
The Minecraft Diaries – Secrets under the Surface – The Zombie Kid

(This story takes place two weeks after Mark’s Trouble in Zombie-Town)

-= FrozenBoy20 – The Zombie Kid =-

“There’s a freaking zombie in my house, dude!” Steve sneered at me.

It was nighttime, me and Cassie were visiting Steve’s home to check on Alex to see if her left leg looked any better after the she broke it on our last quest. It was much better than me and Cassie expected, which we were happy for.

What we didn’t expect to see was a zombie kid sitting at the dining table munching on a few slices of pork.

“Jeez, then why’d you let it in?” I asked him.

“Alex insisted and I couldn’t argue back!” Steve said, and I rolled my eyes.

I stole a look at the zombie kid sitting at the dining table. It was a young guy with the usual rotting green flesh, wearing a painted shirt that looked like a beautiful sunset on the horizon and the usual navy blue pants zombies always got.

Who painted the shirt for that kid? I thought.

“Well, you should notice that this one is different.” I whispered, “That thing’s not attacking any one of us.”

“That’s the part where it gets weird.” I heard him say, “Did you notice the shirt that guy’s wearing?”

I looked back at the zombie kid, “Yeah, I saw it. Who painted it, though?”

“Probably by himself or one of his friends. Either one of those.” Steve replied. “I’ve never seen a zombie that artistic, though.”

I took a closer at the zombie. It had a distant look on its face and in its dark eyes, and I have a feeling this zombie came from a completely different place, maybe even a different server, probably because I heard the zombie mutter some words like ‘Monet113’ (Which I believe is one of its friends, although I have no idea how a zombie can be friends with a user, unless Monet113 is a zombie and has the name of a user, which I concluded that the chances of that are pretty much zero.), ‘Ba-Jin’ (Probably another one of its friends.), something about another server, and war raging across that land.

A zombie coming from a completely different world. I didn’t know Minecrafters and mobs could jump from server to server.

“What do you want to do with that guy?” Steve asked me.

“I don’t know… Do you even know this little guy’s name? You should probably ask for this zombie’s name.” I suggested.

“I don’t think zombies have names.”

“Just go ahead and ask the kid.”

“How about you do it.”

“You’re the one that should do it. We don’t want to overwhelm this guy.” I explained, “You’re the one that answered the door anyways.”

I heard Steve sigh, “Fine.” He stood up and began towards the dining table, towards the zombie kid.

Steve sat down at the dining table next to the zombie kid. The little guy looked up from the pork chops he was eating, its black eyes still seemingly cloudy and distant.

“So, I don’t know what to call you…” Steve began, “I just want to know what your name is?”

Not the smoothest exchange I’ve heard from Steve, but don’t blame us because we’re not used to having a little chat with hostile mobs.

“You… you want to know my name?” The zombie asked, I assumed it’s a girl because of the voice she has. I didn’t know mobs have gender either.

Steve nodded slowly.

“My name…” She looked back at her pork chops again, probably thinking about whether she should say it or not, unless she doesn’t have one.

Maybe Steve’s right, I thought, maybe zombies don’t have names.

She looked back at Steve and said the one sentence that blew our theory apart.

“My name is Da-Ray.”

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