by Mark Cheverton | Mar 8, 2024 | Fan Fiction
“The attacking army was starting to close in on Jackson’s party when suddenly someone yelled, “HELP THAT GROUP!” Coming to a stop, the army general turned around, and fear replaced confidence as another militia joined the fray. “RETREAT!” The army general yelled. As...
by Mark Cheverton | Mar 6, 2024 | Fan Fiction
Gathering everyone’s attention, Jackson pulled out a block of cobblestone and placed it on the ground, and jumped on top of it. “I know many of you are getting accustomed to being trapped in Minecraft, but not everyone in the world has played, and there will be people...
by Mark Cheverton | Mar 4, 2024 | Fan Fiction
After seeing the mysterious attacker run off, Jackson and everyone that was around him turned to head back to the small group of homes. “Max, where did you get that enchanted gold sword?” Jackson asked. “After we mined iron, we came up from the mine and started...
by Mark Cheverton | Mar 1, 2024 | Fan Fiction
Jackson and most of the parents started to mine down looking for iron, so that they can have a decent set of armor and weapons for the inexperienced parents. Pulling out his stone pickaxe, Jackson started mining down to the area where players usually found the metal....
by Mark Cheverton | Feb 21, 2024 | Fan Fiction
FOR MINECRAFT The battle cry I hear as the field is overtaken by Xa-Tull with his broken ear Malacoda is flying Through the stormy skies While Shavalack is searching with her blood red eyes Erebus is teleporting out of Feyds way while Charybdis is shooting His...