
Here are 3 new poems by Dina

Berry treeOh my Berry tree Those Berries so freshly goodBerry trees are best Cherry treeThis fresh cherry treeCute deer eating cherry treatsYummy cherry tree The PandaBlack and white beautyThese creatures home in the woodsOh Bamboo...

The Legends of Brookhaven by Al-Assad and Iveilah

The legends of brookhaven         Once in a server there were 2 players named Kyro_solosbulletboss and chunky_monkey18. They were pretty good friends. One day they decided to play brookhaven at 3 am in a lobby that everyone could join. But one day there was a problem...

Here is a new story from Mariah

Chapter 1 “Come on we have to go” says Peter “I’m coming” says Kane “i’m leaving with or without you says” peter says“fine fine you don’t gotta be so harsh” says kane. They both run outside to the bus “grab a seat” the bus driver says “four stops...

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