by Mark Cheverton | Dec 11, 2021 | Fan Fiction
The Emeralds of Xythina Chapter 1 The smell of fresh-cooked bacon woke Lightning as he rolled over in his sleeping bag. He got up from his bed and walked over to his mom.”Can I help?” he asked.”Sure, you can wash the dishes.” his mom said....
by Mark Cheverton | Dec 11, 2021 | GiantNames
Skrall ScorpionStinger
by Mark Cheverton | Dec 4, 2021 | Fan Fiction
Chapter 1: Chapter 2: The Algae Voices of Azule Chapter 3 The twins hid in their hidey-hole all day, too afraid to go to school; that...
by Mark Cheverton | Nov 28, 2021 | Fan Fiction
The Zombies Strike Back: A Far Lands adventure CHAPTER ONE Watcher woke up happily, last night having to battle Krael and his monster army. The NPC’s, with the aid of magic, had destroyed countless monsters and sent Krael the Wither king, to the void, where he...
by Mark Cheverton | Nov 28, 2021 | Fan Fiction
Me and my grandfather were setting up camp in the very center of the woods, where magic was strongest. We had already finished the last few stages of camp and were ready for some magic. “Bill, could I borrow your staff for a moment, please?” my grandfather asked. I...