could hear the rustling of the grass and the soft whisperings of the breeze.

I began to explain, “Do you remember having a dream when you and your friends were on a mission to find the Polarite? When I told how Herobrine got taken hostage by a stranger enveloped in a fog of darkness?”
It took GameKnight a bit of time to connect all the pieces. When he was done, I saw a look of shock painted on his face.

“Oh my god, you can’t be serious.”

“Yeah, I’m totally serious.” I nodded, “Not even a silver of the word ‘Joke’ in there, just so you know.”

“Herobrine is the guy who has insider information of this Entity 303!?” GameKnight exclaimed, “I thought he was dead!”

“Dumping a chest full of his Experience Points into someplace you think he’ll never return probably doesn’t have a permanent effect in destroying Herobrine.” I recalled from one of his books.

“Um… I don’t-“

I chuckled, “Hopefully, I didn’t make that a little… uncomfortable. Ah… here we are.”

The arena appeared in the distance. It was a small, circular (As circular as you’ll ever get in Minecraft) arena with walls made of iron blocks.

There were also strips of diamond, gold, and emerald cutting through the top of the walls, with glass cubes at the uppermost of the arena curving into the center, but left a gaping hole in the middle.

“That’s the arena?” GameKnight asked.

“Yeah,” I simply replied, “Took a few hundred years to find all the ores and build that thing.”

GameKnight stared at me in amazement and disbelief, I shrugged it off.

We went over to the door of the arena and I opened up the doors. Inside, there were the walls of the arena that looked exactly like the walls on the outside, the floor was made of iron blocks. I found swords of all types hanging off one of the walls on the left with the hilt pointing to the skies. Next to it was a cabinet one block tall, that stashed all the rolled up mats (A.k.a. carpets), sticks to practice as swords (Don’t ask), and arrows with wool tips for shooting at live targets. There were armor stands filled with all kinds of armors, mostly iron armor but there was also some diamond as well, some armor stands were empty as well. Bows hung from the walls with chests filled with arrows (Not that I use any of them anyways), and beside them were different kinds of targets for shooting.

GameKnight studied all the equipment me and my friends have and ask me, “What happens if somebody steals all those weapons?”

“A lot of those swords, bows, and armors are almost broken here,” I replied, “It doesn’t really matter if someone steals it, it’ll be useless in battle anyways… like this one.”

I walked up to the hanging swords within the arena’s equipment and took a diamond sword. The sword was cracked and chipped, pieces of diamond fell off and to the iron ground. I flicked the tip of the blade with my hands, and the pieces came flying off the sword, one of them narrowly missing GameKnight’s head.

“GameKnight… I need to tell you something…” I started as I placed the chipped sword back.

“What?” GameKnight asked.

“It’s about this… world.” I said, almost as a whisper, “Last time you came here to help us fight Herobrine, I forgot to tell you about this place.”

“Well, what about this server?”

“Actually, GameKnight… This place isn’t a server.” I said as a matter of fact. I turned around to face him and saw a confused look on GameKnight’s face. “You’ve been to The Source, right?” I asked GameKnight, he simply nodded.

“This place… isn’t on any of the server planes, it’s off the grid.” I continued, “No user are able to access this place, ever.”

“So you mean… restricted from this world?” GameKnight asked.

“Not restricted,” I corrected, “It’s simply just out of all the user’s reach, but this place isn’t very well known anyways.”

There was a moment of silence between us. In that moment, I used my powers to take out a target from the stacks of equipment’s and placed it on the opposite wall. The target was a wooden, circular (Pixelated, of course) target with red striped surrounding the bulls-eye. I opened my hands, and my signature ice crystal bow and arrow appeared from my powers. Aiming at the target, I fired three quick shots at it, all of them penetrating the bulls-eye.

“So about Herobrine… is he really still alive?” GameKnight asked with fear creeping into his voice, something I don’t often hear from him.

I sighed, “Well, yeah… Herobrine’s still here. In this world, especially.”

“Wha… How!?” GameKnight exclaimed.

“You took the Gateway of Light on the day Herobrine was… ‘Killed’, right?” I recalled from one of his books, “You saw your father smash that memory chip when you woke up in the physical world, yeah?”

“Yeah, I saw him did it.” GameKnight simply replied.

“Your father did it too early,” I began to explain, GameKnight looked at me and I saw disbelief in his eyes, “Once MonkeyPants smashed the memory chip, Herobrine sensed that his escape route has been destroyed. So instead of going back into the internet, he teleported onto this world.”

“So, what you’re asking me is to help you defeat Herobrine once again?” GameKnight asked me, fear dripping off of his mouth. I can sense that he doesn’t want to face the virus ever again, not that I could blame him, I don’t want to get locked in a battle to the death with Herobrine himself.

“Actually, GameKnight. Herobrine isn’t our enemy this time…” I trailed off, afraid of what I’m going to tell him next.

“Who is it?” GameKnight asked me politely, but I can hear him getting more impatient every second I don’t tell him.

“You don’t remember me telling you? It’s–” I started to say, but was interrupted by the sound of the arena doors opening. I turned to the door and saw Steve and Herobrine walk through the doorway.

I felt GameKnight behind me tense as he reached for his sword.

“Dude, don’t do it,” I quietly sneered at GameKnight.

Translation: Don’t make Herobrine angry/freak out or you’ll get blasted to bits before you can even reach for your sword.

“But he-” GameKnight began, but I interrupted once again.

“I know GameKnight.” I whispered, “But this time, you have to keep it cool between you and Herobrine.” When I glanced at Herobrine again, I noticed he saw GameKnight standing beside me, and instantly his face went pale, I noticed Herobrine trying to avoid looking at the User-that-is-not-a-User. I looked behind me and saw GameKnight doing the same thing.

“Hey, Steve,” I said casually, trying to ignore the tension building up between the two enemies, “What are you guys doing here? I thought you were showing MonkeyPants around this place.”

“I know, Frosty,” Steve replied, “But your girlfriend dug up some stories about our enemy in the library. You guys need to come back to check it out.”

Once Steve said ‘Girlfriend’, I instantly felt my face go red.

“Wait… you have a girlfriend!?” GameKnight exclaimed, I have never told him that I have a relationship, not even the last time he came here.

I didn’t need you to scream that out loud, GameKnight999, I thought, they probably heard you in the physical world, probably in Florida… or maybe all the way in China.

“Later.” I told him as casually as possible, but red faces never go unnoticed. GameKnight just shrugged, Steve rolled his eyes, and I heard Herobrine covering his mouth snickering. Never heard Herobrine so happy since the last time he killed a thousand Minecrafters.

“C’mon, guys. Times ticking.” Steve said shamelessly.

Alright then, I thought as me and GameKnight walked out the doors of the arena with Steve and Herobrine.

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